President Peter Mutharika has joined pop star Rihanna in calling on world leaders to fund education in Malawi.
Musician Rihanna, who is the global ambassador of the Global Partnership for Education (GPE), visited Malawi in January and met with students and teachers.

Rihanna has been urging world leaders in advanced economies to give money to the organization for its work across the world.
Now Mutharika has joined her. In an article on Project Syndicate, the Malawi leader has encouraged donor countries around the world to contribute generously to GPE at its upcoming financing conference in Senegal on February 2, 2018.
Mutharika says the organization, which aims to distribute more than $2 billion annually to help improve education in developing countries around the world, has over the past eight years helped the education sector in Malawi.
“Since 2009, GPE funding has enabled Malawi to conduct long-term planning and data collection, and has brought domestic and international partners together for a common cause. GPE’s support has helped us build more facilities, overhaul our curriculum, improve access for girls, and train more educators.
“It would not be an exaggeration to say that Malawi’s partnership with GPE has been transformative, which is why I am urging donor countries around the world to contribute generously to GPE at its upcoming financing conference in Senegal,” says Mutharika.
He notes that 825 million young people across the world depend on GPE’s work to get the education or skills that will enable them perform well in the workplace of the future.
He says lack of funding could lead to growing unemployment, poverty, inequality, instability, and other factors that threaten not just individual countries or regions, but the entire international community.
Mutharika adds that his government has increased education spending from 12.5% of the total domestic budget in 2010 to 21% in 2015 to improve quality and access to education.
“This represents one of the highest percentages among developing countries anywhere, and I hope that our example will encourage leaders elsewhere to devote at least 20% of their national budgets to education,” he says.
In the education sector, Malawi faces challenges such as dilapidated schools, high pupil-to-teacher ratios, and significant gaps in inspection and oversight capabilities which make it hard for teachers to teach and for students to learn.
Nothing funny luk @ life we living is better Malawian waz seeking 2 next year’s no money inna country en lights he’ll now days ukuziwa kale
Mmmmmm abale ndi mphunozo
Mbudzi ya mano kusi iyi. dnt help him is a thief
Sitidya kwa asogoleli ife timadya zomwe manja a2 amagwila ndj zelu za2 fuk peter mmuthakika
Well done mr president.endso 2019 ndi boma
Kkkkkkkkkkk that adage that goes ; A stranger kills the snake , meaning the president is not putting education at heart jst busy accumulating wealth by himself n his fellow kings of theft, he is labeled a prince of thieves by opposition leaders
Shame Mr president is becoming begger
The wise President with a vision for the better and bright future.
Adzazibanso zimenezo.
Education never sound without electricity nowday. Apm where is ur senses kkkkkkkk Prof kkkk bola Mr president
and the Kape of the year award goes to = Bwampini!
Ask here if she ever experienced persistent Blackout in US
Peter you are the best idiot
Hahahahaha koma abalee mukumukani Bushili kut athandizepo pa ntchito zina m’Malawi muno bwanji,mukukalola munthu oti simukumudziwa zichitikotiko zake bwanji basi kungomudziwa kut ndi oyimba basi,u president u have to find a fully history of Rianah, watch out Malawi!
Kukulatu chetebulowa bas kkkkkk
Aaaaa y not funding escom?
iiiiiiiih akanapuma koma agogowa akalele zidzikulu!!!!!!
Magetsi akukuvutani mukulimbana ndizina..
MALAWI FOR SALE by peter muthalika
Idiot president many degrees but fail to run the country ndinakakhala wamkulu wasitikali ndinakamuchitsa ngati mugabe. Please asitikali tsekulani maso anu muchotseni munthuyu malawi asanagulitsidwe chifukwa dziko lanthu peter akuligultsa
Ma degrees sajoina ma wire boss
what’s up with dis nicca?? iwe tikufuna magetsi ife iya.deal with de current issue Kaye,,zakozo ndka rihanna kakoko later
World leaders to fund education in Malawi? When will Malawi ever become independent on economic issues, like really we can’t rely on handouts forever….
