Chakwera displeased with coups in Africa

Lazarus Chakwera speaking at The Africa Europe Foundation and Democracy Delivers by USAID in the United States where he condemnd coups

President Lazarus Chakwera has expressed displeasure over the increase in coups in Africa and has told western governments to implement solutions aimed at stopping coups.

The Malawi leader was speaking during the Africa Europe Foundation and Democracy Delivers event organised by USAID.

Writing on his Facebook page, Chakwera said he raised strong concern and displeasure at the increased number of cases where non-sanctioned elements are snatching power from democratically-elected leadership.

He described this as the erosion of constitutionalism in some parts of Africa

“As part of a solution, I have advised Western governments to stop colonising African economic assets and financial systems, discourage African leaders from stashing corrupt proceeds in Western banks and prosecute western citizens that aid corruption in Africa,” said Chakwera who was elected in fresh presidential elections in 2020.

His remarks comes a few weeks after Gabon President Ali Bongo Ondimba was was toppled from power on August 30, shortly after being declared the winner of much-criticised elections that would have seen him extend his 14-year rule as president.

The coup in Gabon is the eighth in west and central Africa since 2020.

Successful coups have also been carried out in Niger in July 2023, in Burkina Faso in 2022, in Chad, Sudan and Guinea in 2021 and in Mali in 2020.
