One of the Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (Luanar) students arrested following blackout demos at the college has died at Kamuzu Central Hospital in Malawi’s capital, Lilongwe.
This is according to an announcement made by Bunda Students Union (BSU) President Rainford Kainga.
According to Kainga, the student has been identified as Prince Kamwaza who was a first year student studying Bachelor of Science in Soil Science.
“I regret to announce the death of Prince Kamwaza, who until his death was a first year student doing BSC in Soil Science.
“Prince died today Saturday at around 11:30am at Kamuzu Central Hospital in Lilongwe. May his soul rest in eternal peace,” said Kainga in a statement.
Police are yet to comment on the matter and postmortem results are yet to be established.
On Wednesday, the college was closed in the aftermath of a mini demonstration the students carried out last week.
The demos were staged as the students demanded an end to the heightened electricity power failure that rocked the campus.
According to a letter that was released and signed by university registrar Phillip Kaonda, the closure was due to the damage of private and institutional property.
Nabadooo kufa kupo
It’s sad story koma ana asukulu anyanya ndikutumidwa zazii. Kodi as student why didn’t you seat down and discuss the problems that are causing all of these. Mumbai kuli climate change. Did you seat down and discuss about this as students of natural resources. This is bad development losing youthful life for non sense reason. Some people will earn for your death.
Sad news indeed
Timanenatu kuti osamapanga ma demo muziyasiya apack azimapanga mwaonatu tsopano
death political party – diphiphi!!!!!!!!
Mukufuna kuti anthu pa campaign azanena kuti DPP yidapha mwana wasukulu. Why police like this?
Very stupid students i greatly condemn what they so call Demo instead of focusing on their books even in Britain and America there they also have black outs ,,UMBULI uzitipha choncho,,
dpp is the party where it kills many peple in malawi
Mwkhoza Mwna Enafe Tkapezako Malo Okhala
thats very unfortunate
Uchisiru sakankerako sukulu koma kufuna kuchuka ndiye watchukadi taziwa kut kunali munthu ngat iyeyo “prince kamwaza” ma institution ena muli ma gen set that operate tirelessly in the absence of escom kwanu adim apanga chani ndi phwamwamwa mumakapereka uja? Mmalo mwake akukutumani kumapata ku ma demo muzitha choncho
Who set up this Indian wall?
Burning & Looting to Night by Bob Marley how many rivers should we cross to talk to the boss
Mxiii,apolisi akumalawi ,umphawi uli thooo,kumalimbana ndi mwana wosalakwa,kodi anakulesani kuphunzira ndi anawo,how come munthu kukamutenga Ku room ndi kukamupha,inuyo ndiye ambewu,mulungu aliko kumwamba,ndivutike kutumiza mwana kusukulu inu mukamuphe,ahaaa,ambuye achite naye mwapadela wapha mwana wamwiniyi.zandikwiyisa kwabasi.odalimbana ndi zigawenga bwanji.mxiii.
Mwana Mpake Afe? Inu Va Police Panyapanu Thats Why Ndinu Mbuli? Pajatu Munthu Ukakhala Mbuli Umakhala Chitsilu U Act Foolishly,magazi Amwana Ameneyu Mbambadi Ana A Bunda Amenewo? Mwatha,kodi Maona Ngati Kumwa Books Yaku University Masewera? Kupanda Magetsi Azitani? Despite That Amaononga Zinthu Zaena Nde Inu Simaziwa Dat Thats Our Malawian Culture Timaononga Ma Resources Aena Kma Osati Moyo Wa Wina Mamenya Ngat Mulibe Mbolo Zoti Mumabeleka Kapena Muzabeleka Bwa? Umbuli Ndiumfiti
It is high time, that student shud learn to think before acting.Unnecessary demo yield such tragic stories.Issues are supposed to be resolved peacefuly without un discribed demos.
I know this boy.we all live in the same are.He has been layed to rest today in Dowa
Timanena nthawi zonse ife kut za ndale tisiyileni inu pangani zanu za agriculture ndzimene zingakuthandizen.vuto lili kwathu kuno mmanamizidwa ndi ‘human rights’.kulibe izi munthu alibe ufulu pa dziko pano ndikuuzeni apa makape inu mmapanga ma demo. zokhuza ndale sizofunika kut mzikhala nazo serious kwambiri moti ena akukonzekera ma demo ena ati a PAC akukonza kaya koma okhaso akuziwa kut palibe profit ngakhale mpang’ono. nde a Malawi chonde osalowelera zina zilizonse,nkhani za magetsi ife tinatopanazo moti ena ma blackout akazatha ma business awo azathanso.but RIP
Kodi article yikupanga conclude kuti apha ndi a police after findings?
May his soul rest in peace. he wasn’t meant to die a painful death like that one. May the Lord comfort the bereaved family. its sad.
Palibe atamangidwe, wafa ulele ameneyo, matama Kufuna kutamika kuti mashasha Abale ake aluza pamenepo
Sometimes it surprises me the so called intellectuals they think life is like kissing a girlfriend who can just move your head softly if she doesn’t want firstly think the resultant of every action you have not learnt anything from poly student some people are trained as a carrier to kill 6 month training yet you play with demos moyo ndi mpamba look today problems in this country are for everyone we don’t solve a problem with another problem so sad don’t play with demos the country has security to protect everyone n property watch out your actions am not happy take care the world is cruel if can’t see
Ma Demochifukwa Cha Magets Akuzima Ku Luanar Kokhakodi? Wafelazake Tikamupeza REST IN PEACE WITH THE POLICEMEN’S
Komatu enanu akanakhala ndi mbale wanu bwenzi mukunena zonsenzi????Any way, MHSRIP.
Fact that you should know,,student amene wamwalirayu never participated pama demo, anachita kumupeza pa room akuphika ndikumutenga, so dont just comment blindly,,,for your own information 46 students who were arrested,, only 10 took part,enao anawangopeza muma room mwao ndikuwagwira
Unfortunately most of people who are commenting on this article do not have facts, mind you most of the students who were arrested were taken from their hostel, some were pick blindly, and even ana ena ammudzi amamenyedwa.
your right.thats what prince told me before being admitted.he was just in his hostel.
Aaaa ztayen bax no need for demo koma zmakumaononga tsogolo lathu leavw ma guys andale akudya ndalama ngat akutuman akanileni basi
esh zobvesa chison any way dzimu wake uwuse mu mtendere amen
Very bad for the outcome of demonstration .but this problem is affecting the entire country .my plea to my fellow Malawians we should not take problems that affect the whole society as personal issue I don’t think it help us. The end results will terminate our future for nothing.
Koma a Malawi simunatengelepo phunzilo ZA ma demos? now what should we say pomwe papunthwa mzako podutsa umalambalalapo and u will see another demos by same institution called college
Koma a Malawi simunatengelepo phunzilo ZA ma demos? now what should we say pomwe papunthwa mzako podutsa umalambalalapo and u will see another demos by same institution called college
This tym we do no marcy to this foolish reader ship…
Now we are taking it to another level. ..soldiers if you dont do something we people we are going to help ourselves. …enough with bullshit.
if police kill one student, mmayenera kupha apolisi 1000 kut zifanane.that is students act.
