Mtsogoleri otsutsa mu nyumba ya malamulo a Lazarus Chakwera dzulo adzudzulidwa ndi Sipika wa nyumba ya malamulo.
A Chakwera adzudzulidwa kamba konyoza Mtsogoleri wa dziko lino a Peter Mutharika kuti iwo ndi kalonga wa mbava ndinso olephela ndi ogunata.

A Chakwera adanena izi lolemba pamene amayankhula mu nyumba ya malamulo. Iwo adali kuyankhapo pa zimene a Mutharika adanena potsegulila nyumbayi.
Mu kuyankha kwawo, a Chakwera adakwelela Paphiri a Mutharika ndi kuwathila nkhoko.
“A Mutharika dziko likuwavuta, iwo ndi olephela ndinso ogunata,” anatelo a Chakwera.
Iwo adanenanso: “a Mutharika ndi kalonga wa mbava amene akutsogolera uchigawenga mu dziko muno, kulibela dziko la Malawi mwa psipsiti.”
Atanena izi a Chakwera, nduna ya achinyamata ndi masewelo a Henry Mussa anaima ndi kupempha a Sipika kuti adzudzule a Chakwera kamba konyoza Mtsogoleri wa dziko.
Sipika adanena kuti afufuze bwino pa nkhaniyo ndipo azapeleka chigamulo.
Popeleka chigamulo chake lachisanu, Sipika adanena kuti a Chakwera adalakwitsa ndithu poyankhula udyo za Mtsogoleri wa dziko.
sangakwanitse inu chakwela kupupuluma
Malawian tasithani munthu akulamulirayu ngwakuba kuno sanakhaleko anali garden boy kwa America atangomva kuti ndalama zaphweka kumalawi anakasiya ma green book
Kenako akhala chasika kkkkk
Speaker ndiwe chisilu do you think in this 21st century tiziombabe manja zinthu zkuonongeka
Amalawi mbuzi kugunda galu osathoka, koma galu akagunda mbuzi nde kulankhula kwambili
Kodtu chakwra usamalenge zomb kukhal chakwera it does’nt mean kut pa mpando wau presdent ungakwere so stop talkng nonse
Ndi mmene zikundipwetekela ine kumuona Peter alipa mpando, bas wina akumuikla kumbuyo, kusaganiza bwino! There are so many things need to be changed! Tioneko zina awa aPitala zawavuta! I think people who are supporting him wakudyesa chibanz!
PALIBE muthu angakhale mmodzi amene amafuna kuuzidwa chilungamo pazimene akuvhita amalawi tinazolowela kuvomeleza kuti zithu zili bwino pame ne pansi pantima tikunva kuwawa thawi zonse chilungamo chimawawa NDIPO muthu wachilungamo athu samukonda
Koma Chakwerayo Azakwanisa Kuthetsa Mavuto Amagesiwa? Mmm Doubt
tingodikira 2019 basi tisinthe utsogoleri more fire aChakwera osafooka
DPP woyeeee!!!!!! chipani cha fuko!
Nyumba Yamalamulo Yaulendo Uno Yagwira Ntchito Bwino Chifukwa Cha Dr Chakwera Ndiena Otsutsa Izi Zimathandiza Olamula Kuchangamuka Pakuchita Zithu.In Malawi We Nid Pple Of Chakwera’s Type.My Vot IS Yours
Lakula ndi dyera a Chakwera mwaonjezatu pamenepa ngati za ndale simumazitsata bwanji muzikangolima fodya..
He simply hit where it hurts most
Pita buzi yamsongoleli chisilu ngalu kaya kosaviniddwa eti
Chilunga chimapweteka achakwela tiyenazoni osasiya kulanhula kkkkk
Ndizokomera mbuzi kugunda Galu Galu akabwezera walakwa mmmmm
Ngat Mwapsa Mtima Ipsan Mtima Zenizen Kkkkkk
Ngat Mwapsa Mtima Ipsan Mtima Zenizen Kkkkkk
Kod Inu Mafuna Kut Achakwela Anene Kut Zinthu Zikuyenda Bwino Pamene Zinthu Sizilibwino? Chilungamo Chmawawa Zomwe Anend Achakwela Ndizowona Uyu Pitala Ndimunthu Osayidziwa Ntchito Yake Ndipo Ndimunthu Okanika Zot Dziko Muno Tili Ndi Tsogoleli Zodziwa Yekha Iye Pitala
A DPP akunva kuwawa nthawi zonse chilungamo chimawawa
DPP woyeeeeeeee. there gud @ opposing and gud to be in opposition. govt was made 4 us and opposition was made 4 u
There is a big gap between the state President and the party President, so Chakwera should be careful indeed, who told him that to be in opposition means insulting the? Kumakhala ndi umunthu abale.
Ochakwera phuma ngati ntchentche, kunena kwa ndithendithe namthambwe anazitengera, samala mlomo wako
Ngati akulalata nchochi azatisunga ameneyi aaaaaa kuvotela chakwela ndi mistake
Chilungamo ndi mwano?