Izi ndizomwendimakamba nthawi zonse,mukuyitana zinthu zomwe ena sakuzidziwa,mapeto ake kukumachitika Ngozi zosiyana mpaka wena nkumadabwa kuti chikuchitika mchiyani.a President ngati m’malikonda dziko lanu bwanji osatengapo ndalama zanu ma Billion mukumabawo nkuthandiza?? Mukufunawina wke wakutali mphindu lake mlotani?kuchoka ku America wadutsa maiko angati,kapena zomwe mukunfunilazi kwawoko amapangaa? Kapena tinene kuti ku America kulibe anthu osauka, why Malawi? Mukudzifumulira moto and vuto mloti akulu akulu mukamavomera zithandizo izo pamakhalama mgwirizano wanu and kubwenzera kwake tikuluza miyoyo ya wanthu pa ngozi,A satana mukuwayitana wo mphindulawo pachuma akuwonongacho ambiri sadziwa mumadziwa ndinu akumipando
Boma lilibe ndalama?
Ine ndinathawa blackout ku malawi
Who is to join who? APM or Rihana?
Guyz Kwathu kuno Magets Adazima Wik Yatha Antl Lelo Tikafuna Kuchi Gayo Tikupita Ku mozambik Kuma Olokanso Shire Kod Nanga Moyo Wathu Utetezeka Bwanji Ndinyengo Ya Madzi Osefuka Akubwelawa? Chonde Ngati tidakulakwila Malawi UKhululuke
uyu mwamulora to. help education. a person u dnt kno, bt u rejected bushiri to help abwt electricity issues the person we o. kno, AMBUYE MULOWELEREPO
Koma zoopsatu abale, ankati bushiri ndi wa satanic nde rihana ndi wa tchalitchi chanji??? Mm! Kaya tiziona
Kumukana wa ambuye kulola wopanda ambuye kkkkk koma guyz
ndukuuzani malawi ali pamoto monga mwadzina lake, kkkk
kkk I thout is the new song of Rihana ft Munthalika
Who is to join the other here?
Service delivery is needed ku malawi can’t fail zinthu za simple ngati zimenezi.
No wonder there is everyday Road accident
Illuminati creeping slowly into Malawi.
Ndi zomwe akufuna chapapi uyu,ndalama zoti zikanathandiza mavuto alipowa alinazo anagawana kale ndi ma minister wo,Gondwe ndi mbuzi ya munthu
Guyz chikuchitika chn?apa nde pachimake pa satanic,ndamvaso akumupempha bushiri kut athandidze boma,nanga chosatila chn! nanga Rihhana chosatila chikhala chn!oh my god,
Zaziiiiii. Zopola
Devil At Works, God 4 Bit. Blood Sheding Again, Ndanena2 Womva Wamva
What i learn in life is,we can’t perfect to everyone and never
Useless project for us bussines of ur houre whats that.
Kkkk eee malawians we have problem in saying thank you
You are right. It is because many Malawians who have Facebook Account are idiots, ignorant of politics and political parties. They don’t differentiate between the State President and their biological fathers.
Kkkk oooo?
Naye ndi mwai wake kukhala president wa dziko, Msiyeni adyelele; koma kutukula Malawi walephera zamukanika
direct from this news…….Mutharika adds that his government has increased education spending from 12.5% of the total domestic budget in 2010 to 21% in 2015 to improve quality and access to education…………………………..In the education sector, Malawi faces challenges such as dilapidated schools, high pupil-to-teacher ratios, and significant gaps in inspection and oversight capabilities which make it hard for teachers to teach and for students to learn………. Mr President what does this mean????
Ndaonapo atsogoleri koma uyu amati pitala ndimbuzi yamunthu.mbolaso ulamuliro wa bakili muluzi ngat zakumvuta osasiira anzako koma kakakakaka
Some tyms timapanga zinthu mopusa inde! mwina mosaziwa.komano soka limatha kuza pa munthu chifukwa cha machitidwe ake opusa. ndayiwala pang’ono ves koma ndi chaputer cha Tito mu bible, amakamba za kulemekeza asogoleri. chabwino bwanawa indedi zikuwavutakomabe ulemuwokha penapake ngati wanthu mukuyenela kupereka. ndisakesake kaye vesili ndizaliwerenge komaso kupepha wamwambamwamba kuti achitenanu nose oyakhula zatuzu pa msogoleliyu! its better know to respect his tym omwe mukuwafunawo ikazakwana nthawi yawo muzakondwera.
