Mbera Resource centre constructed with GESD funds
Traditional leaders in Balaka have commended Balaka District Council for transparency and accountability in the running of the Governance to Enable Service Delivery (GESD) project which they claim has solutions to various challenges affecting people in the district.
In the first phase of the project, Balaka district council received a sum of K209 million while in the second phase of the project has seen the sum increased to K476 million.
Chief’s council Chairperson in the District, Senior Chief Chanthunya, observes that there is high sense of financial prudence as well as a good working relationship between the council Secretariat and the chiefs, making the project successful in the district.

Chanthunya said: ”As Traditional leaders,we commend the council for working in unison with us. This relationship helps us a lot in terms of projects monitoring and evaluation and as representatives of the people in our communities. Residents in the district stands to benefit alot the project is addressing critical issues like health, education and agriculture.”
The senior chief however urged all the stakeholders in the project to continue being pro-active in monitoring exercises in order to get standard results for the betterment of the general population of people in the district.
Director of Planning and Development (DPD) at Balaka District Council, Edgar Chihana, said despite escalation of prices of various items at the market, the council has managed to keep the project on track, adding that there is tremendous progress.
According to Chihana, among other projects, during the first phase of the project, the council managed to construct Mbera Resource centre, a maternity wing at Chimatiro health centre and shops situated in Balaka bus terminal. Plans are in the pipeline to construct Nkasi community day secondary school, Nkaya and Mulunguzi health centres.
In its effort to step up sanitation levels in the district, the council plans to construct concrete refuge bins in several markets.
The project is being implemented with funding from the National Local Government Finance Committee (NLGFC).
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