Association of People with Albinism in Malawi (APAM) has appealed to Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) to ensure that persons with albinism do not stay too long on the queue for registration or voting during the election period.
APAM’s President Overstone Kondowe said this on Sunday when commenting on the elections and persons with albinism.

Kondowe said voter officers should be making deliberate efforts to ensure that persons with albinism are registered as soon as they arrive at the registration centre since many of them may not be able to express their problems to the voter officers.
He noted that persons with albinism have very sensitive skin which is highly susceptible to skin cancer hence they should not be on the queue for a long time.
Kondowe added that they will also need more time in the voting booth when voting next year.
“As persons with albinism are shortsighted and though we may not need to be assisted, we need more time in the booth to closely identify the people we wish to vote for. It is my prayer that the font and picture size and colors of the ballot papers are easy for us to see, again noting our sight challenges,” he explained.
Kondowe also asked for massive security during the period saying many cases of killings of persons with albinism have been reported during election years.
He pleaded with MEC to issue a statement similar to what Swaziland Electoral Commission has issued against attacks on persons with albinism in relation to winning elections.