Amen! Abro Purezidenti wokondedwa ndi anthi mmalawi sadzapezeka mmalawi kwake ndi Ku tsutsa China chili chonse basi!
Kkkkkkk man iwe ukusapota kkkkkk haaaaa the bible said work hard ok so if there is no magetsi how can u work hard chigayo kulibe? Uli njala. Some of the factoty akutseka why? Blackout. nanga omwe amagwira ntchito muma factory tsopano umphawi walowa why? Magetsi. Kkkkkkkk I rest my case
My brother Thoxy, I think ur out of your mind u don’t kno what you are doing
mr thoxy, mumatiyimirira.landilani respect.Long live Mr President
Thax mr #Mangani kkkkkkk kopambana ulemu alandile namalenga emwe amatikonda tonse.
Ndabweraso ndi Vesiro ndalipeza,Tito chapter 3 ves1 akuti! Uwakumbutse iwo agonje kwa akulu,ndi Aulamuliro,akhale omvera,okonzeka pa ntchito iri yonse yabwino. ves 2 asachitire mwano munthu ali yense,asakhale andeu,akhale aulere,naonetsere chifatso conse pa anthu onse.
Zaaafwaaa taioneni nkhumba imeneyi iri ziii ngat iku wawulidwa ndi moto.basi momwemo ndi chathu chathu ichi tidachisakha tokha
Nde ndi Bushiri asiyana chani…mwinanso bola Shepherd ndi wathu wathu…
I have learnt one thing from Peter. ” Qualifications can be deceptive”
shaaaaa kkkkkkkkk
Mr ibu why?????
he has failed on blackouts,this time around he has jumped to education,after failing on education,he will try to solve load accidents issue,thus the more educated president in africa,he is APM
za zii
celebrity endorsment???
it aint gonna work on us !!
Total madness!!
Za ziii
Kt rihanna wake uyu wa ku america yi?
Kkkkkkkkkkkkk no coment
Yehova musa wanga ndilibe kusowaaa andigonesa bwinoli mumusipu wokoma mumusipu wokoma…….,,amen Jehovah
Magetsi bwana plz musatichimwise amalawi plz
Khope zake zimenezi mangetsi akayakile mwano
wat kind of a person is apm
wat kind of a person is apm
Nyapapi uyu magetsi achita kumukanikathu kuti tchetchetchetche
What???Mr IBU are you kidding,what about power I mean electricity
lets not call mr president names, yes he is failing but are we supposed to call our parents names when they fail, am not a supporter of him but i have learnt to respect others even if they are failing coz i believe one day i will lead a group of people, jesus said do to others what you want them to do to you.note its not this people who will do to you but those who have not seen you do that thing it is God who will make them do
Mr ibu failed to honest
Misheck kkk Mr IBU watikanika
Bakha lachabechabe kumubakila APM ndiumbuli .
when you become a leader its when you will know that its not an easy task, am not backing only that pointing fingers will not help
Foolish president Ever Malawi have go to hell with your blackout
koma ana azaka zino chonde muzikhala ndi ulemu you know what he is somebody father respect is needed
koma ana azaka zino chonde muzikhala ndi ulemu you know what he is somebody father respect is needed
But he don’t care about us how can we respect him thousands are dying in hospital everyday coz of poor leadership now when you kill is that Godly thing of courses I can’t judge and I will be judged too but try to be fair,,,
After all Only GOD CAN JUDGE ME
Peter Muthalika ndi kape of the year salikulithandiza dziko la Malawi
Improve your grammar before u call someone foolish.
Ts true this man is stupid i mean the pres
Kkkkk kkkkk #kape of the #year?
it is true man mthalika falled
Before u see stupidity of others see yours first
kkkkk ndiye mwati stupid President of the year
Greatest fool Malawi has,,,, Only God Knows
Peter you are the best
AMalawi anzanga ubongo wanu suukuganiza bwino zoona nkhani imeneyi paka kutukwana nokhanokha.
This gungster is robbing our tax money! To hell
Wicked,wizard & witches
E E Ok?