He is athief indeed nde mufuna tixiopa
You are just afraid of Chakwera coz he is coming with more power please try to get him not just commenting on these tsotses/ MBAVA
Chakwera sunalakwe ndichitsirudi chimenechi he is leader of mbava galu ameneyo
nthawi zambiri chilungamo akachiphika anthu chimaphweteka
nthawi zambiri chilungamo akachiphika anthu chimaphweteka
Lazalo ngopanda ulemu
Uyu sangakhale pulezident waulemu uyu aaaaa
Pano Peter akuti Chakwela ndi wamisala inu mwaombela manja. Chakwela akanena kuti Peter ndiwa bodza lnu mukuti Achakwela atukwana pulezidenti. Olakwa ndani?
Chilungamo chimawawa, Dr. Chakwela akunena zoona. Mudzavomeleza patsogolo pano.
Bola chakwera akulimbana ndi munthu mmodzi koma pitalayu akulimbana ndamalawi 18million … Pitala akutizunza magetsi tinayambira kudandaula muja kuti akuzimitsa mwachimidzi , wati bhowa bwanji iya!!!!
Achakwera mumakwana
Alibe ulemu uyu inu KO’d munthu okuba chachikhumi angakhale ndimwai? Mulungu adamuseka uyu inu that’s y akungobwebwetuka
Chakwera ndi deal amangwetu. Mtengo sugendedwa opanda zipatso.
Koma this Malawi 24 iiii ayi tamalembaniko nkhani zotukula dziko
Chikhulupiliro chathu Chakwera kumwamba kumene Lazarus wa moyo anakafikira pachifuwa cha Abraham
Chakwera ayiwala kuti anasankidwa ndi anthu kuti alowe mnyumba ya malamulo,amayankula ngati akulota mbuzi yeniyeni ine NDE sangandinamize
koma Chakwera siolakwa he is speaking on the behalf of malawians.wat he is speaking is wat everyone knows.amene sakudxiwa kut opitala ndiokuba ndan.ndan sakudziwa kut walephera kulamula.koma anthu akudana ndi chilungamo.Bravo Chakwe umakwana ase
Mangani ziko lathu pothana ndi umphawi ndi njala abale tisavutike koma eiish
Lets love one another had bn he started frm poltcs then church.
Chakwera wanyanya, angokhala ngati si m’busa
In Malawi any leader who is a thief is a good leader… From grassroot we dont call amfumu as mbava but gogo…Kwenikweni a president ndiye eee a visionally leader
Hon Mr Chakwera bolatu mubwelere ntchito yanu yakale ija ya Ubusa zisiyeni zinthu za dzikoli yambaninso kudyetsa nkhosa za Mulungu.zinthu za dzikoli zikuchedwetsani.
Chakwera is the only politian who wants Malawi wa bwino not mmene ziliri panomu. Ogwira ntchito mboma saonetsa mbali koma their said imaoneka when voting. Musanyengedwe ndi fundo zomwe a DPP akunena kuti your salaries shall be increased. Why increasing things that shall not be given in time?? Dr. Chakwera 2019 bomaaaaa!!!!!! Winawe ulirira keep on using these undemocratic medias kkkkkk
Abusawa ali ndi mantha komanso sakugona tulo.Tsono ngati mukumatukwana chonchi muli kunja kuli bwanji mukazalowa m,boma.Kale ndinkaganiza kuti kutukwanizana ndikwa anthu osaphunzira koma ayi anthu ophunziranso ndi mbuli zenzeni.
Lets love another this is our own country
Cadet wankulu tsopano point of order waitanthauza motelo taah sch ndi yabwino umaphunzirako chizungu kkkk
AMSOYOYA ali mmadzi ndi SIDC MI
Amsowoya mwatani kodi, kapena mwina akunyambititsani shugar adppwa?
Anatero speaker kkkkk atolankhani amabodza shupiti
VivA chakwera
Kip going chakwera tel this Nkhalamba kuti yalephera kulamula dziko
In other way Chakwera is Yona so we need to Sink him in Indian Ocean thereafter we shall come up with aprove whether he’s indeed man of God when he getts swallowed by huge fish and spitted to where God chosen him to preach His news
Palibe wa bwino apaa
Kma ngt mkuluyi amkangodya chakhumi cha akhristu ndkukanika kusogolera mpingo ndiye mwati akufuna azasogolere Malawi yenseyi zizatheka? Osamangolongolora cfk uli pa bench ayi usayese kulamulira dziko ndizophweka Yona
Nose onyoza achakwera pa…….. panu mwava tikumava kuwawatu kod zikumakusangarasan zamagesizi et
always chakwela hit a nail truth is pain indeed
Mbava zokha zokha za DPP osamalemekeza anthu akuba ngat awa
pali anthu ena omwa amafuna kuti dziko liwatame ndikulankhula,, pomwe kulankhulako kumakhala kosathandiza, kumangozitukwanisa ndi kunyozedwa.kulimbana ndi president mmalo momakamba mfundo zothandiza,
Media houses that belong to this group will always say “samala ndi mlomo wako” a thing that was neve mentioned in parliament.
Nkhani ndiyakuti chilungamo chimapweteka.basi! tangoganizani kuno ku Zomba magetsi anazima dzulo 8 Oclock mpaka pano sanayake ndiye ndikumafusa kuti mzipatalamu zinthu zikukhala bwanji?
