Husband scalds wife with hot water in Mangochi


Mangochi Police  have arrested Missi Bwanali, 30, who poured  hot water on his wife after accusing her of delaying in serving him supper at Mpinganjira Village Traditional Authority Mponda.

Mangochi Police Station Publicist Sub Inspector Amina Tepani Daudi said on the evening of April 9, 2022 the suspect who is a fisherman returned home while drunk and found the victim Nancy Bwanali, 32, about to cook supper.

Daudi added that the suspect shouted at his wife accusing Nancy of taking long to prepare food to the extent that the two picked a quarrel.

“In the heat of the argument, the husband took a pot of hot water from the fire and poured the water it on the face of the wife before fleeing,” she explained.

The Publicist went on to say that the neighbours rushed the woman to Mangochi District Hospital where she is receiving treatment after sustaining severe burns.

The suspect has now been arrested and will appear before court to answer the charge of acts intended to cause grievous harm which contravenes section 235 of the Penal code.

Meanwhile police in the district are appealing to couples to stop gender based violence whenever they have family disagreements in order to prevent committing serious crimes.

Bwanali hails from Maldeco Village Traditional Authority Mponda in Mangochi.