…says Vita is far ahead…
Be Forward Wanderers head coach Yasin Osman says his side is not capable of overturning the 4-0 deficit they suffered at the hands of AS Vita of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) in the CAF Champions League on Sunday.
Speaking to the media upon arrival at Chileka International Airport on Tuesday, Osman said Vita are far ahead in almost everything and it will be very difficult for his side to win the second leg 5-0.

“It’s over, I don’t see my boys overturning the deficit next week.
Our friends are far much better than us in everything.

“The best we can do is to exit the competition with honor by winning at home but scoring more than four goals past such an experienced side is unrealistic,” he told the media.
However, his captain Joseph Kamwendo had a different view from that of his coach.
“We lost because they were better than us but we can overturn the deficit next week. We can score more goals and eventually end up winning the second leg because we will have our supporters behind us.
“We don’t want to give too many excuses for the first leg’s defeat but what we can do is to overturn the deficit in our favor,” he said.
The Nomads will play Vita on Wednesday, 21st February at Bingu National Stadium.
Scoring more than four goals without conceding will see them progressing to the next round of Africa’s biggest competition.
Bravo Osman for saying the truth tell your boys just to enjoy the game. A kamwendo mukupanga za chikale
Yasin i salute u ndiwe wachilingamo
Mmanja mwanu Bwana Osman ndipo kwa Amene amaikonda team ya Noma ngati ine Coach Walankhula mwanzeru, Tinene momveka bwino pano kuti mpila kwathu kuno kumudzi ndiosiyana ndimmene anzathu amasewelela, Osman sakunena kuti ifeyo sitikutha mpila ayi, chomwe akutanthauza ndichakuti ifeyo pa Team ngati yomwe tinamenya nawo nkovuta kuichinya zigoli zambiri. Za bwino zonse Nyelele
ntchito yakulira awa
Zoonadi Simungachinye Zigoli Zisanu Pa Vita Komabe Mudzayesetse Kuwinako Ndi Ziwiri Kwa Chimodzi Kuti Kutuluka Kwanu Kusadzakhale Kochititsa Manyazi Motheratu.
True coach nzosatheka kuchinya Vita
akana sewela 8;1;1 zikanathandiza
Ayamba kale kunjenjemela..kkkkkkkkk ka mind game kameneko? Too late for kulubwalubwa boyz munayiputa dala Vita
Shaaaa!!! Madzi achita katondo apa
The way reporters are reporting, noma-vita match will not attract more spectators. Malawian reporters are good at negative reporting.
Keep it up Mr osman for being realistic,
Indeed we are far much behind in as far as our football is concerned.
We should go back to the drawing board
Amalawi tiri ndi vuto timafuna mzathu zimukanike kenaka tipeze zokamba….tisaiwale za mzako zikambika
well done for accepting defeat….Komabe taphunzirako zina
Guys, we can score more goals…lets wait for that day AS VITA azaona ngati akulota ndithu……mpira umenewu azafika ku mapenate basi ………God is with us …..lets go and support our team in large numbers guys
Matama siabwino,ngongole zikuphani basi,Nanga mapuleya aja munatengaso pangongolewa akayamba kufuna zao mutani,muyisovenge,kumaganiza pochita zinthu kkkkkkkkk
Osman is a big cow I mean coward
Kuchedwa kusintha system coach UYU .
Akudera nkhawa okhaokha heeee
Kutiona tulo kwambiri aMalawi fe ? andale atikunthe nalo bodza . inunso ? mpira udzayamba pa 0 : 4 zoona kungovomeleza
vry dspointng
Manoma a Nyerere apepesa kufungo lonse laMalawi kuti, “pepani, timafuna kungotchuka chabe, moTi zimenezi sitizachitanso, kuyambira LEROOOOOO!!!!”
Maloto achuba amenewo @YasinOsman.
nkhaniyi ndiyonama heavy palibe coach amene anganene zimenezo ngakhale team yake italuza 20 -0 koma sangaime pachulu mkunena mawu amenewo ndaitsusa nkhaniyi kwambiri kwake.
it’s true story big
Nkhumba zinkawathandiza poti anasiya ndichifukwa aluza
RmThis coach is a well matured akudziwa chomwe akunena AS VITA si team yopanganayo zibwana ai mzodabwitsa maplayer akamati mzotheka kudzaiwina kuno chonsecho or chigoli chimodzi chinakanika kudutsa pagoro pa vita a noma mungodikira zakwanthu kunozi basi Caf muzisiira Bullets ndi mbiri yotani yomee mwatengapo apa please.
KKKKK mfwethu,mwina anali ndi mantha Ku DRC ko. Zikhoza kutheka kuwachinya bola corruption.
Choncho nanga mphunzitsi wanji ”taonapo ife matimu ngati Liverpool come from behind nkubweza zigoli 4 olo 5 zimene nkupampananso now mpakhomo magemu awiri 180 min tim yogwirizana nkumati zavuta. . angosiya kuphunzitsa ..mwina akanati firs half akayetsetsa kupeza zigoli ziwiri kuti awapase pressure …Basi sizakaonelera wandifooketsa Gogu wathuyu..