Don’t worry we shall meet 2019
Is Chakwera man of God? Aaaaaaa ndakayika ndi I think he is Son of Snake
I can see now that Dr chakwera will win the coming election,,,,,, chifukwa chilichose anganene athu mukuzipezera milandu kkkkk chakwera woyyyyeeeee
Zasimikizika sopano kut a chakwera akufuna kuchosa a msowoya u vice president at kamba kokwiya ndi kuchose dwa kwa speech yawo mu Hansard ,izi ndi chisimikizo kut mia nda mmene aku mufuna a chakwera kut asakhale runing mate pa zisankho zi kubwera zi!
Dr Chakwela sanalakwe chifukwa akulankhuli a Malawi osati za mmutu mwao,Popeza chilungamo chimawawa,ndingoti dzimvele muntolo.
Speakeryo paja akudziwa kuti u vice unamuvuta
Wankulu wambava kkkkkkk
Chakwera simply called a spade by its name. Nothing wrong. Akuti chuma chikuyenda bwino, nanga bwanji zinthu zikukwera mitengo. Kunamizidwa yayi lero.
Achakwela ndi otembo bola tate otembo, Achakwela phuma ndale sakuziziwa. Ndipo akuwononga chipani
man of God ochakwela thawi ino ndiyokhoza zolakwika za olamula kuti mwina tizakuvoteleni ositi kunyozana.Ife achinyamata tikufana pulesidenti opanga chitukuko cholozeka,ndikukhimitsa lamuloro lolemekeza anthu ogwira tchito zosiyasiyana powalipira moyenelera osatikuba
man of God ochakwela thawi ino ndiyokhoza zolakwika za olamula kuti mwina tizakuvoteleni ositi kunyozana.Ife achinyamata tikufana pulesidenti opanga chitukuko cholozeka,ndikukhimitsa lamuloro lolemekeza anthu ogwira tchito zosiyasiyana powalipira moyenelera osatikuba
Tinamva basi
Chiyambi cha mavuto onsewa ndi malemu kamuzu coz ndiyemwe adathamangitsa azungu mwachangu ndikubweretsa ndalama yoti kwacha mkuchotsa ma pounds now iye mavuto anathana nao coz anafa
kachakwera ndkukhulupilira kal kufup ndkunkhotakota
Eee koma ngati akutukwana ali Kunja akadzwina eeeeeeeee shaaaaa
Kkkkkk chakwera ngati wathawa zamulungu kuthawira kundale ndiye mungayembekezele zinthu zabwino mwa iye?
Chifukwa munthu amene analandira yesu muchoonadi sangayambe ndale
Ndiye kuti maganizo make Ali pa chuma osati chipulumutso
Papeto make ndikutukwanako
Angopotoza amalawi mmalo mopeleka zitsanzo zabwino
Mulungu anamukwiyira sangawine ameneyo walemba mmadzi
Mayi iwe ndiwe opepela kwambiri uhule wakowo umati akakupulumutse ndi achakwera? mudziwe yesu
hule hule pantako pako udamukwatako Bernad
Peter achoke manyi
Not surprising as the speaker has lost hope of becoming the VP.
due to MIA’s appearance.
Chakwera machende ako Dpp woyeeee!!!”
Munthu kumuthawa mulungu ndi muganiza akazalamulira dziko azatha kuuza anthu zabwino, mulungu adawatuma kuulalikira mtundu wanthu, sazalola nyasi izi.
A Malawi 24 ndinu abodza mumapotoza nkhani bwanji?
Former Pastor Insulting president in the Parliament provide bad image.#Abusa_aChakwera_ndichani_Chakuonekelani
Nkutheka Kuti wanena zoona Koma Malo olakwika!!!
Ngati walephela kutsogolera nkhotsa ndye kulibwanji dziko,, Chakwela ndomvazaekha mkaoneka akugawanitsa M C P
Boladi abwere asilikali aku Zimbabwe chifukwa amaziwa za human rights
President akatukwana its ok… chakwera akatukwana koma ayi…. mbusa asamatukwane…. cheap politics.. no issue here
Iweyo ndi speaker wakoyo Mbuzi
Mtsogoleri weniweni amadziwika ndi ntchito zake koma aChakwerawa kukhala president adzidzangotitukwana tonse ndithu.
Abusa aja ayambaso kutukwana kkkk masiku omaliza.
Tikudziwa amene akunena ameneyu! prince of thieves owooo munthu wamkulu ukuwona ngati ku chenjera!
ablack niger
Mkulu ameneyu ati anali m’busa kkkkk masanje chani!.
Kod mwat Chakwera adali m’busa kkk koma zinaz
Malawi has no president! Munthalika pitala is an idiot puppet nyani!
Mawu amodz anthu kunjenjemera ndie kulibwanji 2019 mukhaula dpp kudzala manyowa basi
Anthu anyayu ndi choncho mix ufitiso
A president anamunena chakwera kuti ndi wamisala n ali ndi degree ya fake ..pano chakwera wayankhula mwati sayankhula bwino,tit for tat basi kkk
M’dima umadana ndikuunika,panopa munthu sangapusitsidwe ndingati zimenezi bola joice banda asati ziripozi.