That’s why we have 2much problems in malawi coz even those Police they don’t get enough salary and gud array once…..palibe dziko lomwe limakaniza demo chifukwa anthu sangapange chionetselo popanda chifukwa…..REST IN PEACE bro mwazi wamuthu sungangogwela pachabe those Police who touch u they will follow u
Today isn’t tomorrow,Let us all see the hand of God.ana #afalawo# ndi ankhaza kuyambila kale ena pajatu anafaso over 20 kumzuzu nkhanizake zomwezi!chonde zinthuzi tiyeni timusiyile MULUNGU!!!!!!!.
makape enanu. inu kumasekelela mwana wanzanu ataphedwa zoona?? mulibe mnzimu ndithu
Dying vazii
Thus DPP that we know, always shading brood.
Kulakwa RIP
Chibwana chimapha ,it’s happening the whole country how dare that they opted for demos?
Let’s be gentlemen .
man this happens everywhere even i the so called Vatican City. …….the men are always outnumbered n they resort to desperate measures n the demonstrators are on e loosing side………dont act as if this is e forst ever killing pa mademo………even in the champions of democracy regions like Europe and USA these things happen however they are bad
zilingat munthu wamwa mowa nde wagwera mdzenje nkufa basi akwawo aziti athana nd ogulitsa mowayo? i have been there and av seen it before n what amazed me most is year four students prioritised their paper than demos…….palipose pali mavuto n no problem was ever solved by vandals in demonstrations disguise……i know the parents will seek justice and rightly so koma even wa police yo atamangidwa who will loose a great deal? makolo or police……students always use deplomatic ways to deal with pressing issues……….mademo sapindula…..1: muchedwa kumaliza xul….2: loss of lives n properties…….BSU plz be more matured……we were there and demos were e last dot in our medulla…….but sikuti we never met pressing issues but we dealt with em amicably
Hahah u,, we dont care wether timaliza mochedwa,,inuyo munali opusa,, even if atatseka skul for a year sitingadandaule,,even titamaliza where r the jobs??, we r revolutionary leaders
prince wamwalirayo ndi mzanga.he told me that he was just in his room thats all he did nothing except running away from the teargas..
Blessings u will understand this when u are out there…….if u wnat the world to change be the change u want……..true revolution is e revolution thru reasoning……..what u are saying is e faint words of a dying person……Pempho i did not accuse e deceased as per say all i said was the collective intelligence of the demonstrating students left alot to be desired…….the collective reasoning of the students (the demonstrators ) was inferior and has lead to the death of Prince MHSRIEP……
That’s DPP blood party
May his soul rest in peace
Kodi apolice a kwathu akanamenyabe anthu
Killing in the name of protecting property??????? God is watching our priorities! Watch out life belongs to God. You can earn property. If God were to kill all wrong doers,,,,, I wonder if you are using you head properly
Too sad ..RIP
why government of Malawi remember nothing for u in 2019 mudyeretu agalu inu
So bad
#peter must go
Brothers & sisters this is time tikhale against ndi a police kukumana naye panjila phani Ali simple a police akumalawi then azatilemekeza
Police brutality. When will they learn not to beat people. Their role is to protect you
Protect Malawian s
Sad news
People Of Low IntelligenCe
ndye kuti a PAC akamapanganso ma demo muzagwila ma bishop nkukawamenyanso???
Sad newz
I don’t think the police is trained to beat people to death at mtakataka. only that our police believe that if they beat people they will be feared its unfortunate.
Zofuna zimenezo nthaw yake inakwana ngat zakanika a pac ndi azibale awo a billy mayaya, mtambo nde mlimi mkachani?
mademo nde chani? tiziti magetsi ali more important to Luarnar student than enafe who rely on barber shops to feed our families? magetsi amathima ku Luarnar kokho? kupoly chanco medicine nzuni kcn and many more sikuthima magetsi koma kwaoko? mxieeew
enanu mumanena kuti anthu amamwalira nthawi ya ulamulilo wa mcp nanga apa ndi ulamuliro wandani ??rip student
Kkkkk zoona?
Out of this development we have seen college students get up and express their dissatisfaction with ESCOM, most people swear at escom on social media but can’t even participate in demonstrations against eternal black outs! bravo college students, however it is very true that the students crossed the boundary by causing havoc, the perpetrators deserved punishment not in form of death! bare truth unleashed, it only gets nasty when police confront college students, most of the time students have always disrespected police verbally by calling them “guards” “ignorant” etc , in most circumstances police has reacted by turning their inferiority feeling into anger, thus they use excessive force towards students! I suppose police got to be professional and students its high time they behave and respect police. I fear nasty collisions between college students and police are yet to unfold, not with luanar only but any form of police confrontation with college students I.e with chanco, poly etc will cause chaos fellow students from all colleges are hurting inside!. Police is not in any way justified to kill a student!
nkumati mcp inkapha athu inu mutani apa
Nice to hear that
Oyambitsa Ali chete kungophetsa wa 1
Prevention is better than cure
Boma limapha
That is the wages of being used by political leaders.We 4get that we are there to learn but bcoz we luv money,that same money sometimes makes our parent’s Money go to waste
Ma Demo Ma Demo ndekuti chani? tiziti electricity is more important to Luanar students than those of us who rely on barber shops to feed our families? Magetsi amathima ku Luanar kokha? Mxieew
Sukudziwa chomwe ukukamba ase barbershop ndyekut chani? Ma students Ali nd barbershop kut azikamenyera ufulu wa mbalame za ma barbershop? Aliyese amamenyera ufulu wake iweyo ngat wa barbershop zakukhuza osakayenda Ku mseu bwanj.. Stupid
Tiye uko mbuzi iwe! munthu oti ali ndi responsbility yogula food, kulipira ana fees etc daily through babershop or welding ukapange compare ndi ma students aku luanar?? nde magetsi ayamba kuyamba kuyaka daily ku luanar ko after ma demo? kuganiza mopusa kwakoko kwapangisa nzanu aphedwe zazii
kukhani ya xul magetsi ndiofunika chifukwa chake anthu anapanga ma demo nde iwe udandaura za banja lako nkumangokhala osachitapo kathu nde uona ngati zingasithe bwanji………………..think your a fool you know to write but not knowing what you are saying
its funny how dumb you guys can go! I think you are way too foolish than I am
Tamusiyani Mbuzi Ya Munthu Uyu Sakukudziwa Ku University Akuona Ngat Kumakhala Ntchito Yamasewera Zazi Panyapamako Komanso Barbar Shop Yo Haha Xool Inakukanikani
Atsogo it seems ur out of order.
Osabwezela choyipa, kwachoipa,koma chabwino kwa choyipa. Ndipo YESU KHIRISITU anati,“eni modzi wayinu amene sanachimwepo atole mwala ayambe kugenda muthuyu”. Mwayiwala KODI?
A Malawi kusachedwa kuiwala……anthu 19 anamwalira nkhani zake ngati zomwezi nde ena kumayambilanso, mzako podusa wagwa wanthyola mkono iwe podusa umalambalala. Muzaona a PAC akapanganso organise mademo enanu muzapitanso ok RIP
Kodi zama demo zilipobe? Masiku ano
Diye wina azitiso tiyeni ku ma demo! Lero makolo ake ndi abale ndiomwe aludza. Tizinganiza katatu tisanapange dzithu.
