Paramount Lundu inducts Chewa chief council


The newly elected Bwalo La Achewa Foundation chief council has been inducted by Chewa paramount Chief, Lundu of Chikwawa.

The chief council which include some notable figures such as Kalonga (Salima), Kaomba (Kasungu), Kaluluma (Kasungu), Nkhanga (Nkhotakota) and others from Central and southern region, were on 2nd March, 2019 introduced to Lundu at his headquarters in Chikwawa.

Chewa paramount Chief Lundu hosting newly elected Bwalo La Achewa Foundation chief council in Chikwawa.

At an assembly meeting held in Dowa in February this year, paramount Chief Lundu was elected in absentia as patron of the Foundation with Senior Chief Kalonga of Salima as his vice mandated to achieve the goals and aspirations of the Chewa people in Malawi.

The Executive Director of Bwalo La Achewa Foundation, Reverend Flywell Somanje, expressed hope that once the Foundation is fully launched, paramount Chief Lundu will be initiating the appointment of a paramount Chewa chief in the Central Region who will be approved by the country’s head of state and government.

Rev. Somanje said for a long time in the country’s history, the Chewa tribe had no forum which could be used for their voices to be heard as one and at the same time preserving its cultural values.

He said paramount Chief Lundu is the senior advisor to the chief council whose role will be providing guidance on how best to run the Bwalo La Achewa Foundation in Malawi.

The Reverend said Lundu was being sidelined by the Chewa Heritage (CHEH) despite being the only ordained Chewa paramount Chief in Malawi saying the coming in of Bwalo La Achewa Foundation will restore honour and dignity for Lundu to be recognised by all the Chewas in the country.

He then urged all the Chewas in and outside Malawi to join hands and be focused in supporting the Foundation objective of seeing the Chewa tribe speak with one voice on matters of national importance.

The Bwalo La Achewa Foundation (BOLA _ CEFO) was registered by the Registrar General on 26th April, 2018 while paramount Chewa chief Lundu was installed as chief in the 1960s and has settled himself among the Amang’anja people of Chikwawa.