Malawians rally behind prophet Bushiri with nationwide solidarity caravan

Shepherd Bushiri

A group of concerned Malawian citizens has embarked on a massive show of support for Prophet Shepherd Bushiri and his wife Mary, organizing a 1,865-kilometer solidarity caravan across the country to protest their potential repatriation to South Africa.

Participants will walk from Nsanje to Chitipa and back to Lilongwe, aiming to show solidarity with the Bushiris following a Malawi lower court’s ruling that they be repatriated to South Africa to answer alleged charges.

According to Mabvuto Mwakabana, one of the organizers of the caravan, the event is a way for Malawians to prove that they are their brothers’ keepers. “We are a grouping of concerned Malawians who have mobilized ourselves to stand with Prophet Shepherd Bushiri and his wife Mary,” Mwakabana states.

The objective of the caravan and subsequent events is to give a platform to Malawians to express their opinion regarding the repatriation of the Bushiris.

Mwakabana emphasized that when Prophet Bushiri’s life and that of his family were in danger, he relocated to Malawi for safety, and sending them back to South Africa would put them in harm’s way.

As part of the caravan, Malawians will sign petitions to authenticate their support, which will be submitted to relevant stakeholders.