Inu anthu ophweka kuphedwe ndy apolic, mfuti zao nzopanda ntchto, bwanj inu mafana osangovaya konko mukathane bwanj, ife kuno akutiZwa tipikuntha nkupiberatso mithikoyo,
Apolice ambiri ndimburi sadziwa kungwira bwino nchito yao. Rip
Asiyen athoke kut wafera zake kwasala ntchire moto umapita konkoo
Issue of electricity its a national acrisis even a 6month old baby know this pa malawi pano,ngati 50 plus 1 PAC DEMO inamwa madzi inu ndiye mukhale ndani,omwe anakutumaniwo ana awo ali xool zakunja and iwo right now akudya pizza ma hotelamu.
am one of luanar students, I do not agree with my your claim that suggest luanar demos were driven by any person you can think of. Even though the electricity issue is a national problem, still there are other places that need to be exception, hospitals,schools must be top priorities that black out should not reign. how can you feel to pay MK 362 000 tuition fee for your child only to be withdrawn due to lack of study time due to black outs? it’s not all universities suffering like BUNDA. MZUNI, college of medicine, kcn, they have power most times, black out can’t be 24 hours at college, tikawerengera kuti? assignment tikaprinta kwandani and proposals? think to develop Malawi
Issue of electricity its a national acrisis even a 6month old baby know this pa malawi pano,ngati 50 plus 1 PAC DEMO inamwa madzi inu ndiye mukhale ndani,omwe anakutumaniwo ana awo ali xool zakunja and iwo right now akudya pizza ma hotelamu.
go ku ma university a Unima if thy r experiencing this blackouts, then why Bunda?
mmmmmmm zayambikaso zomapha ana asukulu chifukwa chamademo!!!!!!! mizimu ikwiyatu.
Only we must be well trained and exercise heavily this is do or die game ,rest in peace one that one who has killed u is also gonna die this is the world.
Kkkkk , Malawians will never sieze to amaze me. In less than 13 yrs DPP has ruled this country , how many deaths have they caused ? same Mps same ministers 2 presidents , Yet decampaigning MCP 4 the crimes commited a long time ago by people who are not even present in the party 2 day . Shame on DPP, MAY THE SAUL OF THIS INOCENT CHILD REST IN PEACE .
Malawi is a country but taking it to phone with memory card we can say it needs to format.There’s no any government sector which is well managed starting from the president we need to format
Kkkkk , Malawians will never sieze to amaze me. In less than 13 yrs DPP has ruled this country , how many deaths have they caused ? same Mps same ministers 2 presidents , Yet decampaigning MCP 4 the crimes commited a long time ago by people who are not even present in the party 2 day . Shame on DPP, MAY THE SAUL OF THIS INOCENT CHILD REST IN PEACE .
Nsanje sinanga migwanyayi sinapite college
Nkhondo idzabuke Ku Malawi kuno idzakhala yoopsa kwambiri.Oyambitsa ake adzakhala A police kapena Politicians.Adzapezeka wina adzatigawira mfuti ndipo uchitsiru onse udzathera pompo ndipo wins adzidzawopa nzake.Dziko lino lidzatukuka nthawi imeneyo.
Eeeeeeeee zayambika ntchito za bwampini
Amuchita bwino amene anamutumayo wamupwetekesa guyz ndikuuzen chakwera akuphetsani mukudana ndi peter mmalo mwa john chilembwe amene anathamangixa azungu asanakonze dziko lino
Kaya ine ndiye sindikudabwa umu ndimomwe zimakhalira muwutsogoleri wabanja limeneli eeee silinyengeleratu
freedom Fighters Never gain. . .anthu omenyera ufulu sapindula . .ufulu wa magetsiwo ataunjoye ndi ena
Ine mwana wanga kumutuma ku school kuti akaphunzire azikapanga zake zama demo ndimuuza akamfune omulipilira fees,police targets criminals and demonstrators ought to follow procedures when planning to demonstrate. Even pano munene kuti boma lifufuze ndekuti adzuka okufayo?let us be responsible when exercising our human rights otherwise mudzifa chonchi
pam’nyelo pako galu iwe,dikila uziona
ya agree
Thats whats dpp govt is known of brutality remember 20 july in mzuzu massacre
Sizikugwirizana nanu….ingokhalani chete if theres nothing to say!
Chilichonse kumangochipanga politicise??
Its not chilichose in dpp rule police brutality is their daily business
Please police have mental sanity towards pple involved in demos! No brutality ..!
So out of the whole group of thugs police only killed one? They could have done more than that.
Koma man mukuwaputa dala
Ndinu achitsiru
machende ambuyako galu iwe
Please police have mental sanity towards pple involved in demos! No brutality ..!
That’s a lesson to all students. Vandalism, disturbing peoples peace, stoning cars mathelo make ndamenewo
What if it was YOUR OWN son??would you say he is fool for demonstrating???…this is bad to die becoz he was beaten…MHSRIP
Izo zayambikatu clobbering like a goat
Wachita bwino wafa kalionera ananka nawo, mukuzitengera pa gong’o enanu
Phindo la demo ndikufa kapena ukhala ndi moyo, sorry kwa m’baleyo wa luza moyo chifukwa cha demo. No phindo mu demo.
Nonsense Iwe meaning ya demo suiziwa kuti ndikufuna kusintha zinthu
professional police have means of calming riots and vandalism without bloodshed.
This is a clear indication .that the country is moving without a leader.
Can u calculate the value of damaged property and compare it to the value of lost life?
Priblem is that our police is politicised bcz blackout demos shame the leader..
I would rather appeal to our unprofessional police to murder all blackouts in the country.
One of the Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (Luanar) students arrested following blackout demos at the college has died at Kamuzu Central Hospital in Malawi’s capital, Lilongwe.This is according to an announcementmade by Bunda Students Union (BSU) President Rainford Kainga.According to Kainga, the student has been identified as Prince Kamwaza who was a first year student studying Bachelor of Science in Soil Science.“I regret to announce the death of Prince Kamwaza, who until his death was a first year student doing BSC in Soil Science.“Prince died today Saturday at around 11:30am at Kamuzu Central Hospital in Lilongwe. May his soul rest in eternal peace,” said Kainga in a statement.Police are yet to comment on the matter and postmortem results are yet to be established.On Wednesday, the college was closed in the aftermath of a mini demonstration the students carried out last week.The demos were staged as the students demanded an end to the heightened electricity power failure that rocked the campus.According to a letter that was released and signed by university registrar Phillip Kaonda, the closure was due to the damage of private and institutional property.
Azimayi Ndi Azibambo Opita Ku Sukulu Mkumatchedwa Ana Koma Mkumapanga Zibwana.Kumasokoneza Mtendere Wa Anthu Omwe Sikuwakhudza Popanga Akuti Zionetsero Zamkutu Ndithu.Kachilombo Kosamva Kamafa Nthawi Yake Isanakwane.
Apolice Amene Adachita Zimenezi Amangidwe Chifukwa Kupanga Ziwonetselo Ndi Ufulu.
Apolice Amene Adachita Zimenezi Amangidwe Chifukwa Kupanga Ziwonetselo Ndi Ufulu.
