Minister of Climate Change and Natural Resources Michael Usi has asked the department of fisheries and all fish stakeholders in the country to prioritise on producing and preserving more fish for export.
Usi made the call on Wednesday in Salima during the launch of ‘The save Chambo Campaign’ under the theme “Build Enabling Environmental for small-scale fisheries.”
He said that currently the department is doing well in fisheries activities and it has a lot of potential of exporting more fish outside the country whilst generating foreign currency for the country.
Usi said: “The department’s performance lately has been overwhelming as we have seen it producing more fish than before, so if we are producing more fish it’s also very easy for the department to start producing for export as they have got full capacity for that.
“I have asked the department to make sure that in 2024 we should start exporting large quantities of fish and all the necessary measure will be put in place to make sure that we are successful.”
He also said that the department should make sure that there is discipline in the fish sector as without discipline nothing will be achieved and there will be no progress.
“We are going to make sure that our fishing industry is protected and we are not going to allow anyone fishing during breeding season,” he said.
A representative responsible for Programs at Food and Agriculture Organisation in Malawi, George Phiri said fish is a potential foreign exchange earner in the country and the organisation will continue supporting the fish industry in the country to make sure that a lot of communities are benefiting.
Phiri said that he is very optimistic that the fishing industry will continue growing in the country and more fish export will be made.
A Member of Ngodzi fish Cooperative in Salima, Beston Tobias hailed the department of fisheries for the continued support and for promoting value addition to the fish as it is helping them to realise more income.
Reported by Golden Kang’oma