Healthwise partners with World Vision in Dowa schools Quiz competition

World Vision - Healthwise

Healthwise in partnership with World Vision says Quiz competition helps learners to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills and enhance knowledge and learning among learners as well as contribute to improved academic performance in schools.

Healthwise and World Vision have been conducting a national quiz competition program to improve literacy among learners of Standard three to eight in English, Mathematics, Chichewa, Life Skills, Social and Environmental Studies and science subjects in the Dowa district.

21 Primary Schools from seven Education zones surrounding Lipiri and Kasangazi Area Development Program in the area of Traditional Authority Chakhaza with an enrolment of about 22,000 learners participated in the quiz competition which saw two schools Chilimmimba and Chimbuli qualifying for the Dowa district quiz finals.

Chimbuli Primary School emerged the winner in a closely contested fight by 105 points to 104 and has qualified for the regional finals to be held at a venue to be announced later, it will compete with the winning schools from Ntchisi, Ntcheu and Mchinji.

Speaking at Chikhobwe primary school after presenting prizes to the winning teams, Healthwise Programs Coordinator Innocent Uladi, said his organization is committed to the principle that every child has a right to education in the Dowa district.

Uladi expressed his gratitude to World Vision as their partner for unwavering support in making sure that schools meeting in Quiz competitions receive the necessary resources such as exercise books, umbrellas, school bags and flip charts, among others.

“The Quiz competitions have seen large numbers of guardians and parents actively involved in supporting the children during the competition,” he said.

On his part, World Vision District Programs Manager for Dowa and Kasungu Arnold Tsalayekha called for concerted efforts by all players such as traditional leaders, pupils, parents and the entire community to develop strategies that will ensure that quiz is held in schools even without any external support.

Tsalayekha said World Vision decided to hold a quiz competition targeting primary school children in the Dowa district to enhance learner involvement in literacy activities in and outside schools saying the quiz is not only helping current learners but an encouragement to those who dropped out of school to return and continue their education.

“World Vision is looking forward to reaching as many learners as possible in the Dowa district through quiz competition,” he said.

In his remarks, Francis Kaliyati, Primary Education Advisor (PEA) for Chimungu Education Zone, praised the quiz competition for preparing learners to always search for information and knowledge from books and teachers and making them rich in knowledge.