Man jailed 10 years for stealing items worth K4.8m


Lilongwe First Grade Magistrate’s Court has sentenced a 53-year-old man, Brian Chisomo Banda, to 10 years imprisonment with hard labour for breaking into a house and stealing items valued at K4.8 million.

Public Relations Officer for Lingadzi Police Station Sub Inspector Salomy Zgambo has confirmed the conviction of Brian Chisomo Banda.

Sub Inspector Zgambo told Malawi24 that court through state prosecutor Sergeant Gladson Chimseu heard that on May 15 2023, Banda in company of others broke into a house and went away with 2 laptops, phones and K90,000.00 cash, all valued to MK4,800,000.00.

She further said that Chinseu told the court that the thieves, after breaking into the house, demanded 10 Million Kwacha saying that they got information that the victim had the said amount.

Appearing before court, Brian Chisomo Banda was convicted on his own plea of guilt while his co-accused persons denied the charges.

In submission, the state pleaded with the court for stiffer punishment, saying that despite the fact that some items were recovered, the victim was vulnerable along with her two children.

State prosecutor Sergeant Chimseu added that the victim was tied both hands and legs and the thieves threatened to kill her if she dared to shout.

In mitigation, Banda pleaded with the court for leniency, saying that he is a first offender and that he did not waste courts time by pleading guilty to the charges.

Passing judgement, First Grade Magistrate Imran Phiri concurred with the state that victim was lucky not to be hacked or killed.

Therefore, First Grade Magistrate Phiri slapped Brian Chisomo Banda to 10 years imprisonment with hard labour.

Brian Chisomo Banda hails from Nkhave village in Traditional Authority Kapichi in Thyolo District.

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