Paja amene amasapota mbava dzimakhala dzitsiru, mbava silemekezedwa ai.
Nkhaniyi mwaiziwa ndinu amalawi 24
Chakwera waonjezaso what kind of verbal languages does he use…… that wasn’t a professional way of speaking (My opinion, )
i respect your opening, but i also want to ask you opening on how Chakwera should talk to a current ddp administration to listen and act?
zoona waonjezadi,real men dont talk ill for their opinions to be heard
John Chitenje chakwera is a big man he should know what’s appropriate what’s inappropriate to say…. What he is doing is targeting and disrespectful no matter what happens APM is still the president he needs to be respected at all cost as u would also love your children to respect you even if u did something wrong as a parent….u don’t speak informally in matters like this
By the way I’m not a politician to tell him what to do. ..he knew what he was going into when he was getting into politics ..l hope that answers your question
100% true Flora faith
Flora ukuyankhura mwano chifukwa chiyani ufuna undichimwitse?
No one is stopping you to Chimwa thou??
Flora ur 100% correct! A big hand to you…
True chakwera must know his level, he is the biggest loser, he failed to organize the church
He who knows that he knows not is an intelligent but he who knows not that he knows not is afool just leave him,Dr chakwera should continue shouting on tragedy we malawians suffering who can rebuke the president among you its only chakwera can, mcp 2019
Vuto ndiloti anthu amasangalala ndikuti president ndi nduna zake azinyoza CHAKWELA pomwe akati mawu omwewo akuyakheni mumati ndionyoza ndiye azimuopa poti iye ndi president iyeyo alekenso kunyoza tsogoleri wa maso mphenya osati obela ai MCP MOTO KUTI BUUU KUOTCHA CHIMANGA
Ochakwera oli ndi phuma kwambiri mpofunika osamathamange mwazi chifukwa songawine chinsankho ndi phuma limeneli zotsatira zake odzadyara bp okadzagwapasi koma odzitenga ngati kuti iwowo owina kale koma odikire omenewa kkkkkkk
Mbuzi ukudziwa chiyani
Chakwera Wapakamwa Ngati Pa Dzenje Lambewa!Chakwera Akufuna Kupusitsa Ngati Munthu Wabwino Ndale Zonyozana Zinapita Ndi Bakili Muluzi.
Ngakhale Bible limanena momveka bwino kut tiyenera kulemekeza atsogoleri athu.Aliyense ali ndi ufulu olemekedwa posatengera kochokera,mtundu,maonekedwe ndi zina zotero.
Mayi ulemu sapempha” zinthito zako ndizomwe umalandira nazo ulemu,
Koma Muzitha Kusiyanitsa Bwinobwino Bible Mulibe Nkhan Zandale.
Romans 13;1-5 . Wina Aliyense Ndi Mtsogoleri Amene Akunika Kulemekezedwa No Matter What Leadership He/she Is Heading.
Chakwera ndi mbuzi nde osachedwa naye ayi!
Truth is painful its better chakwera is talking the truth than anyone in the Parliament while President Piter muntharika is bzy liying the people of Malawi nw ur bzy hating chakwera bcz he tell the President truth Mr speaker ur so stupt plus muntharika is also stupt futsek.
Kodi kutukwana mumakuziwa inu?. Chakwera anena kuti pitala ndi kalonga wakuba pali kutukwana apa. Inde ndizowo muthalika ndichibamva chachikulu ndipo chowononga miyoyo ya Malawi.
Vuto la anthu a dpp kudana ndi chilungamo. Viva chakwera
Bora munamva
Sindikudabwanazo paja nd #Mugabe_week, and mugabe and if mugabe was a monkey then Peter could have been a monkey’s shit
Zikukomera mbuzi kugunda galu,koma galu kuluma mbuzi walakwa,a prezdent omwewo adamunena Chakwera kuti ndi wosaphunzira,nde lero Chakwera wabwezera pogemula kuti APM ndi Kalonga wa Mbava,walakwitsa?Muziona zodzudzula,panthawiyotu APM mudamuombera mmanja.
Akulu amenewa tinaika chinkhulupiliro mwa iwo koma ayambazi sadzidzangotitukwana amenewa nditsogoleri wanji ameneyu
munthu akathawa pa maso pa mulungu amalowelera kwambiri kuposa amkhalakale pa machimo ngakhale bwato limayamba kumila. ku ndale kulibe uzimu munthu amadalitsika akatembenuka mtima osati akayamba kulalata. ndale ndi ndale ndipo kulibe ndale za uzimu.
Though eya anatukwana but sometimes kutukwanako ndichilungamo pachoka so much lies with this govt.
Chomwe ndimadziwa nchakuti yense adazemba utumiki nkumachita zina mutu wake sumagwira,and this is exactly what Chakwera is proving. Shame on Chakwera that he has even forgotten himself,where he is,why he is there,how he got there.Chakwera is bringing disgrace to MCP,and if Chakwera continues to provoke Malawians by insulting our beloved leader,MCP will miserably because the more he make un necessary noise,the more he distance himself from presidency.I wish I were in John Tembo days, but with Chakwera at the helm of MCP,I dont see any nearness of MCP forming government
Koma uyu akuti chakwerayu ndiwautsilu athu okonda zoyakhula chocha nsakwanitsa zomwe akulonjeza ndiy osakopeka naye galu ameneyu
Ndale Za chimidzi Mr Chakwera, you must learn how to respect the Authorities!! I now understand that you went to a Bible School and you better go back to your profession because mu ndale Anthu odwala mutu waching’alang’ala sakufunika!!
kodi paja wats the profession for politics??????!
