828 Malawians arriving today from SA


Fourteen buses carrying 828 self-repatriated Malawian returnees and deportees, are scheduled to arrive in the country through the Mwanza border formation today.

Confirming the development was Mwanza border public publicist Inspector Pasqually Zulu who said four buses amongst this 33rd batch, are carrying 226 Malawians deportees who were being kept at Lindera holding facility for violating South Africa’s Immigration laws.

Inspector Zulu said amongst these Malawian deportees, 217 are men while nine are women whereas the remaining ten buses has a population of 602 Malawians with 267 men, 229 women and 106 minors.

He added that as per new government guidelines, all these returnees will be exposed to all health protocols, security checks and then goods clearance by the Malawi Revenue Authority officials before being released to their respective destinations.

Meanwhile, Zulu has hailed mutual understanding and good working relationship between key border agencies at Mwanza border and the Mozambican counterparts at Zobue border.

He has described the relationship as a catalyst for the timely clearance of Malawian returnees and the travelling community who are bringing in essential goods into the country in the wake of Covid-19 global health crisis.

“The observation was made following the appreciation on assistance rendered by the Mozambican border authorities at Zobue during the self-repatriation exercise of Malawian returnees since the onset of the excise on May 23rd 2020.

“During this exercise, some buses could arrive at the Mozambican border beyond closure time at 9pm but still more they could be assisted, so we are very humbled for that and not forgetting all other key border agencies,” said Zulu.

Furthermore, Zulu has thanked all traditional leaders and people living along Mwanza border for being very vigilant and cooperative in making sure that border authorities are working in line with their ethics so as to prevent the importation and spread of Covid-19 into the country.