President Peter Mutharika has declared a state of disaster in 20 districts affected by armyworm.
This is according to a press statement issued and signed by presidential secretary Mgeme Kalirani dated 16th December, 2017.
Kalirani says Mutharika in accordance with powers conferred upon him in Section 32 (1) of the Disaster Preparedness and Relief Act, has declared a state of disaster in all the districts that have been affected by the fall of army worm infestation Disaster areas from, 15th December, 2017.
“The President has been informed that since the onset of 2017/2018 cropping season and as at 8th December 2017, the Fall Armyworms had affected a total of 20 out of 28 districts in the country, affecting thousands of hectares and 133,083 farming families in the process,” reads the statement.
According to the statement, Government is putting in place measures to contain the spread of the Fall Armyworm.
“Government, through the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Development (MoAIWD) and development partners, is implementing interventions to contain the spread and impact of the Fall Armyworm outbreak. So far, a cumulative total of 56,082 litres of pesticides (i.e. Dursban and Cyperimethrin) have been procured and distributed to Agriculture Extension Planning Areas (EPA’s) where small holder farmers are accessing them for spraying infected fields,” Reads the statement.
However, the current stocks of pesticides are not adequate to contain the situation as the cropping season progresses hence there is need for more resources to procure additional pesticides.
Government therefore plans is to procure 400,000 litres of pesticides that will be distributed to farmers through.
According to Kalilani, development partners have also supported government to procure and install pheromone traps in several districts to monitor the prevalence of the pest.
This is very denderous can lead to low crop yield producton.Try to educate farmers how to treat them otherwise we will be suffering from hunger due to low production.
I think we need to hav the Army like this WORM. Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk may he can chase away Peter Mnthalika
Oh no please curb them fast. Those worms are dangerous. Lord let them not reach Zambia.
infact zambia was infested first my friend, seek news about it in zambia, it is there
It came from there,but we eradicated it,tho it destroyed our produce. That’s y am saying eradicate it fast Before it spreads again.
akafukufuku apazakuti utsizi wa mbonya ndiamene akuthana ndi anyamatawa njila zachikuda tsuzi wa mbonya umaitana nyelele so kapochi pa nyelele samamaka amaziwa kuti yalakwa amadya corner
Boma ilooooooooooooo
A political crookedly and wickedly gave away a huge some of money to bribe Parliamentarians just lastweek. Can God spare the country with this? Unfortunately innocent people will suffer. Repent otherwise God will the innocent nation.
Zoonadi God wakwiya nafe basi mbava zimenezi zatienjedza apapa zikufuula chonchi kuti ofuna kwabwino athandizepo zikafika ndalamazo azibenso eeeish
Zamzii,mbozi zinayamba chaka chatha ndiye wina azikaima lero zamziiii
Tingothandizanani a Malawi kuzikazinga kumadya basi kkkkkk mpaka boma zomwezi? President awuzeni anthu kuti mu Amy worm muli mphavu
Zomwe Zikuonesera2 Kt Chaka Chino Kwa Vuta Kulinjala
God help us
it is the duty of the government through to minister of agriculture to assist us.
someone somewhere was sleeping and he let armyworm to attack us.
so bad