Monetization Challenges for Malawian Content Producers

Chippie Malawi

Malawi’s online streaming community is growing rapidly, with many Malawian creators producing high-quality content that resonates with both local and international audiences. However, despite their popularity, many Malawian streamers are struggling to monetize their content due to limited access to monetization streams.

According to Malawian content creator Dr. Com, the lack of the YouTube Partners Program, TikTok Creator Fund, or TikTok Ad Revenue Sharing Program, which allow creators to earn from ads, is a significant hurdle.

“It is sad that we don’t have the TikTok fund here in Malawi. TikTok fund pays around 4 cents per 1,000 views. If you get 1 million views, you get 40 dollars. To get a substantial amount of money, you need around 5 million views, but here in Malawi, we don’t have that,” he said.

Dr Com Malawi
Dr Com reflects on content creator’s monetisation challenges

He also emphasised the challenges posed by the TikTok algorithm. “Making videos on TikTok is tough. You might have nice ideas, but TikTok may decide not to push your video because of the algorithm,” he said. “TikTok wants you to make the same type of content. If you observe Chippie, he makes the same content all the time with different themes, but for someone like me who is always changing content, TikTok doesn’t push my videos anymore.”

He added that sometimes creators face pressure to make content they are not comfortable with.

Chippie, another Malawian content creator, said it is difficult to make money as a Malawian creator. “Yes, it is difficult to get revenue from your content here in Malawi since TikTok doesn’t pay anyone here,” he said. “But sometimes, there are other ways to make money from your content, such as going live and receiving gifts. However, there is a high chance that you can be betrayed, as the money cannot be withdrawn, unlike in other countries like South Africa.

Chippie also mentioned that music promotion is another way to make money, but some people might not consider your standards as a Malawian content creator because it takes more time to develop a concept. He also faces the challenge of audience engagement. “People comment on bad things on every post I make, and it is time-consuming. The outcome might not be as good as we planned,” he said.

He added that content creation might positively impact social issues by raising awareness through social media campaigns.

Dingiswayo Malawi

Dennis Imaan, a digital creator, said local brands and businesses in Malawi can be encouraged to invest in online advertising by understanding the vast reach and targeting capability of digital platforms. “When local brands understand the role of Malawian content creators, they can reach a wider audience and do targeted advertising to specific demographics and interests,” he said.

Speaking on how Malawian content creators can increase their online visibility, he suggested creating high-quality, engaging, and consistent content. “Collaborating with other Malawian creators and influencers to tap into their audiences is a great way to increase your visibility,” he said. He also advised staying up to date with platform changes and adjusting strategies accordingly.

Edward Kamanga, a media scholar at Mzuzu University, said digital content creation has had both positive and negative impacts on traditional media in Malawi. “Online streaming has forced traditional media to adapt by finding online means to provide their content,” he said. “It has also increased competition with traditional media as people are torn between viewing content online or through traditional methods such as newspapers.”

Regarding trends and developments in digital media, he noted an increase in internet usage and technology literacy in Malawi in recent years. Malawian content creators need to be aware of these developments. He added that digital media can be used to promote social change and development in Malawi by raising awareness of social issues, offering education and training through online webinars, and providing access to information and resources in health and financial inclusion.
