Higher Education Students Loans and Grants Board (HESLGB) is being investigated by Police following revelations that the Board paid K17 million for printing of forms.
It was revealed earlier this month that the board paid K17,165,126.00 to EE & A Enterprise for printing of forms and diaries.

The cheque was signed by HESLGB chief executive officer Chris Chisoni and Emily Chawinga as authorising officer.
Police said they want to establish whether internal procurement procedures and the Public Finance Management Act were followed.
There are also fears that the deal may have violated Corrupt Practices Act.
National Police deputy spokesperson Thomeck Nyaude told the local media that the matter is being handled by Fiscal Police.
But Chisoni said the forms which EE & A Enterprise was contracted to print have security features aimed at curbing fraud hence the high printing costs.
“We have done everything by the book but we will wait for the investigation,” said Chisoni.
He then confirmed that the issue is also being investigated internally.
The revelations about the board’s spending came at a time when many students are failing to access loans from the board with others relying on well-wishers.
The K17 million is enough to pay a single academic year’s fees for 20 first year generic students in public universities.
Mbava izi. This cost can’t be justified by any means
Katangare sanaphonye khomo pa nyasalande lero lino olo mwana wang’ono kumufunsa kuti tandiwuza chinthu chimodzi chachikulu chomwe chadya one pa Nyasa akumayankha thima liri ziiiiii ati #uchaponda
Amalawi oooo palipose kuba
Kumeneko Ndiye Kumalawi Aliyese Akungofuna Kudzikundikira Yekha Chuma.