Be Forward Wanderers Team Manager Steve Madeira says his side won the 2017 TNM Super League championship for their former chairman George Chamangwana who died in July this year.
The Nomads on Saturday won the championship for the first time in 11 years after beating Masters Security 4-1 at Balaka Stadium.

Now speaking in a post-match interview, Madeira paid tribute to Chamangwana saying the players did it for the departed hero.
“We will never forget this day. We have won the championship for our late chairman George Chamangwana who started the mission but eventually, he was loved by God so today, we have won today for him,” he said.
A first half brace from Peter Wadabwa and lone strikes from Foster Namwera and Esau Kanyenda ensured that the Nomads were in for more celebrations.
The last time Wanderers won the Super League was in 2006 when TNM was launching the competition for the first time in the country.
Chamangwana died on 28th July after serving Wanderers for years as club chairman.
Jealous si umuna.
U need 2 knw d genesis ov d story first b4 u comment,thumb up noma
Noma woyeeeeee…….!!!!!!!!!! u are the champions guys kaya anthu alankhule zotani komabe NOMA ndi moto…kutenga league sizocheza baba…
May the soul of George rest in peace because it was his dream to have this League at Lali Lubani Road..
Apa dolo wawoneka kuti ndi NOMA….mumafunsa mafunso ngati oduka mutu……..Neba wayesesa kusatila koma wagwa nayo
Noma woyeeeeee…….!!!!!!!!!! u are the champions guys kaya anthu alankhule zotani komabe NOMA ndi moto…kutenga league sizocheza baba…
May the soul of George rest in peace because it was his dream to have this League at Lali Lubani Road..
Kkkkk anyirenda musatero,kk mtima ukuwawa kd?osangosangalala kt league yabwera kuno kublantyre bwanji?? Let them talk mau anatero kkkkkk
big up Nomads u r really best and big team in Malawi
Musatinyase inu?
chitengeleni chikho mwana wanga ali std one pano ali form four ndipake kusangalala
Stivi Madeila walakwisa ponena kut chikho chatengedwa pofuna kugonetsa mzimu g. chamangwana. (1)pakanapanda kufamunthu sakanatenga cup..? (2) bwanji pakati ponsepa sankanena chifukwachi…? (3) nanga chaka chammawa adzadikilanso kuti wina wamkulu afe kaye…? ndikanakakonda maansaring coments akanachokela kwaakuluakulu akuwonderers. #idint insult or perplex anybody but what am down for are abetter cnncreat opinions.
Tim ya anth ozindkra kur ziii kusangalala mwanzeru akanakhara nebayu eeee anth akanasowa ntendere mmaplotim
Kodi ma supporter a bullets mukamalemba ma comment odandaula, onyodza ndi onyadzisa kumakhala kupusa kapena umbuli?? Chikho tatenga tatenga olo munenelere chi mtundu chani sidzingathekeso kuti league ibwelere cholinga mutenge ndinu, I hope I make ma self clear
Let them donate half of the prize money to Chamangwanas widow
Kkkkk so he was alive u cudnt hav made it ,?
Zinandidabwisatu ine koma neba
kkkkkkkkkk u used ur chairman for rituals just becoz u wanted championship..Chikho chamagazi izi…ikhale nkhuku munaidulaso chala kkkkkk koma Neba!
thus a main proble for you neighbour always you fail to give hands to those doing better, why? Try to learn thankful your closer friends if they do something that you fail to do. YANJIRU SIKUSWA AGOGO ANG ADANDIUZA CHOMCHO.
usilu uli thoo.mwamuna opanda nzeru mfundo ngati zachidakwa.paja anebawa ndabulutu
Bullets fc 13times Noma 6times dolo ndani?
Amene wawina chaka chino
Ndipo akunena za dolo ndindani apa kkkl
Unakakhalasolo unakatenganso pano koma umadikila chikwama chigwe ha ha ha
what a foolish question!
Akale Sanunkha