Whatever the case, win, loose or draw nganganga pansi pa nyerere
So wats the solution? giving up
Run.. Run like a runaway train..! Kkkkkkkkk
I agree with de coach, there z no need to cheat suportez kti team ingagolese 5 goalz! what abig layer, kamwendo ulibe manyazi ungamaime pa bsr mkumati muzakwapula AS VITA ndi zigoli zsanu kwa chilowere, iwo azakhala ali kti? Zimvere chsoni iwe wa noma poti oyipayo wasikila komweko.
Kuchinya team imeneija 5-0 chizakhala chisomo
Loud n’ clear Mr Osman
I agree with the coach $ to be honest i don’t see Noma scoring 5 goals, It’s a mountain to climb,
4:0 was too much
If u stand 4 the truth u always stand alone, the nomads funs were expecting to tell them that nomads will beat AC Vita which is impossible. Truth Hurts.
Meaning, SA vita isavutike nkubwera Ku mpanje? So how many goals must nomads give to Vita on top of 4? Kodi asing’anga anasoloka onse? Sangapezeke mmodzi kualodza ma player a Vita mmimba mwa kamwazi? Serious coach, u give up? Gat so many questions. Huwiiiii
Aaaaaaa,amwene!!!. Nanga mpakana head coach kuithawira Pataki? A Vita anamuinetsa chani makamaka? Zinazinso zimaonjeza kaya
ngati ndinu anyasa kapena ma bankers khalani cheteena makape aku aja bank
ndine wabullets ndilankhula mpaka vita izakupandenso kkkkkk mwana wamwano
Man Enock makape amaoneka ndi mchitidwe wawo onga ngati wanuwo. That means simukuisata team yanu. Tikulankhula moveka zomwe Head coach wakamba . Noma siyoyamba kukomoledwa,komano coach sangataye mtima mutero . akufunika kulimbisa mtima ma players komanso ma supporters kwakukulu dzikonso. Noma inanyamula flag ya nation. Tiyenela kukhuzudwa. Ngati talakwa khululukani man.
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk koma iwe adha
Mac Deez …u are a shallow minded person teacher is being realistic incourse removing pressure from his boys.What he is trying to say is that whaever they will do they got nothing to loose.
This is where u get me wrong. What realistic are u toking about? This coach shows everyone that he have nothing to do with his opponent. What he is waiting is to die. If I was him, i will say kuti, kwa eni kulibe nkuwe. Though I know kuti they are hard to climb. I can’t say kuti I can’t. But I will do whatever it takes to win my battle. This is the time of pressure indeed. If he take out the pressure then he must call off the game coz they are in pressure already.
If u loose in your mind, u loose in your action also
koma ndiye kudandaulatu
muzabwereke ma player anthu, tikhoza kuzakuwinitsani
chibwadwire changa sindinamuonepo coach wa chikaiko ngati ameneyu ( never give up until it is over)
chibwadwire changa sindinamuonepo coach wa chikaiko ngati ameneyu ( never give up until it is over)
Coach kumayankhura conchi ?
Eya coachyo akudziwa kt ndizotsatheka kupha vita 5_0 wayankhula monga munthu odziwa yaah noma ndi timu yabwino ikamakumana ndi achina mangochi select koma AS VITA sidzamwana kkkkkkk
mkutheka kuti akuluwa vita sanaione mmene imadodela yasin wanena ngamo mot noma yopanda kamwendo idikile 6 zero yakuno +4 =10 kkkkk neBA
I always suggest to fire this old man, he is not contributing anything to the team, wanderers has quality players who can perform at any level if they are coached by a good coach.
Inu simukudziwa chimene mukunena chifukwa simunakhalepo coach ndiye ngati coach akutero,why don’t u go and help him by the way you are the one who has contributed to the failure of wander coz you failed even to give K100 to the team.
Don’t fool us mr Wasiya, Not all Wanderus players are quality others are just names,
Mr chisale these players are all gifted with football talent, u can’t notice that bcoz of poor fielding and combination of players
kkkk kanyenda
old and not good coach TODAY???? ok. NBB supporter
Thats fact szolimbtsana mitima.,iyaah
Ndizoona kuyankhula chilungamo ndi bwino osamayankhula bodza kungofuna kudzilimbitsa mtima sidzingatheke kuwina 5_0 or sidzingatheke kuwina 4_0 vita ndi timu yabwino dzavuta basi vomeredzani manoma kkkkkkkkkk
Enawo dzinatheka bwanji ?
Hahahahahaha kkkkkkkkkk amwene vita si mangochi select mwamva timu ija imadzitsata.
The man is old enough to go because it has shown that he has run out of ideas,I mean how can a team play defensive football in an away match,what was he defending anyway? Am still upset with this old man
And the players are not used to the system he introduced in the first half of the game
Sanakonzeke awa. Azanu akamalowa caf amagula mphangala osati kumagula denesi chembesi ndianzake
kaya anaziyamba okha ife sizikutikhudza
Wachita bwino walapilatu tchimo lake kusiyana ndikukhalabe mu mdima chilungamo akuchidziwa!