My dear ur talking
Mau aketu sanali akulu koma anali owawa chabe Prince of Thiefs basi nanga o Chakwera anaonjezeraso ena mauwa ngat kkkkkkkk moto uwo kuti buuuuu kuyatsiratu nsalu ya makaka a chimanga kkkkk
Prince Of Mbava Kkkkkkk.
Chilungamo chimawawa ena akamakuuza
Sevilla Vs Celta Vigo lero Amwene
Kapena tiganize kuti che Chakwela liwu loti opposition leader sakuligwirisa bwino ntchito? Kuyambila 2014 mpaka lerolino kususa kwake kunyoza basi no time for developments or campaign
Chirungamo chimawawa amafuna azingokhara chete bas
Very sad!! ,from cult to church then back to a cult.
Hahahahahahahahahaha munthu wa Mulungu wataniso nanga hahahaha
Kod Dr Laz Chakwera analakwa pati kuitana Mbuzi ndi dzina lake?
Main parts 4 the person to be a president, (1) Well Educated,(2)Critical thinking,(3)A very good visionally leader to his/her country,(4)Respecting other people’s view osati kunyoza ndanena zonyoza apa? If it could be that chakwera wants to help Malawi he should not behave like that! but together they were suppose to solve the problems,Mr chakwera to be president its not joke and to lead the Malawians its not easy! it need an experience! Lastly chakwera stop talking your stupit points in that house its 4 Malawian!
That’s A Stupid Coment Frm You As Well. Chakwera Was Very Right. Aspade Should Be Clled By Its Name, Periooood!
gro up my friend you think we are happy with the leadership of peter in malaw????????
You Idiots Why You Says Chakwera Chakwera And What What Are You Mad, Did You Forgot What Mcp Did In 30 Years Ago?
Yes we forgot. And we lll vote for chakwela., tired with the empty promises from bwampini.
Nde a Malawi anayamika? ukuwona ngati Dpp sikupanga zina zabwino ikupanga koma munthu sangapange zokondweretsa a Malawi tonse pamodzi ayi pomwe akukoza kwina kwinaso kumakhala kukuwonongeka ndani angakwanitse zofuna za Malawi mu zaka 5 zokha? Can’t you differeciate 30years with 5years? ngati ulindi mzeru Kamuzu ungayerekezere chakwera? Am not hating mcp but am hate chakwera with his stupit negative report vuto lako ncha? ngati ukufuna uyambe wamuphuzitsa kuti kodi kutsutsa amatani wosati za mwano, nsanje, kufuna kusokoneza zokambilana ngati mu mnyumba ya malamulo alimo yekha kumeko nde kuja pa chizungu timati kugodomala/kupepera.
aaa chakwera has no leadershp skils uyu!
leadership sikuphuzila koma mphaso yochokera kwanamalenga ,kodi peter mesa ndiophuzira nanga zikuvutila pati?ngati inu ndiawo mukudya bwino sionse mukuenera kufufuza bwino zithu sizili bwino
Limenelo ndi bodza leni leni ndichifukwa chiani mwana akamakula amayenera kupita ku sukulu koma chosecho mukuti utsogoleri sulira ma phuziro nowdays even to be a good prophet or anyleadership you it need education as a key to success, even Jesus was busy to teaching his disples 4 them to be knowledge of how lead other people there4 tisanyoze sukulu yomwe ena amayilirayi ayi! munthu ngati sanaphunzire mokwanira atsogolera bwanji anthu kodi akhungu wokhawokha angalondererane njira? And thats why he always leading people to have demostration chifukwa sakudziwa ubwino ndi kuipa kwake kwa chinthucho ndiye limenero ndi bodza sukulu its a key!
Kkkkkkkk a Malawi mukutani ? chakwela alibe vuto kapena tingopepha asilikali aku Zimbabwe abweletu
Peter Is Still Young And Mugabe A Mulanda Atakalamba Thus Why He Said Cowards Are Those Who Failled When I Was Young But The Do It When Iam Old
Kkkkkkkkkk ñdiye mwati Muthalika ñdi #Gawauñdi Wa Ma tsotsi hahahaha Ñdi zooñadi iñu simaioña ñkhope yakeyo momwe amaoñekera
Amalawi ukape anazolowela kudya chogwada atulele uyu akakula mutu ngat Bingu sterdium amat alamula dzko? akwele chakela tione zina hahaha!! tauzani siufumu uwu.
God come soon
komatu mukadzawini obwana chakwera muli mmadza jomba za pa pench izi ndithu..
Azitsilu ,mbudzi kugunda galu,akagunda galu chiweweeee??.
Ndale zotukwanizana sizingasithe kanth.Achakwera ngt busa kmso ngt mtsogoleri sakumayera kmalankhula motere.asamayiwale kt kumene kwasala tchile ndikmwe moto ukpita.Achakwera mwawonjeza!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Admin please! Try to avoid this stupidness; Iam sure you have the right to sit down and think before you write and post trush like this one. Otherwise we like this page.
