Police rescue children selling food items during school hours

Chileka Police

In a bold operation, Chileka Police Station in Blantyre rescued 42 children, aged 9-16, who were found selling food items around Lunzu Trading Centre during school hours.

According to Sergeant Jonathan Phillipo, Chileka Police Public Relations Officer, the operation, conducted on Thursday, September 19, 2024, was aimed at combatting child labour and exploitation amid a surge in children selling food items and loitering during school hours.

He revealed that the operation further saw four perpetrators being arrested for alleged child labour and infringement of child rights. The rescued children have been reunited with their families, with guardians counselled to ensure the children return to school or face prosecution for continued rights infringement.

Chileka Police Station is now appealing to the public to refrain from engaging in child labour, emphasising that the law will not tolerate it. This operation serves as a stern warning to those exploiting vulnerable children.

Globally, child labor remains a pressing concern, with 218 million children aged 5-17 engaged in exploitative work, and 152 million exposed to hazardous conditions. The International Labor Organization aims to eliminate child labour by 2025.


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