Nanga kuphwanya katundu was xul,nanga kugenda magalimoto a anthu,the police were just doing its job,just learn from it
When people are demonstrating they vandalize ordinary peoples Property,so you expect police officers to laugh at that nonsense? Wina akadzamapanga ma demo,adzayerekeze tempering with my Property,adzafa ndithu. Demostration sikuvutitsa anthu wamba kapena kuononga katundu wawo. Amene mukuti a police amalakwa,what about those who are offended by destroying their Properties? Don’t they need police security? Or mumafuna a police azigendedwa then muziti stupid police akuthawa ana a sukulu,sichoncho? Wa police sangachoke uko kungoyamba kukumenya popanda chifukwa without provoking them….uyo wafera zake,shupiti!!!!!”’
Inu Nanga Ndinu Alendoso Mwaiwala Kut Addp Amapondeledza Ufulu Wa Anthu.
Anthu amaona ngati demonstration its kinda joke thing, innocent pple lose their properties in course of demonstration. Kodi anthu amenewa amadandaulidwa chimodzimodzi? Tamvako ife kuti ena abeledwa katundu mpaka shop yonse tiziti zimenezi ndizabwino? Pali ma procedures opangila demostrate & we all know that, why not follow those procedures??? Anyway RIP
Vuto la anthu amangoona mbuzi ikagunda galu basi,but when it is got being hit by galu nde nyweeeee nyweeeeee nyweeeeee. Ufulu uziyeneanso ndi lamulo,aliyense amafuna security from police,police only targets criminals
u r just talking mwamva the guy was first year a police amakatenga anthu mma hostel oti akugona panja olo osalakwa munthu then watchu talking about!…i van even assure you kjti samaphwanya nao mfanao komano basi akufuna apange mbiri kuti agwira ana 46 wat for!?
think before you start talking ase!
its one life th guy is gone no more nde uzikati wafera zake
it doesn’t matter kuti munthu waphwanyilidwa katundu zimenezo u can buy ase kma when it comes to lyf its only for once! u cant buy so watch out u may be nxt to face the challenge.!
malawians lets learn to love one another the most expessive thing n malawi z education then loosing such useful materials its atotal loss to the family,community.think b4 u talk, RIP #prince
Wafela zake uyo
Ujeni Uyu Laughvirus ndiwe galu wamva pa ntumbo pamako. Iwe mwana wa first angapange chani mpaka kumupha? Mapwala ako aise. Iwe ndi mbuzi. Do you know how expensive it is to raise a kid up to University? You are so stupid mpaka imfa yako. Uzamfa imfa yowawa
Wat is the root coz of mademo??? …otherwise nothing wrong wt demostrations…am sori dat guy has died remember on 20 some innocent pple died the problem is da government it does not care abt us….hw can we progress @ school without electricity why don’t they find other ways of addressing black outs @ various colleges….think b4 u comment
Lolakwa ndi boma popha maphunziri kkkkk wa police ukumunenao amangophunzira kuguba bas then apase ID kkkkk katundu wake kuti mukunenao awa…zazii
panyapako mixew machende
Kma Ase Ganiza
Imfa ndi chinthu chopweteka kwambiri, osamayankhula choncho,atakhala kuti ndi mwana wako iwe ungamve bwanji?
mipesa yake ya china . umuziwe Yesu adah
indees yafera zake mbuzi imenei shupiti. what if akanapha wapolice? ndipo mbuzi zinazoso akanazikutha zenizeni. nde enanu kupusa mukuona ngati panalakwika. wafawafa basi akapume nndiusiru wakewo others should learn from that. wafera zake moyo unamukwana ameneyo. yasala demo ya PAC mbuzi zinaso zIkaluze moyo.
Palibe zamipesa apa pangani comment yokhudzana ndinkhaniyo basi
phukusi la moyo umasunga wekha. Magetsi ngati akuzima ku parliament,ma office a boma,ma company,ka mphaka kena nde busy ati magetsi. osawauza bambo ake atsegule nuclear plant bwanji ngati ndi dolo. Malawi is poor is poor vomerezani basi. Nde mene akafinyapo kapindula chani,magetsiwo ayaka? sitimalira maliro azitsiru….Bola tidzilira awo amwalira ndi mvula ya mphavu osati chitsiru chimenechi
Ngat Ndiwe Wa Police Uwauze A Police Azako Panyapamawo Pamtumbo Pawo Padatimkuti Kunyini Kwao Ndikwa Amao Mbolo Zao Zofota,mapwala Onunkha Mbuli Zaanthu Dats Y Zili Za Police Mbamva Plus Vitsilu Munthu Ukakhala Mbuli Sizisowa Ma Resources Muti Awanthu Aonongekawo Mesa Zikaonongeka Amachita Kugura? Zosiyana Ndimoyo Ka,we Dont Buy Life,mamenya Ngat Mulibe Machende Kunyini Koti Mukakamatilirana Banja Mwanu Mukanyeletsana Bwa Ndipo Mukamuva Kuwawa Ngat Mwana Wafayi,zoona Ku Training Kwanuko Sadakuzeni Dat Ma Demonstration Ngololedwa? Ana A School Za Ukachenjede Amapanga Ma Demo In That Way Ndie Muwaphe Poti Ka Training Kanu Kaja Mkambuli Simudya Ma Books Ambiri Kumapita Anthu Olakwa Mayeso Ati? Amanu Pokunyelan Sodakuzen Dat Ku University Moyo Ngowawa Kopanda Magetsi?Nyapanu Mudzafa Ndi Umphawi Ndivi Ma Uniform Ngat Amisalavo
Athu Ena Akumaziyamba Dala Kungozisiya Bas
More over anali osalakwa…..anali ku hostle kwake ndea a police anaponyako teargass……pamene amathawa ndi pamene anagwidwa.
Basi DPP 2019 ili mmadzi
Ngati Inuyo Ndimbuli Chonde Asiyeni Ana Asukulu Akhale Ndimoyo. All Of U Who Coment Against Luanar Students You Are All Stupid.! Whatever Mit Be The Case But We Are Talking About The Life Of Someone. All This Bacause Of Dpp. Apolice Awa Tisamawasekelele Akamapanga Zopusa, Their Duty Is To Protect Us Not Killing Us.!
koma akanaphedwa wa police mukanayamikira ana a sukuluwo stupid
Kodi apolicewa simukuwapha bwanji?
I wonder macomment awumbuli achilhomwe komaso a dpp mukuyakhula mopusa khani yakufa kwamuthu simunga comment zopusa ngati ziwanu kwanu mumafa mukusekelera kuvuta kwamagesi muziko muno segulani maso bwapini zamuvuta chemoya
Talembani zoti timve
Mbuli ndani apa?
Iwe Kamundaya,ukalowesa ndale apa uwonekera ng’amba chifukwa munthuyu wafa chifukwa cha kupusa kwake.Umbuli wakonso ukuwoneka pomalimbana ndi Alhomwe komanso DPP.Zikukhuzana bwanji?
and sanafere mu police cell. imfa sithawika guys
Ngati sunave zako izo apolice Ali under bwapini zopusa alhomwe inu mundiuza chani agalu inu mukusekelera zithu zopusa
# Kamundaya it seems u support stupit things just guess ana a xool alowe mnyumba mwako axiononga xinthu ungatani ?Try to find out what went on there then u can have something to criticise alhomweo
you hav 2 respect life pamtumbo panu agalu inu
The first question I would ask is were the demos violent associated with looting?