Adm Wa group lino nayeso ngoperewedwa mzeru coz amafuna azitukwanitsa azitsogoleri nkhani zake. Ine I love Peter , chakwera , even atsogoleri azipani zonse koma amatipangitsa kuti tiziyambana nao ndi a Malawi 24
Nkhaniyi ma page ena ayika dzulo phuzirani kuvomeleza pakalakwika ndie kuti anthu ayikhulupirira mcp ngati mukuonesa kusavomeleza muli ku opposition kuli bwanji mcp ilamulire? ndambiri tikufuna kuti mcp izapambane koma sibwino kusapota kunyoza ndie chakwera ndi dausi zisiyana pati pakuti tikufuna kuti zinthu zisinthe.
Iweyo banda wina takunena kuti wamisala iweyo unene wina kuti ndi mbava. Wokhoza ndindani?
Kutukwana???? How and where??? Thieves always becomes angrier when told that you are a thief.
koditu pakati pa anthu olakwa okhaokha sipapezeka okhoza koma wina apange zolondola komaso muvetsetse ku parliament sapangirako campaign zonyozazo akapangire outside parliament pa msonkhano wa ndale make a difference between arguments and non-arguments.
If you say thieves get angrier when told they are so,what do you mean?Are you licenced to detect and establish someone as a thief? I mean who made you the DPP watchdog?The utterations you and your cronies make reveals your total ignorance and stuipidity which words cant express.You are degrading yourself whenever you insult the leader and you will never succeed,DPP will rule for decades to come y
malawi24 simudzamva
Kodi cakwela ndkanyama kanji kt evryday tizingova zayiyo kod OSUSA ALIPO YEKHA Munthu uyu amalawi cenjeran nayo akuoneka kut ndiosokoneza
§§§ (anathawa utumiki wa Mulungu ndikuyamba za mzikolapans)
Mvuto lakuti ngati uli munthu wapatsidwa Udindo mudziko la nyasalande olo adzichita zopusa anthu amafuna mudzimulemekezabe chifukwa Nkhani yayikulu sikuti achakwela adanyoza Kapena kutukwana muthalika ayi iwo adafotokoza mwatchutchutchu zowona zeni zeni zomwe akupanga pitala komaso kwa ine ndikuti achakwela apitilize pomwe adasiyila paja mwina zina zingasinthe
anyapapi a dpp musatinyasepo apa.. mwalephelamwalephela basi. osatiso muchulusepo gaga mdiwa…. ala fotseki
chakwera differentiate the church and the pariament, u are not alone in the house there are also other pple in the house why u alone? We are enthusiastic to hearken about the points that will develop this country not ur nonsense Chakwera please. defiance to the president will never help the pple who sweated to put where u are. U r getting allowances daily but we prebians we dont c development. ALA KUKHUTA WHISKY dont go to parliament if u are drunk or mutasuta chamba. Umenyedwatu chatsika oh! chakwera
Good and am with u chakwera umbuli ukumulemera! vuto losankha munthu chifukwa cha ndalama zakuba ku church.Yes Mr Dan B Mandala
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa .
You don’t know anything…chakwera akutiyakhulira ifeo…palibeso ena akutsutsa govt n kuima ndikupanga nayo makani…chilungamo chimawawa…chakwera in AGOGO out…
Being a pastor doesn’t give us a guarantee that he is and will be a good leader.
Poti Chakwera wanena Pete kuti mbava Ndiye xakukwiyitsani Koma adakamunena kuti wa misala mudakasangalala tiyenazoni
Chakwera akuimira mimba yake ndibanja lake musadzipusitse amalawi azanga,mmene walongolamo allawance anapocherayo wakugailani mukati akuimira amalawi zamziiii
Chakwera is a fool
You also a fool!
But that’s who he is
Kodi chilungamo ndiphuzoso?
Kusiya ubusa kumakhala Ku tembereredwa mulungu sangapereke zabwino kwa achakwera
#copied…”Samala ndi mlomo wako, muno simotukwanila Pulezidenti – sipika auza Chakwera”
So your mean this is the Chewa translation of “incompetent”, insensitive and a “Prince of thieves”. Be serious guys.
Iwe chakwera akunena zowona kodi mumadana ndichilungamo bwanji inu adpp
Ameneitu alowepodi tione kuti alisintha bwanj Lawi lamotoli poti amat “the proof of pudding is in the eating” asamangolalata Ali pa bench..zikomo kumpando!
ndipo i jst need titavota …..ndidaziona izi ukakhala pa bench
eeti eti
Aaa watikwanano iyaaa what kind of a greedy leader is this guy who dumped work of God n now open his big mouth telling the entire nation say he can be gud ruler bring change.
What kind of rights was he exercising????
That’s the point!!
