Tsar Leo drops debut album

Tsar Leo

Renowned hip-hop artist Tsar Leo real name Levison Siwale has dropped his first album since joining the music industry.

Speaking in an interview, Tsar Leo said the album was released on Friday, May 21 and it is called ENERGY.

It comprises 16 tracks which he has featured different well known artists.

“I thought it wise to name the album Energy because it tells the story on how much effort I have sacrificed to become who I am today in the music industry and also it took my hard-work to finish this album hence Energy,” Leo said.

He further said that there are plans to launch the album through tours but due to the Covid-19 pandemic he has rescheduled the launch until the public gatherings start getting allowed again.

“The album can be bought online because we don’t have that opportunity to launch it and it is very cheap, I should also appreciate my fans for being patient while I was recording this album and I promise them to deliver what they deserve as part 2 of Energy is underway,” Leo added.