Ngati anakapanga invade staff houses ndekuti looting inacitika
Ok kkkkkk but invading and looting are two different things bro justify
Ngati Inuyo Ndimbuli Chonde Asiyeni Ana Asukulu Akhale Ndimoyo. All Of U Who Coment Against Luanar Students You Are All Stupid.! Whatever Mit Be The Case But We Are Talking About The Life Of Someone. All This Bacause Of Dpp
Man taphunziratu ife ku ma university, Makerere, Dublin, Yale. Ukuona ngati ndife saizi yako? Ka Luanar nka chiyani?
Then Learn To Love Others. Mkayankha Nazo Milandu Kwamlungu. Mkumuphera Ana Ake
Mbuli yaikulu ndiiwe. Zagwirizana chani ndi dpp??
Iweyo ku school unapitako?, anthu oti anavaya xul they know what students do akamapanga ma demo. Amayamba ndi ma students’wo kuononga zinthu nkumagenda magalimoto osalakwa!
Iwe Butwa Ukutanthauza Kut Akamatero Ophunzirao Basi Mziwapha? Ndiwe Munthu Wamtundu Wanji Iwe? Do U Go To Church? Its Not U Who Is Talking But I Can See The Devil In U.!
these students need two drums of annointing oil
students learn to priotise things in your life now your parents are losers phepani mwafwatafwa
Tikamalakhula tazimvani lero kumafera zamagetsi ngati amavuta kuchipinda kwako kokha kusiya makolo mavuto * times kodi nawo a police mphavu kapena chamba chomwechi?
Koma inu mpaka kupha munthu coz Demo? Zidakaliponso zimenezo? Ndipo wapolice Ameneyo chumukhudza chani ngati kuti amagwila Ku EScom? Kufuna kutchuka Zaziiiiii!!! Umfiti wochoka nawo kwawo kupita nawo Ku Office? Iwe ndithu Ambuye akuone wamva?
munayamba mwaonerapo ma demo? anthu akamapanga ma demo anthu ena ngati ana asukulu amatengerapo mwai okuba ena kugenda magalimoto. mashop amathyola ndithu so umafuna apolisi azingoyang’ana? ana amma college amazitengera zinthu pamgong’o. sangatengerepo phunziro pa chasowa?
Ekari Somanje Panyapako Ndithudi,waz Chasowa Demostrating?Kamwa Kukula Ngati Chiuno Chamwado Wamako
Iweyo ndiine ndithu kukuuza kuti amene sunaoneko Demo ndiweyo wamva eti, ndipo ukulankhula coz sadaphe m,bale wako. Ndiwe munthu omvetsa chisoni ndipo chinzake chakadzidzi ndiye iweyo. Iwe ukandiuze za Chasowa kuteroko imfa imene ijanso imakusangalatsa? Muuzane nonse kuti ndinu mbuzi, ngati umafuna kutchuka kapena kudziwika uzitchikila paxinthu zina. Koma osamasekelela wina akaluza moyo.
Ekari somanje ndimwana wa satana zosadabwitsa. Pali mawu oti wawona mzako chapita mawa chilikwayiwe. Mwanaso kuti mkutheka inenu ndinu ma mizimu chabe sindinu athu.
Ekari Somanje sukunama ukunenazo…ena amaba ena kuwononga katundu waweniwake ..tingovomereza kuti wamwalira & RIP
mwamva bola ndanena. tsekani zimafoni zanuzo ana anjoka inu. iwe Gift wakafele bvuto siwe koma amai ako powalora abambo ako kuwachinda opanda kondomu mkubereka thesi iwe. mapwala okhwefukawo . nsete zagwafa kasete uko. zafika kumakolo? wandiputa dala. mxii pathako pako
Sionse Ophuzila Ali Ozindikila Zinazi Ndi Mbuli Zophuzila Anawatumawo Ali Phee Ndikumalilokoso Sapita Pepani Poti Mwafela Za Weni Osamulodza Chala Wa Police Poti Iye Anali Pa Tchito Yake Yomwe Anaphuzila Wakufayonso Anali Pa Tchito Yake Yomwe Amaphuzila Ya Ma Demo
Atsogo M Kapanda much as l agree with you, beating the student to death is not an option either. Imagine if it was your son involved and dies at the brutality of the police, would you pat the police on the back and live a normal life, and say congratulations to the Malawi police for killing my son?
Atsogo M Kapanda machende awo
Kojo osabeleka
You don’t need to use that kind of language to correct things. I don’t agree with you either. Sitikukwana ayi koma kuuza anthu m’mene zinthu zingakhalire.
Iwe Denis Nawexo Akowo Machende
Thandiwe in the first place, i would advise my child to refrain from participating in any demos. Secondly, in the event that demos is on the verge of break loose, I would advise my child to immediately leave the campus and go to town immediately. Otherwise he would fall a victim. thats would be my advice the first day of his life at college. Prevention is better than cure. I have been to college myself and i knothe victims are always innocent students.
then u are not bulding good citizens
Demonstration are a constitutional right and everyone is entitled to them… Same way you view them is not the same way others view them.. Thank you
Osamalimbana ndi anthu oti Ali ndi ufiti u munthu alibe like atsogo
Atsogo your thinking is not the same way as the current crop of the youth. Bear that in mind.
thank thandi and there fighting for all country coz this problem is affecting a very body in the country
read carefully, he said and i court, every one is affected with black out ur life must be a priority not that the police did good by affecting the life of our brother
read carefully, he said and i court, every one is affected with black out ur life must be a priority not that the police did good by affecting the life of our brother
The police do not know how to handle University Students
what’s so special with them? are thy the first cohort? Noooo! lets lean 2 be responsible guys
Ine Ndimanena Thawi Zonse Kuti Police Ya Kumalawi Ndyakupha Anthu Osati Kuteteza Anthu Ake,, Komanso Ndi Anthu Andale Omwe Amatumidwa Nd Uja Anavumata Chthu Mkamwa Uja Safuna Kulavula Uja..
Let them die ena azitengerapo mphunziro pamene makolo amazindikira kuti mwana wanga anali wamisala stupid students
If you knew kut Prince Kamwaza sankapanga nawo ma demo wa sukanalemba comment yakoyi. …..anyway umakwana. …..wamveka iweyo
Ok vuto lako mlimodzi, ukuyiwala kuti apolice wa tili nao m’ma location tsono adzchenjera ndikale adayamba izi tsiku lina adzasimba tsoka mnzawo amawatumayo adzamva zothaitha kuti a Police aphedwa
kunyasa ngati dzina kakolo otanyiele
apolice nd zitsiru,,,,,y killing our frnd???
Anatumidwa ameneo ndie zotumidwa mapeto ake ndikuphedwako basi palibe chachilendo apa
i know kuti ukuyankhulira kuthako galu iwe
kkkkkkkk zako izo galu iwe
Ili ndi dziko mwene kumalakhula bwino…..!!!!
apolice nd zitsiru,,,,,y killing our frnd???
