MEC launches 2025 general elections


Time is up for politicians following the launch of the 2025 general elections by the Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) which took place in Lilongwe on Friday.

The Commission has launched the 2025 general elections, with a call to everyone to take up individual responsibility to help advance the democracy of the Nation through voting.

Speaking at the launch today in Lilongwe, MEC Chairperson, Annabelle Mtalimanja, said the theme for 2025 elections is “Promoting Democratic Leadership through Your Vote” and this theme will guide all election-related activities.

Mtalimanja also revealed that the Commission will conduct voter registration and everyone will have to register as a voter.

“A person shall be allowed to register for elections if they are a citizen of Malawi, if not a citizen, they must have resided in the country for at least seven consecutive years. They are eighteen (18) years old or will be eighteen by the time of voting and they live, were born, or work in the area,” said Mtalimanja.

According to Mtalimanja,  any Malawian citizen born on or before September 16, 2007, will be eligible to register to vote.

She continued to say that the fresh voter registration will use new gadgets. 

“When voter registration starts in your area, go to the centre in your ward or constituency with proof of your citizenship. At the first desk, show your proof of registration, and the voter registration officer will verify your identity. Then, you will be registered in the voter’s roll by entering your information into the gadget” she said.

To ensure that the voter registration process runs smoothly, MEC has purchased new election management devices.

According to Mtalimanja, these machines will help them maintain a high-quality, error-free register. 

She added, “We will also use these gadgets for other election-related tasks such as verifying names on the voter register, transferring polling locations, candidate information, and election results,”.

She further noted that the voter registration for the 2025 general election will be conducted in phases in different areas from September to December 2024, with specific dates to be announced in due course and the voter registration will be done for 14 days at each registration centre.

She also disclosed that the campaign for the election will start on 15 June and end on 14 September 2025.

Mtalimanja has assured the public that MEC will provide regular updates on all matters concerning the upcoming 2025 General Election with utmost transparency and accountability.

She expressed confidence in the credibility of the 2025 election in Malawi, urging all political parties and stakeholders to promote peace in the country.

She then called upon Civil Society organisations certified by MEC to collaborate effectively in raising awareness and ensuring compliance with the law.
