The United Nations Educational, Science and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) has donated teaching and learning materials to primary schools which were affected by the March 2019 Cyclone Idai-induced floods.
Speaking in Chiradzulu District on Friday (15th November) when he presided over the official handover ceremony, Vice President and Minister responsible for Disaster Management Affairs, Everton Herbert Chimulirenji described the donation as ‘special and thoughtful.’

“For the record, the education sector is one of the sectors that was heavily affected by the March 2019 floods. The Post Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA) report indicated that the floods caused damages to 154 out of 2460 public primary schools and that US$12.4 million was needed to replace damaged text books for learners,” said Chimulirenji.
He then commended UNESCO and the entire UN family for the donation, saying it would make a difference.
The vice president called upon teachers and learners to use the donated items, which include text books for standards one up to eight, teachers’ guides and chalk boards, among others, for their intended purposes.
Chairman of the Malawi National Commission for UNESCO, Justin Saidi, said the commission knocked on UNESCO’s door in Paris following the devastating floods.
“The education sector was heavily affected, classroom blocks, teaching and learning materials were damaged. We asked our [UNESCO] headquarters in France for a donation and we got a favourable response, we hope that the donation will make a difference,” said Saidi, who is also the Secretary for Education, Science and Technology.