Kamphangala claims Some people in MCP are destroying Chakwera

Lazarus Chakwera

A Malawi Congress Party (MCP) diehard of Mvera in Dowa district Rodgers Kamphangala, has advised President Lazarus Chakwera to watch out claiming that some people in the MCP are destroying his name for Malawians to be against him.

Kamphangala said justice which was delivered to Kondwani Chimbirima Gondwe of Zolozolo CCAP Livingstonia Synod for Cybercrime charges should serve as a reminder to President Chakwera that Malawians are angry with him.

He said arresting a man of God with handcuffs, taking him from Mzuzu to Lilongwe to appear in court and the court throwing away the case for the man of God to walk to freedom, has increased tempers Malawians have with President Chakwera.

The MCP diehard said Lilongwe Principal Resident Magistrate Rodrick Michongwe while delivering bail ruling to Reverend Kondwani Chimbirima Gondwe, faulted the Malawi Police Service in the manner they have treated the man of God.

He said the Magistrate advised the police to be taking suspects to the nearest court and making arrests of suspects after investigations are concluded saying the judgement alone has put to shame the whole MCP membership.

Kamphanagala said Hon. Kamlepo Kalua was arrested in Blantyre for the same Cybercrime charges, he travelled to Lilongwe while in handcuffs, spending three nights in police cells only to be granted police bail for mistaken identity.

He said Political activist Bon Kalindo was arrested in Salima brought to Lumbadzi police Station, taken to Nkhunga Police Station in Dwangwa – Nkhotakota, travelled back with him to Area 12 police station, spending five nights in police cells claiming that this is speaking to itself that some people are working hard to destroy President Chakwera and his government image.

The MCP diehard has asked Minister of Homeland Security Kenneth Zikhale Ng’oma to explain to Malawians the motive behind transferring suspects from one cell to another and away from the reach of their families, relatives and friends.

“President Chakwera has not failed to govern the country but he is surrounded by people that are not wishing him well to succeed in the 2025 elections,” said Kamphangala.

He said this is the time for President Chakwera to prove to Malawians whether he is in control of the country or not advising him to reshuffle his cabinet to pave the way for those who are destroying him to be axed and rejoin the citizens who are in pain and suffering.

Kamphangala has noted with great concern that the Tonse Alliance government has non-performing presidential advisors and Ministers wondering what is at the heart of President Chakwera’s failure to fire those who are destroying his name.


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