TC’s second round of crop estimate survey shows a 17% increase in Tobacco production

Tobacco Market Malawi

A second survey conducted by the Tobacco Commission (TC) for the 2023/2024 tobacco farming season has projected a 17% increase from what was produced in the 2023 season.

Public Relations Officer for the commission, Telephorus Chigwenembe says the report projects production of 140 million Kilogrammes of the leaf and it shows that in 2023 Tobacco weighing 120 million kilogrammes was sold.

He added that the first round of crop estimates survey conducted in January 2024 had shown a 21% increase in 2024 tobacco production from that of 2023.

 “The latest report attributes the decrease in the projected production from 146 million to 140 million kilogrammes due to prolonged dry spells in most parts of the country and poor establishment and performance of some Dark Fire Cured tobacco in the Northern region,” he explained

The report of the first nationwide survey attributed the improved production to the increase in hectarage as a result of the good prices offered in 2023, increased number of growers, increased sponsorship, and availability of inputs.

Tobacco estimate surveys in Malawi are conducted by players in the industry and are coordinated by the Tobacco Commission.

The Commission is a statutory corporation mandated to regulate the production and marketing of tobacco in Malawi.

The corporation’s mission is to provide regulatory services, promote compliant tobacco production and marketing systems in a transparent and environmentally friendly manner using modern technologies.