Lower Shire giants Nchalo United have been promoted to the TNM Super League after winning Masters Security Southern Region Premier League.
Nchalo were awarded three points and two goals without kicking the ball on Saturday following the absence of 7th placed Mangochi Challengers.

Challengers did not report for the game a development that simply pushed Nchalo into the Super League as they were crowned champions.
Nchalo United have been crowned champions with four games to play as they are having 88 points from 36 games while second placed Prison United have 73 points from 37 games.
The club’s chairperson Boston Malunga said it is all happiness for the people of Lower Shire since the mission to play for the Super League has been achieved.
“We are impressed and very happy since when we were starting this league we had a purpose so here today the purpose has been achieved, we will try to be strong in the league, and we will start preparations now,” Malunga explained.
He further said they will try to work extra hard in the remaining four games for them to collect the maximum points which will give them full hope.
In his words, chairperson of the Southern Regional Football League Raphael Humba said they are impressed that the champion for the Masters Security Southern Region league is now known.
He however expressed dissatisfaction with Mangochi challengers for not reporting for the game.
Humba noted that in the second round of the league several teams did not report for games.
He then stated that they will soon introduce amateur club licensing which will help the league to know what qualifications will be there for the lower teams to qualify for the regional competitions.
Humba also advised Nchalo to beef their squad as they prepare for the Super League.
“If you can see those teams that have been relegated in the Super League lacked sponsorship and I advise the newly Super League introduced team that they should try to find sponsorship, and I encourage them to find some experienced players to beef up their squad,” he said.
mwalandilidwa bola asazaithawa game ili nkati ngat maxc.
Eeeeeeeh chikhamu mwana.
Welcome the lower Shire lokies…..bt remember Mwatsikirako kuli Manoma
Hahahahahaha Ndawaona Bro A Bausa Joseph Frank Wamwayi Gamah
Mmm ma kasitomala anoma awa koma uyu akhoza kukhala coach wabwino
Mukumakajabula zinthu kumiziyamu ndikumanama kuti ndi a humba si boo
Takondwa-Rapp Kay-nyerere Arsenal Wilshere-Basikolo paja umati sunamuonepo mkulu oyang’anira southern region football association, ndameneyo
congrats Nchalo NB: uku kulibe kugula ma Ref ati, kwalimbikira bas
Mmm nde iti iti iyi!!
who’s face on the post ???? eeeee
Mbakhale Fundo Kalinde Rambiki unamuonapo Raphael humba?
Kma penapake wailesi!!!!
Kikkkkkk nde zaachina kanyama, Crystal, mwanoka ndi easy vee timadandaulazo kikkkkkk
Kuyakhula mopusa ngati zisanakusangalatseni better kukhala no comments, awa ndi Chair emwe wakhala muzampila moyowakeose tilibenae vuto ife ngat sports writers association. Mr Humba ndimodzi waiwo zomwe atukula mpila kuyambila Ali chair Ku bullets. Kumapasa ulemu.zkm
Iiiii!! Guyz Mmmmmhh
Nchalo woyeeeeeeeeee, wah nana tathokoza maningi…mulidretu imwepo. Thanks, welcome into tnm superleague world. pangani zomwe ankapanga azikuluanu aillovo munthawi ya achinajonz napolo.
Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk nkhope zinazi kungopita nazo kw achewa ana akhoza kuthawa kumati gule kkkkkkkkkkk
Congratulation guyz nzomwe timafuna.yakwathu
Congratulations nchalo. Mumatiimirira
Mbuzi zina zili busy kunyogodola nkhope ya humba zopusa basi…bwanji chaponda simumamunena chibwano chake chija? mxiii
Paja munthu ukamakalamba ndichoncho anyway
Its Mr. Humba mkulu oyang’anira maligi akummwera.
Hahahahaha! Koma asenanso bola atumbuka kkkk
Pena paka kumaona dzithuzi zoti ndikuika, pamenepatu mwamunyoza munthuyu
kkkkkkkk koma pena pake amalawi 24 simuli serious!!! kkkkk nanga mukufuna kutiwuza kuti m’kuluyi mulibe chithuzi chake china!!!? axcept ichichi. cz ichi akuwoneka wazitho! aliku Usilikali! kkkkkkkk. ndangodusamo ine! Sindinanyoze chimozi mwa zolengedwa zake za Chauta ichi! soka kwa iwe! ukunyozawe komabe eeeeish any way!! kkkkkkk.
Sunalakwitse thoxy, mmene ndamuona nkuluyu ndaseka ndekha ndithu kkk
Ine pano ndkusekabe ndekha ndekha mmmm kkkk kukhala ngati chisanduka kkkk
#thoxy ndi anzakowa alemba pamwambawa ndinu zitsiru inuyo anakunamizani ndani kuti ndinu ooneka bwino? ndi nkhope zanu zangati chikande
Dyson takumva! ndi ufulu wako kutero! koma tamvera ena ati adakasekabe kaya!! kkkkkk kuseka salesana amati khaya manje masekedwe kkkkkkk.
Nde mwati awowo ndi akochi
kkkkkkk sopano inu mumawona ngati ndindani? ndithudi ndi omwewa! mamuna sawoneka bwino ndi ma weakness amenewo akakhala osalala ngati mzimayi kkkkkkkk.
Ndi chairman wa southern region football association a Raphael Humba
Coach wao ndi Mavuto Lungu
Kkkk komaeeeee
Stephano sopano useka chani!!?Ukuseka madalawa pokhala coach kkkkkk. komabe ndakumva kuseka samalesana manje masekedwe kkkkkkk.
congrats. mumatiimilira lower states. proudly a sena
Good Lucky For Nchalo…
Osanyoza chilengedwe a Malawi tidzakhara ndi mtima wa umuthu plz mulungu akunkhulukile congratulation Nchalo united be strong on TNM
Exactly ng’ona iyi kkkkkkkkk