Lovemore !u should know that these backouts are manmade coz this gvt is too much sucking from Escom pocket thats why unable to produce electricity .Chakwera is informed by wellwishers fro escom and he has it all
Kodi mutharika sanamunene chakwela kuti ngosaophunzira? Poti wabwezela mwamva kuwawa kkkkkk
Hopefully iam not being partisan here but the president needs to lead by example by not inflaming the already precarious situation by resorting to name calling.Chakwera too must refrain from such careless wording .All of them need to lead by example.To us ,these war of words are catastrophic .Anthuwa amsmwera limodzi coffee.Tisawamvere.But they should learn to avoid inflametally speeches.Practice civilised politics..This isnt campain period where you speak to please the electorate .Mind your words ,what are you teaching the junile politicians.Politics is the art of running a government not a platform for utterung useless words.
Chakwera pano akumva mutu kuwawa musaiwale kuti ndi term yomaliza akaluza apa basi
Nanu kugogodera bwanji, bola ananena basi,nanga akunama a chakwera?
Kodi abusa amatukwana?
Chakwera pano akumva mutu kuwawa musaiwale kuti ndi term yomaliza akaluza apa basi
I hate dpp but i cnt vote chakwera olo atandithira doom nkamwa
Zakozimenezo ife timvotera
Iwenso zako zovoterazo ife sitivotera
ndipo adha…. ngatitu walowa mu mtima mwangamu, i hate apm… but I can never vote for MCP
Kkkkk! Guys! Anthuwa ndi amodzi musapuse nao.
thnk of mavuto anu muwathetsa bwanj. MCP, DPP PP UDF will never bring a tablet of soap kunyumba kwanu!
The truth is that Lazaro waumphawi udindo waufuna kwambiri koma ngati ananyoza ntchito yotumikira Ambuye mungayembekere zotani?
Amalakalaka atalamulira dziko lino that’s why amangonyoza, ndikutsutsa chilichonse.
Ife aMcp sitili kusekeseka ndi nthano ngati izi ndikudziwa kuti you have trying to pull chakwela down but to vote him is our main key
Chifukwa chani Jafali Milanzie
Iweyo sindiwe Mulungu ndipo ukutaya nthawi ndikulingalira zimenezo, munthu wanzelu sangasangalare ndi kubedwa kwa ndalama zochuluka chonchija, sangakhale okondwa ndi mmene akuvutila magetsi, sangakhale okondwa ndikukwela mtengo kwa katundu, sangasangalare ndi kugwa kwa ndalama ya kwacha, kwa okhawo osalifunila zabwino dziko lino mukhoza kumamufunabe peter koma kwa ena amene akuona kuti zinthu sizilibwino tikadakonda kuti malawi alamulidwepo ndi munthu wina monga mmene ziliri ku Tanzania komaso ku zambia kuli atsogoleri amasomphenya osati kakaka munthu amene alibe kuthekela kuli konse pakutukula dziko lino
Siiwe mulungu , chakwela azalamula dzikoli iwe pheee
ndipo ndikucita kuona kuchedwa kuvota…madala atikwana awa atisaukisa nthawi yayitali…
ndipo ndikucita kuona kuchedwa kuvota…madala atikwana awa atisaukisa nthawi yayitali…
I listened to chakwera’s speech, he spoke the truth and we all know malawi24 are govts supporters
Vuto la a Malawi kudana ndi chilungamo,…..when the president insult chakwera kuti he is uneducated you people clap hands for him….when chakwera calls him the prince of thieves everyone has issues with him…..malawi will never develop with this blind royalty
Kutukwana ndi chilungamo?
Once you add insults to a well calculated speech,everything you say hence forth will be total garbage..
Akanamaonetsa chitsanzo chabwino ngati m’busa. Kutsutsa kokonza zinthu osatikumangonyoza, akupereka picture yachabe kwambiri. I don’t think he can be a good leader.
Osward tamvera kuno, apatu anakakhala kuti Chakwera amalankhula zinthu zanzeru. Mutu wankhaniyi sukanalembedwa kuti, samala ndimlomo wakowo muno simotukwanira President ayi. Kutukwana ndikosaletsedwa anthu kutukwana, koma kuli ndimalo ake osakhala kuPaliamenti. Umuuze Chakwera kuti, akafuna kutukwana apite akachitinse nsonkhano ndiye kumeneko alindi ufulu okamutukwana mnzakeyo. Uku ku Paliament dzikolonse limankhala likumvetsera, zokambirana zomwe anthu anapepha kwa amphungu awo kuti awachitire kudera kwawo. Anthu amawatuma amphungu awo, kuti mukatipephere kumeneko ife tikufuna Sukulu, nsewu, madzi abwino ndi chipatala ndiye malo moti amve zimenezo basi zimvetsera kutwana kwamunthu wankulu.
Kuñeña çhiluñgamu çhakwera sañatukwañe but wayañkhula ñgamu
It was not in parliament house…. The issue is the place…. Every house has rules
# keneth ,umakudziwkutukwana iweyo kapena ukadeti udauva kukoma?
#Jafali ….i didn’t hear any obscene language in what he said, unless ngati kunena mzako kuti ndi mbaza ndikutukwana i will understand….. otherwise u pipo r just building a mountain on a mole hill
Ngati a president atukwanidwa siwoyamba iyeyu kutukwanidwa ndiye chilipo chapangisa kuti winayo atukwane ndipo sizinayambe lero ayi, ambirinso mumamutukwana muma face book momuno ndiye tiziti inu muli a ulemu kapena ozindikira tangosekani pakamwa panupo eniake amadziwana #Zandale izi
Nothing wrong in Chakwera’s speech APM he is indeed a Prince f thieves who ain’t know that???
