President Peter Mutharika has fired all cabinet ministers including Minister of Disaster Everton Chimulirenji who was appointed just over two weeks ago.
Mutharika has used powers conferred upon him by sec 95 (2) of the constitution of the Republic of Malawi to dissolve his cabinet with effect from today, 13th March 2020.
According to Chief Secretary to the Government Lloyd Muhara, following the dissolution of the cabinet and until the appointment of a new cabinet, all ministerial powers, functions and responsibilities shall vest in and be exercised by His Excellency the President.
Muhara has asked Malawians to direct all queries or matters requiring the attention of cabinet ministers to the Office of the President and Cabinet.
He has also advised all members of the dissolved cabinet – which had 18 ministers and six deputy ministers – to consult his office for appropriate administrative arrangements.
The dissolution of the cabinet comes weeks after Mutharika’s Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) formed an alliance with the United Democratic Front (UDF).
It is expected that Mutharika will include UDF members in the next cabinet which will be appointed months before the fresh presidential elections.