Police brutality in Malawi is worse….look now someone’s son is lying pathless..RIP
Pleaz Malawi don’t forget every one has right to life as well as right to demostrate
Hoooo koma Inu mmmh
Malawi Police must learn from western countries how they handle such cases. They are too harsh on fellow Malawians
I don’t think there is any situation that is justifiable for anyone to be beaten to death. I just hope justice will work it out because i don’t remember the law inforcers being authorized to become murderers
Sure! And I am not aware if students are authorised to conduct senseless demos
Matias Kapito unapitako ku university? I guess ukanaziwa how important electricity is to a student. Vuto si iwe koma umbuli
Kkkkk awuzen man ndale zawatseka mmaso amenewa. Akuonekanso ngati ndi a MP
matias kapito,nkhope kunyasa ngati sete zawapolisiyo wamva,siungaganize mwaumunthu munthu watsitsi pa4 iwe?
Denis gonani iwe ukuoneka ngati dolo? Bwanj Polly ndi chanco sinapange nawo ma demowo.wafera kupusa kwake
forsake ma university ake ati mukunyadurawo anyambiti inu. ma university omsngidwa ngat nursery school omwewa mutivute nawo. kma nde mwazazanamo Ma universitymo ngat muli nkogwira ntchitonmxwee
Komatu ndalezi kumazitenga bwino….khaniyi ndiyonvetsa chisoni maka kwa makolo ndi abale chifukwa palibe khani yoti wina mpaka afe…!!! Bwanji osamumanga ndikumuimba mulandu, mpaka kuMenya mwana wa nzawo chochii???? Umuthu ndi phatso yapadela….!!!!
Sad Development To Our Country Rip
as far as malawi goverment z concened nothing will be done on the matter.
Thats very true. Investigation up to 2019
That is malawi police
Apo Nde Kumati Malawi Muli Mtendere?
too bad. RIP
I don’t understand these men and women in oversized pants.Why killing someone who is trying to be assisted?
mpaka oversized pant kkkkk adha mwaganiza bwanji. Mulandire yesu
kkkkkk aixe anthu amenewa amandidabwitsa
Vandalism is a crime.
Ben Obook vandalism iti
ben obook,mapwala ako,u cant kil someone bcoz ov shop or car?akanena kuti taononga katundu tipeleke ndalama sitimapeleka?sete zako ndithudi galu iwe
Kafex banda iwenso pantumbo pako ,so you’re deliberately breaking the law coz mupeleka ndalama.you are failing to settle your fees apa,hahaha criminals were those who got arrested, some died.don’t think u are so clever
Blocking roads, burning tires,stoning innocent cars,mukuona ngati ndi chani?? Denis gonani.next time muzafa ambiri mukapanda kumva
stupids the parents depended on that student yet fools have killed him
Apolice aku malawi anasiya kuyendela lamulo amaona ngat ntchitoyo ndi ya ambuyawo
While this is the sad development, students should learn to follow all the procedures when taking to the streets. Sometimes we spark problems deliberately when we duly aware of procedures put in place. any unauthorised demos yield negative results and. death is one of such. The way i know malawi police, the issue will die a natural death and I don’t expect credible investigation and just thereafter to prevail. So students your life should be a priority. everyone is affected by blackout but that should not guarantee an authorised demos. follow all the procedures. RIP
i support u bro
Thats very true, the issue of blackout is affecting everyone so why demonstrating
MWAYANKHULA BWINO KWABASI MALUME,wisdom is prevailing in you,God bless
kuyankhula mau bigman
One problem about your comment, it has come at a wrong time
I’m against bcoz in Malawi we don’t have mouthpiece than the student and non governmental crews,stop vibing out untouchable sentments,if I may ask u do u have mandate to talk talk 2 government urself?
Munthu ndiosayenela kupha munthu nzake….Mwazi wa ophedwayo ukhala pamutu pawo.
Kudandaula kuti magetsi sakuyaka
chilango chake ndikuphedwa?????
You. Are saying so coz he is not your relative…You are one of the minorities…
Anthu mukamapanga zopusa simumadziwa kuti muli ndi ma relatives?
the commentor seems to be in a black boots
Useless comment
he has not died in police custody
everyone knows in Malawi demonstrating is as dangerous as going to war.anything can happen, let’s all take care
If Had It Been That Its Ur Son , How U Can Fill ?
Amalawi mwaonjeza kugundika kwambili. Nkhani InaIliyonse tipita pamseu mapeto ake izi.Komanso paja tisaiwale kuti ntchenje yopupuluma indaphimzidwa ndi mchimba.
mr man next time never try to express your inhuman reactions to highly sensitive cases like this…We all lay our blame on the police for their failure to discharge the required services as stipulated in the constitution of the Republic of Malawi.
Komatu panalibe chifukwa chomuphela apa apolice opusa osalemekeza ufulu wa ena
First year student angapange chani nanu inu Atsogo. Akazafa mwana wanu uzaziona.
ASOGO Muzikhala ngati munapitako Ku university ……academic pressure yake imeneija ingagwire opanda magesi pa geli?
But thank God the report is out and the results are contrary to what has been reported. Learn to have full information before reporting sensitive issues plz
Your comment is bitter, think of the family of the deceased, are you representing the police or you’re one of them. The only better thing they could have done was to lock up these students, not beating them .
Atsogo machende anu
Kkkkkkkk kod ma procedures et… Ayambe amagex Kaye zangakhal bwino
Am speechless,but God is watching from adistance and oneday someday someone will answer…mwazi wa anthu osalakwa ukulira munthaka
Amwene ndagwilisapo ntchito candle ine komanso torch. We can not legitimise illegal demo for what has happened. People should learn to refrain from doing reckless stuff that could cost their lives. This death was preventable. lets trace where things went wrong first before arriving at death. Thats why akulu akulu anati kupewa kuposa kuchiza. Enao amene sanapite nao kumademowo tiziti anapepela? Atakhala mwana wanga ndilira ndithu koma ndikhoza kuvomelezaso kuti analakwisa. olo munditukwane I stand by my view point. Bonface Mwamatope
Machende ako ase
panyapako galu iwe akuti anyon’gowe,mabuzi ako ndithudi
palibe chifukwa chotukwanira apa, chofunika ndikumangolangizana basi mukutukwana koma maganizo anu sakudziwika. ndiye chimene anthu angamvepo ndichiyani, ndizongofunika kupepetsa kubanja lofedwalo basi R.I.P taluza munthu yemwe mawa akanazathandiza dziko lino pachitukuko.
am one of students from Bunda! guys kukhala pa university without magets ndizosayenda ndipo Bunda ambiri tikuidzwa wat they do in terms of kuwida sitikadapangira mwina. what happened nzakuti ambiri omwe anawatsekera apolisi ankawatenga mma hostel mwawo plus ena omwe amachikera mtown akangotsika galimoto amawagwira being a student mot most of them were not involved in this demos
zimenezo even chanco, mzuni, poly zimachitika, kumangothawira ntown basi until situation mormalises.
