Bushiri amangidwa

Prophet Shepherd Bushiri

M’busa amene amaziti ndi mneneri Shepherd Bushiri analowa mchitolokosi cha a Polisi m’dziko la South Africa usiku wa loweruka.

Bushiri amene akufufuzidwa pa mlandu okuba ndalama ku South Africa kuti azizabisa ku Malawi kuno, anaitanidwa ndi a Polisi a ku joweni pa nkhani ina.

Prophet Shepherd Bushiri
Bushiri analowa mchitolokosi cha a Polisi usiku wa loweruka.

A Bushiri ati asumilidwa ndi mzimayi wina mdzikomo pa mlandu oti anamuonongela mbiri.

Mayiyo adadandaula kuti a Bushiri mu tchalitchi chawo anamutchula kuti iye ndi mfiti ndipo zinamuonongela mbiri ndi malonda.

A Polisi anapita ku mpingo wa a Bushiri mkati mwa sabata yatha koma ati abusa a mpingo wawo ndi anthu oteteza a Bushiri anawagwilagwila.

Loweluka usiku a Bushiri anakazipeleka ku Polisi komwe anadziwitsidwa za mlandu wawo.



  1. Ife tisathe mawu poti chilungamo cheni cheni amaziwa ndi Yehova tilibe nthawi yoweluza

  2. He isa truly man of God if he was corrupt he was not gonna be investigated. Because his top dog cops was gonna protect him. But now he is investigated because he is not corrupted. Sorry for the haters Jesus is our Boss

  3. Anamulakwiradi mzimayiyo.. Iyeyo being a man of God, he could have been following some of the rules and respect human rights..

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