Chiwamba shoots GBV

Wokomaatani Malunga

As the world is in 16 days of activism against Gender Based Violence (GBV), Malawi’s top poet Robert Chiwamba has used stanzas to fight the malpractice.

In a latest poem that will be launched on Wednesday at Kwaharaba art gallery called “Taima”, Chiwamba has expressed strong criticism against GBV.

Wokomaatani Malunga
Robert Chiwamba: Against GBV

Speaking in an interview with Malawi24, Chiwamba stressed that the poem has described a stance taken by people who are passionate in the fight against Gender Based Violence.

“Taima is a poem that describes a stance taken by people who are passionate in the fight against Gender Based Violence.”

“These vow that they will stand and speak out against Gender Based Violence and encourage every one to take part in this fight,” Robert Chiwamba told Malawi24.

According to Chiwamba , the poem “Taima” is European Union and UNESCO’s theme poem of the sixteen days of activism against Gender Based Violence.

Among others during the launch of the poem at Kwaharaba art gallery from 6 to 7pm, there will be recitals from Chiwamba and others on Gender Based Violence, the screening of the poem which also happens to be his first ever video and many others.

He further told Malawi24 that the video will be premiered on Matindi Television the same Wednesday from 08:30 pm.

Chiwamba was appointed ambassador of the European Union and UNESCO’s skills and technical education program (STEP) in May.

In this role, he celebrates heroics of brave women, encourage girls and women to pursue technical and vocational trainings, encourage youth entrepreneurship and promote equality between boys and girls.

According to the Malawi’s top poet all his agendas to see girls doing big in such areas can be meaninglessness due to GBV hence the production of the poem.

“However, all these fail to advance in a setting where there is Gender Based Violence or any other form of violence thus my production of Taima.

“My expectations are that the poem will challenge many into joining the fight against Gender Based Violence. Further, fathers will act as role models to their sons by not violating rights of women, but above all fellow artists will join in disseminating information against Gender Based Violence,” he added.

The poet added that Taima is a poem that has been designed to let the audience  recite along and that people will enjoy it.

“Taima may be the last one before I begin recording my third album next year, so I wanted to finish the year on a high note. It is excellent,” he told Malawi24.

The world is in 16 days of activism against Gender Based Violence that began on 25th November and will end on 10 th December 2017.