Irvin mbeta. Vuto its those students who organized unauthorized demos.the police where just doing their work. Sorry for the death
It’ll be your son someday man. You don’t know the whole story. The kid was at the hostel, not demonstrating.
if demo was legal the police wouldnt storm the hostels. Thats the danger of illegal demos. I was teargased myself at the hostel when my friends were busy demonstrating illegally. it cost innocent people
Atsogo………………….the soul will rest in peace indeed, but your comment is total nonsense.
Yours as well
athu woyenelaa kutukwanidwa aja ndi awa achina Kamupisiwa Kapanda
So police have power to kill protesters
atsogo ndinu achitsilu kwambiri
bad comment
abambo opanda mnzeru tsoka kwaana anu zao zubwera mawa chilikwaiwe ..muthu oganiza ngati nfiti apolice tchito yao ndikumenya?
kapena kuteteza?
muthu opanda mnzeru satana wachabe chabe
#matthews_kapanda am really disappointed with your rushy judgements, I mean if u were wise, u could’ve first tried to find out what really happened. If your head was functional, you could’ve weighed the reasons if they were holding water. Am really disappointed in you that you have found comfort in judging others like that, I mean the suit and tie on your photo don’t much your stupidity. Proper procedures huh? Do u even know whether or not the students followed the procedures? If just hate intellectuals man u got a big problem. Maybe u just hate students and u think u r wise than them but I will only ask u one thing, resist from the “holier than thou” acts learn to do research first before u pass the judgemen
I have read most comments trying to understand what really happened.Wether the students followed Constitutional procedures or not, wether they damaged property or not, killing them was not the option.A police ali ndi maunyolo, kod munthu wogwidwa wovekedwa unyolo kumumenyanso ndi nzeru?Moyo wa munthu ndi wamtengo, sungamachotsedwe motero.Ndakhumudwa kwambiri ndi Malawi Police.Mukufuna anthu azikuopani??Mabungwe omenyera ufulu chonde musaisiye nkhani imeneyi.
Atsogo ndale tamazisiyani pambali kungonva kuti ma cadet anagailidwa ma foni a net basi kumangowakhila khani zoti simunafufuze……!!!!! Malawi tinkafuna uja sameneyu…!!!!
zaziii. nothing wrong here. Kapanda is very true. i have been at school and that nonsense had never happen. inu zoti pakakhala zipolowe ana aa school amatamika simuziwa? that should be a lesson indeed other stupid kids should learn from that. 20 July something bad happen iwo kusaganiza kwaoko amapangaso zopusa. zawo zimenezo nndipo enawoso akanawakutha zienizeni.
what if mbuzi zimenezi zikanapha wapolosi mukanati cha? ndipo osewo samawatibula bwanji
ASOGO….mukuti mumagwirisa ma candle? ….PC yake iti yomwe imagwira ndi candle?…..due date yakwana ulemba bwanji assignment? Ukapangira kuti print? ……za ma hard copy zinanka ndi inu…..panopa ndi ma soft copy and without PC pa geli moyo umalimba kwambiri ….
Rabson kapena chizungu chavuta kumvesesa my point of view? sindikukondwera ndi imfa ya mwanayo koma afufuze chachitika ndi chani. my understanding is that the demo was illegal. ana asukulu amatukwana apolisi nawoso apolisi akapsa mtima popeza ndi anthu amabweza kwa yemwe amugwirayo. nde izi zikhale phunziro kwa inu ana asukulu komanos makolo kuwakangiza ana anu. nde mr rabson mukalimbana ndi mavalidwe anga mukungooneka kuti ndinu opanda mzeru komanso CHITSILU. Mukatengera ma emotions mufa ndi bp. this must teach you a lesson. kukhala mwana wa school is not a licence yomachitira matama pophwanya malamulo mdikubwelesa chisokonezo Pamalo.
aaaaa Atsogo…mwanayu samapanga nawo mademo…anachita kukamugwira mu hostel alichigonere.. he was wa first year. and i know him…anthu amene amagwidwawo ambiri samapanga nawo…be sympathetic,kuchosa moyo its too much
Chisomo in the first place, i would advise my child to refrain from participating in any demos. Secondly, in the event that demos is on the verge of break loose, I would advise my child to immediately leave the campus and go to town immediately. Otherwise he would fall a victim. thats would be my advice the first day of his life at college. Prevention is better than cure. I have been to college myself and i knothe victims are always innocent students.
Atsogo kapanda anthuwa simungawathe amakhala ali mka point kawo kabodzabodza,ngati panafika pomeneyedwa ndiye kuti zinthu sizinali bwino,ineyo ndakhala ndikuona mmene amapangira ku chanco,zimakhala zirombo ana amenewa ndipo kuwaikira kumbuyo mkupanda mzeru,imfa ina timachita kuiitana ilipheeee kumene imakhalako,ili ndiphunziro kwa ana onse a xul ngati pali chalakwika musatenge malamulo mmanja ngati inuyo ndiamene mukutilamulira dziko muno,mukumbukirenso imfa ya fanikiso phiri zaka za zimenezo anthu anayankhula zambiri kma moyo utapita analuza ndani?kudziphera tsogolo sikuti tikuyamika imfa yamunthuyo kma pena ana inu madzitcha a college inu mumapanga zinthu ngati mbuli
Chibisa desire iyi si judgement kma kulangiza kwa ana otsalawo kuti nthawi zina adzipanga za xol demo ndiufulu wawina aliyense kmano zimafunika kumadziwa chimene uli panthawiyo,fukwa nkhani yamagetsi aliyense akuidziwa kmano zomangotengera malamulo mmanja sibho,ine ndikuwadziwa ana a xol akafuna kupanga demo amasanduka zirombo amenewa siungawadziwe,peaceful demo sizingafike pamenepa,kma zomaphwanya zinthuzo ndiye eeeeish mavuto ake ndiamenewa amafa ngwapheeee opangawo atathawa
mulungu akukhukululukilen atsogo
I sense the spirit of arrogance in this Atsogo Mathews Kapanda.If u have never been beaten,bruised and tortured by Malawi Police thank God.Otherwise I have goñe thru all your comments but it seems like u r somehow useless dude sure.Most of the MP gurus r MSCE and JCE holders so they r alwez bitter on the pipo who seem to be better in education than them.If u r saying all these just for debate sake,fine but I don’t like ur points.
mr Bonnie zoziputa dala ndilibe nazo ntchito. if you can not accept the fact that this death was preventable it means you are stupid. I am useless to you.
Achitsilu atsogo simukunva pati kuti mwanayo samapanga nawo ma demo wo???
inu wafa wafa basi. kamuzusenitu kapena. iye samaziwa the benefit of demo?
