Renowned local gospel artist George Mkandawire has refused to ‘die’ as a musician having released a new song, years after disappearing from the local gospel scene.
Mkandawire had a reputation for dishing out good music until he went silent in the second half of the last decade. However, his latest track sends a strong message about his surviving muscle in the art.

In Timuimbire, the Nkhampenjanga hitmaker praises God to the maximum such that he believes challenges cannot stop him from singing for the creator.
In the chorus, he sings of having no fear for evil because God protects him hence the need to praise God through singing.
A beautiful combination of vocals and instrumental makes it more of a present for 2016, thanks to the producer for a job well done. Blessed with a beautiful voice, Mkandawire just knows how exactly to sing in tandem with the beat without making any mistakes thereby proving his critics wrong.
In 2012, the artist was recognised by a Lilongwe based choir, having been featured in one of their songs. His unique touch made him stand out as he sang his heart out with the mighty chorale.
In his music career, he has managed to release great hits such as Nkhampenjanga, Thanthwe, and Ulendo. The latest Timuimbuire may as well be considered one of Mkandawire’s greatest beats of all time.
Ndindani mwa ife sanachimweko ayambe kumuponya mwala George Mkandawire??? Lake tchimo linaululika & u dont even know mwina analapa koma athu machimo tili nawo ndipo lathu likubwera tsiku tidzagwida. #Stop_Judging_Others
I really love your songs (home boy)u have my support 100 %
Hya bwana mkanda wire
Its unfortunate what happened to him, it can happen to anyone.Lets not judge him rather support the guy.I wonder kuti pano zili pati?
dont mind them God love u
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Abwana timakunyadirani,timakumbuka ma braz athu omwe adatchona kutali mthawi ya Reazon Y.
Magulu osanduka njoka aja amenewa
Iwe ndiye ndi chitsilu chenicheni, George ungamufanizire Foster ,George ndi deal aise ukuyesa snake yakoyo
I always support you George
Koma guys……..
never mind nagtivity do what you know best let them west there time as long as you manage to put food on your table big up as a musician we love you bra
Welcome back George! No matter the hearsay of many people umamayimba bhooh! Mphwanga mwana wakwathu ku Bwengo.
George u hav my support, ur unique, great composer and awesome singer. Please give us more music dont mind wat people say, preach the gospel.
Vuto xiyeyu koma nkaziyo!adavulayekha nde iye akadatani?kudya basi xadalakwe ndi iyeyu koma nkaziyo sadakhutisidwe
Mwana wa njoka usinthe!
Wachibwana uyu akagwele ndi dama lakelo asatisokose
havent you ever sinned??? Who are you to castigate and judge/condemn others??? You must be blind of your own sins i guess. Take a look at your life and you will find how pathetic you are! may be more than some of us your comrades in sinning!!
This guy knows hw to sing, missed Jijo
chigololo ndi mwini pa nkholo…..ankati atani..adawakodzerabe.tshweeeeeeee!kunowa chomene eish!!
chigololo ndi mwini pa nkholo…..
Kugonananso ndi nkazi wa malume ake,ayi arusty sign post directing to abeautiful hotel.
Amene chiyambile sanachimwepo ayambe kumugenda Munthuyu
Kodi ndani amene sadachimwepo atole mwala mugende Georgeyo.Inuso nanu mumangonyula palipo nse simungazinvele chisoni ai.
Adalanda mkazi wa atsibweni ake ameneyi. Return the wife to yo auncle then preach the Gud News of Our Lord Jesus Christ brother.
Dirankadi uyu
Mbili yako inada kale wonyenga kadzi wa Akolo ako iwe
apongozi ake aja kodi anayamba kuwalemekeza? ndinamva kuti amachita chipongwe apongozi ake mnyamatayi.mmmm ngati anabadwanso mwatsopano zili bwino poti tonse timachimwa ndithu ngakhale ine ndemwe ndinenso oipa kwa ena.
Amakonda Kukhwakhwa Akazi Aeni Ake Uyu.
Palibe za udolo apa!!not saluting you buti no more!!
Your songs always gd
Nice new yr gift please keep it up
Tumbuka wayambireso wa chita makola pake ningaleka kugula nyimbo za wa chewa wambula ku manya kugeza tuli waka nunkhununkhu na pa mubobo
Nice new years’ gift. Bring it on George
Next time make a collaboration with Gwamba,that will sound much much better
u mean prophet Gwamba
Kkkkkkkkk but u guys mwaganiza bwanji
The song is great and I like it word for word. However, a closer look at the images and the footage in the song, one wonders whether or not the song is not meant to only promote tourism in Malawi….
Gd news
is this guy around?where is he now?
Abale timve nawo atani uncle ake mukumuopseza musician anu plz zisatiduse tiuzeni yonse
Ankadya chick ya Nkozi yake you dont know?
amachindana ndi nkazi wa akolo ake kik
Past is gone forgiveness is for everyone .ndani sanachimwepo????
Ama Khwakhwa Chick Yankozi Yake
Ineyo sindinachindepo nkazi wa nkozi@Jayne
osati kungogona nayo2 ayi koma adakwatira mkazi wa amalume ake.
Kkkkk….Zichewa zinazi…..Eish…….
Akulu awa amayimba bho koma xochitika zokhazo nde ndi ayiyayayayayaaaaa
Mamwedwe Okhawo Simasewelai.
Kkkk ndiyina yake
Point of correction,the song is not his.He has just been featured by Mabantu.
U Were Silent,umaona Ngati Tiiwala Zija Unampanga Nkazi Wa Ankolo Ako? Amalawi Amaiwala Zabwino Zokha Bt Choipa Sitiiwala,koma Mwana Iwe Mpaka Apongozi Ako Kuwakwela Zuwa Likuswa Mtengo? Ndakwiya Nawe,shameful Musician!
Kkkkkkk koma adha, at amalawi amaiwala zabwino zokhazokha koma zoipa nde njeee Hahahaha ine kukomoka.
Kkk!Kkk!Pepa Mchimwene Wanga Poti Ndakomola Munthu!!
U Were Silent,umaona Ngati Tiiwala Zija Unampanga Nkazi Wa Ankolo Ako? Amalawi Amaiwala Zabwino Zokha Bt Choipa Sitiiwala,koma Mwana Iwe Mpaka Apongozi Ako Kuwakwela Zuwa Likuswa Mtengo? Ndakwiya Nawe,shameful Musician!
evry1 will come back again
Kukhwefula chipewa kwake kumeneko mkumakati obadwanso mwasopano? kodi mulunguyi m’mayesa osewela naye wanu?
yo uncle z here george with a machete in his hand mphwanga watha
How abt hs uncle?
ask george
Kkkk koma amalawi simuzatheka
kikkkkk #jerome ifetu nkhani siimatherapo timaikoka iye ankablundiranji?
George ndi dolo