Zomba Diocese Catholic Women Organisation (CWO) has organised Christmas boxing fundraising dance at Great Hall at University of Malawi in Zomba to raise K6.5 million for a maize mill project and other activities.
CWO fundraising chairperson, Prisca Chirwa, told Malawi24 that the organisation decided to hold the fundraising dance to finish maize mill project and pay Escom connection fee on the mill while the remaining resources will be used for other activities lined up for the year, 2023.
“We have a vision to do greater things and we believe that CWO will become one of the successful women organisations in future,” Chirwa added.
She said the CWO has limited financial resources but with a lineup of fundraising strategies, they hope to raise funds to build an office complex.
Chirwa therefore urged people in Zomba and other places to patronise the dance so that the CWO should raise a lot of cash.
The CWO Fundraising chairperson said entrance charge is K15,000 per head and Lucius Banda will be the main artist performing.
“I am sure the dance will raise enough cash ,” Chirwa adding that that she looked forward to seeing women representatives from 20 parishes under the Zomba Diocese as well as catholic priests attending the event.
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