Ineso anandipeza pa room a police ndisakuziwa chilichose mwamwayi ndinapulumuka koma ogwidwa atibulidwa paka magazi ndimaona ndi maso anga ambili omwe amatengedwa ndi osalakwa olakwa onse anali atathawa .
kusathawa kwa iye demo itangoyambiratu ndiye kulakwisako. za pa college amagwira aliyese osalakwa omwe. mwamva inu avayzi kukamwa ngati samapanga nao demo kkkk
I know him ndi adha ofasa sankapanga nawo
Anachita kukawagwira ali pa room iz that fair
A police hav to pay fi dis
Iye amati akhale ngati ndani anthu awa samaganizila makolo awo taonani amuonongela ndalama zambili mbili kumulipilira school fez lelo wangoziphesa zadala haaa chisilu chamwana
Atsogo Mathew Kapanda, HOW CAN YOU SAY “kusathawa kwa iye demo itangoyambiratu ndiye kulakwisako. za pa college amagwira aliyese osalakwa omwe. mwamva inu avayzi kukamwa ngati samapanga nao demo kkkk”. . ATSOGO! KOD MWAT NDIZOWONA ZOMWE MUNALEMBA PA PROFILE YANU KUT NDINU EVANGELIST? I THINK U SHOULD MIND YOUR TYPING IF U MEANT IT. OKAY?
atsongo your a one of the fools…………..mumudziwe yesu
Koma nanuso mpaka kumasekelela zophanazo ummmm ambuye akukhululukileni ndithu bwanji osangowasekela koma mpaka kupha ??? Mwayambatu kuweruza APA !!!! Tsoka kwa okumpha nzake
Mdala iweo ….. Wationjeza kuyankhula kwanji kumeneko? Fool
Kodi Atsogo simukudziwa kuti pa 6miles pali roadblock and ma students amatsitsidwa nkumangidwa?? Osamalankhula motumbwa…the day they started arresting students the demos were peaceful..we mourn our friend..this wasn’t fair..may God console his family.
Kelma Matope inu mukuti chani student wanuyo wafa natural death si zapolicezo. Even demo was peaceful did they obtain authorisation from authority? Ndinu amene mumauzana kupunga zopusa eti? Mukuona ngati nagets akhuzaa inu nokha? Kupepella basi
And asogo nawo angoyamba zomangobweza kutukwana…..zosawakhala
Brutally actions by policemen. The demos is their right to education. A student is about study through books/ ebooks/ printing/ typing. Apapa magetsi ndiofunika
Ndatukwanaa pati Bonface Mwamatope? Musapange zaine. Ndi tingopanga unfriend.
rest in peace prince kamwaza
ku skulu komweko ana ena amachita kudabwa kuti kuli ma demo kuno? a chani??… and amadandaula kuti why demonstrating for a trivial issue??
If magetsi is a trivial issue, then whats an issue according to you??? Actually whatever the issue, police brutality is not an option ndiye mfundo yanuyi ilibe mchere…
Emmanuel, learn to understand the words of wisdom.Its very pathetic that a university material left class for demos on a trivial issue like this.People are even forced to question how these poor minded students got their way into the university.The electricity issue affected almost everyone,why then would some idiots after smoking go out for baseless demos?
Matias ur talking ngatinso mbuli u dont know moyo waku university!!ukalakwa umawididwa ndiye akawachotse xul chifukwa akukanika kuwerenga chifukwa chosowa magetsi??remember ndi moyo wamunthu wapitawo osamayankhula xopusanzo ayi
Rloyd chisema so what has changed after demonstrating?? Magetsi are still the same koma your friend is dead.this was all stupid and baseless march.RIP
kapito & ben u better shut up your stupid probosis,unlike commenting nosense,machende amanu nonse mixew mboli zanu
Amene mukunena kuti wachitabwino kuphedwa, ndinu mbuli zokudya manyi kuyesa peanut butter. Zitsiru za anthu, ana alephele mayeso chifukwa chokuti mabi a magetsi kulibe? Akapanga demo alakwitsa? Ana a njoka inu. Mbuli zophunzira
Gift wa kafex banda iwenso pantumbo pa mako.stick with your foolish ideas and we will have ours.
Inewo ndimakonda kuwerenga macomment apa akuti police nkhoza kumpha ndimasapota adpp
Ben ur so stupid
wafa bassi ndiusiru wakewo. zamanyi basi ndipo enawo akanawakutha zenizeni shupiti
Makolo akumeza denje, kumagona nyumba za maudzu,nkumati achimwene ali ku xul…zitserekwete za wana,osatengapo chitsanzo Chasowa?.. kupepera kweni kweni…..magetsiwo ongothimatu just a single day,…mudzutseni nkamudozole ineyo ndimuphenso mukuona..
there is no way munthu amakhonza mayeso chifukwa kuwerenga. Had it been is so,sibwenzi tikupita ku xul,bwezi tikungogula ma buku kumawerenga. xul is about learning then keep it in mind…..osati zoloweza ngat ndakatulo. mukati akulephera kuwerenga nde kut chani? amapitira kuphunzira/ kuwerenga? akanapha zitsiru zonsezo
Too bad I hope government will do something about it
Nothing can govt do ,what happened to Robert Chasowa ???
That’s true
let them die…stupid students..little spoiled chakwera brats..
Tred carefully a life has been lost
u r stupid too my friend coz u dont know wat u r talking about…wamwalirayo ndiwa First year atha kukhalaso kuti samapanga nao more over apolice amangogwira aliyense omwe amapanga mademo wo amangowayang’ana then u r too stupid wamva!
Osamayakhula zopusa chocho adha nd moyo umeneo subwera kawiri.Anakakhala m’bale wako unakava bwanj mxiie
Zikugwirizana Bwanji Ndi Dr Chakwera Zimenezi? Koma Mulomwe Iwe!!! A D P P Ndnu Fiti Mumadya Maliro Teleku Mwakondwa Mwanayi Wafamu.. Zitsilu Za Anthu
Chakwela does not own a university
you are a BIG FOOL!
#Chris you’re very stupid person
machende ako chris….. do u kno who its feels like to have 4 assignments and at de same time no electricity… battery lamwana ….
Mainje!!! Ur very stupid !!!!!!
Chris Mainje pa ntumbo pako
Chris machende a bambo ako and nyini yamako
chris mainje kamwa kukula ngati nyini yamako wamva,can’t you respect life?big fool
Just reading de comments.
mache akedi ameneyu kulakhula mokhuta
Chindere chakufikapo ndiwe iwe nkhani yakhwafyana uli
Mathako paako
Nonsense Mainje mwana wanyani
Chris mbuli iwe,,,
wayakhula mopusa chris munthu ukunenayo samapanga nawo.in fact he was my friend.
Ndakwiya ndanyasidwa
Malawina police they are stupid idiots they only know how to beat people not to keep peace
Boma iiliii mmmmmmm
Jesus Christ!
Kufa ngati chitsulu.
Too bad wher is this country headin to mmmm abale inu
Eish! That’s too sad…
Dats normal ma he r i p
adpp źawakhuza??
inuso ndale muzelezeka nazo, pali amene akukamba zachipani apa?
wna anacomenta zokhuźa dpp thats y i ask
Not good
Mmmh too bad
that means apha munthu ndi a police
Kudzimva Sukulu.
a police wo?
Amwene Ukakhala Kusukulu Panga Zasukulu. Kodi Ophunzira Sangatengere Zitsanso Za Anzao Amene Adatisiya Chifukwa Chijijirika Ndinkhani Ngati Zimene?
Sure. Zimenezi Zimatathauza Kuti Sakudziwa Chomwe Apitila Kusukuluko. Nanga Izi Nzithuzithu Izi? Kwao Adziti Nchani?
Dpp woyeee!! Rip.
Dpp woyeee!! Rip tizaonana 2019
too bad
You see Manny Kay