Pastors who survived Cyclone Freddy ask for bibles


Mulanje based pastors, who survived the aftermath of cyclone Freddy earlier this year, have asked well wishers to help them with religious books including bibles which they say were lost during the devastation.

The pastors who are members of Gawani Pastor’s Fraternal from Traditional Authority Njema in Mulanje district, made the plea on Tuesday, 20th June, 2023 when World Vision Malawi in partnership with Bible Society of Malawi distributed some bibles.

The pastors told World Vision Malawi and the Bible Society of Malawi officials that they are currently finding it difficult to effectively deliver pastoral services in their respective churches since they lost some books which are key to preaching the word of God.

One of the pastors said in some areas it has reached a point of standing on the pulpit with no single backing book, not even the Holy bible which they say are yet to be replaced after Cyclone Freddy which hit most parts in the southern region.

Chairperson of Gawani Pastor’s Fraternal Clement Makina who lead Heart of God church at Ndala village, while thanking World Vision and Bible Society of Malawi for the gesture, told Malawi24 that most of them lost their bibles and other important religious books.

“The bibles which we are getting today from World Vision, are so crucial in our day to day lives and we are so thankful to this organisation. You know we were hit by cyclone Freddy, so all our belongings were washed away. Most of us here, do not have bibles and other important spiritual books.

“We are therefore asking well wishers to continue helping us as we continue recovering from the tragedy. We still need more religious books that include; bibles, hymns, even text books,” said Makina.

World Vision Malawi Zone Associate Director for Operations for the south, Takondwa Mwale, said the donation of the bibles courtesy of Bible Society of Malawi is one way of strengthening the pastors’ faith after surviving the disaster.

“When disaster has happened, there are a number of issues and one of them is people lose hope. People have come here to distribute clothes, food and other stuffs, but bible is an important piece as it provides hope, love and faith in such trying times, hence partnering Bible Society of Malawi in this bible distribution exercise,” said Mwale.

He then encouraged the pastors to stand strong, have faith on God and remain committed to the pastoral service saying challenges do come to strengthen one’s faith.

On the other hand, Bible Society of Malawi Distribution Manager Herbert Chagunda, said their involvement in the noble course is because they are committed to their vision of “bible for everyone.”

Like Peter in the Holy bible on Acts 3:6, Chagunda said Bible Society of Malawi do not have silver and gold to meet the other needs of the affected pastors, hence donating 550 bibles to Gawani Pastor’s Fraternal which he said are key to spiritual growth.

The Distribution Manager further mentioned that the society has directly partnered with churches in both three main regions for the bible distribution project which he said is valued at K18 million.

Some of the donated bibles are children bibles which will be used to teach children in the beneficiary areas the Christian life.

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