Ndiye umuuze speaker wanyumba yamalamulo kuti Chakwera sanatukwane, chifukwa iyeyo ndiamene ananena kuti samala mlomo wakowo muno simotukwanira ayi. Ndiponso iyeyo speaker-yo simwanatu woti, mungamunamize iyeyo akudziwa kuti mau awa sioyenera kulankhula muno komanso amadziwa kuti mau awa akulankhula zowona. Kodi iyeyu Chakwerayu asanapite ku Paliamenti, amalankhula ngati munthu wanzeru eeh magetsi kuzimazima, eeh anthu akuba bwanji lero osapereka mfundo zimene zija kuti tione nzeru zakezo nzotani? Koma lero akuti, ndizikanyanyala zilibe phindu ngakhale utanyanyala anthu anazolowera ndim’mene mumapangira.
Munthu wamulungu
Adha ndinu abodza, ifeso chizungu timamva…..zimene ananena interpretation yake simeneyi pa chichewa. By the way, did u listen to Chakwera’s speech or perhaps read it……coz if u did u will understand that the speech contained more than what these pages r reporting. You also need to understand that whatever he said there did not contravene any laws of Malawi, even amene amkanenawo akudziwa
Kaya bola ndakuuza ndikumva kwako chizunguko, kaya nayenso speaker-yu amaganiza chiyani ponena zimenezi ndiye kuti anayiwala kuti umamva chizungu?
APM sichina ayi koma nkhawa coz mtumiki wamulunguyu sakubwera moyesa muzigawo zonse zamuno mmalawi,even kwawo kwa APM akutengeratu mavoti.Mbali imodzi ya Dedza ndikumene akuonetsa ngati mavoti achipukuta misozi adazapezeka kwa APM.Ndani amakondwera ndi munthu amene akufuna kumukhwefula paudindo umene ali? sizachilendo izi kuno kumalawi,anthu akudana bcoz of kulimbirana maumfumu ammidzi wat more upulezdent??Ngati ndatukwana mundisake mundipeza.Musiyeni kaye Lazarous alire maliro abambo ake amene tikuika mmanda mawa pa 19th Nov,2017.
Amanyimanyi Inu Taxyan Muwone Magetsi Ndi Deal Dekhani Muone January Ndi February Ngat Muzakmbe Zaubwno Wamunthu Businex Iliynxe Imafuna Mgetsi Tapangn Chete Muone Mundiuzaa
Eee akufuna mukhale chete mmene dziko likuwawilamu
#Chakwera wa chulusa ma tempa kwa mbiri akanadekha kaye
Samalani ndiokuba ngati LC SUZawina 2019
Chakwera was exercising his rights. And he made sure he called a spade by its name. So I don’t find any violation of any constitutional sections
Ndinadziwa ine kuti munthu kungosiya kutumikira Yehovah nkuyamba ndale, hmmmmmm??????
Ngati Yesu amene adaletsa Petulo kuwedza nsomba kuti amutsate akagwire ntchito ya Mulungu, kulibwanji Politics yomwe language yake ma verb ndi ma Noun ndi:.. Half, Chitsiru, Opusa, Mbava, Odwala, ……
…imagine he exercised it during his dictatory party he’s leading..he would be history by now…he’s enjoying with what he failed to provide for decades…
No Shoaib Bwanali. You are now twisting issues. That time of MCP era was a One Party government where you and me were all for that party. Take it or leave it we were all there. Buying a membership card to solidify or cement membership. So we don’t want someone this time of democracy to oppress and threaten each while we are all eyes open. MCP did not fail but did its part so did UDF (my favourite party). If one abuses government funds let’s not put that under the carpet.
…really #Prince ???
Yes my dear brother. I don’t condone unnecessary behaviour that pull the already poor nation down. Flashing government resources into the drain helps no one. Such being the case let those who have better description of people whose character is wasteful handle those adjectives that suit them. Be it a thief or crook regardless of who the person is or what position he holds in parliament or nation at large. Leaders whose myopic leadership draws Malawi to a mediocre image due to their failure to deliver. We need leaders chosen through merit not political party addiction. I am a diehard member of UDF but with what Chakwera said in parliament I would better vote for him for presidency while I remain a #Yellow_Nation addict.
Zimene akupanga chakwela zosokoneza kwambili .ndikozendikoze izi mukulakwa nazo muwoneka munthu oipa ochakwela aaa zoona andale ndi amodzi
Kodi mulibe nkhani ina aaaa yatikwana
anaba 90b pano akuyenjezelanso zafika pa 200b mukuganiza kuti omwe akuonawo azingoyang’ana kuyankhula basi iwo paja ankamusuzula jb kikiki lero kwa iwo ndimwano ngati ntsogoleri sakuzilemekeza how can others give respect to him dzana anati chakwela akuyenera ku meto hosp kikikii zokomela mbuzi kugunda galu ………..
Kodi tanthauzo la point of order ndilimenero iwe cadet wa Malawi 24?
Who lost his voice to vote chakwera?
That’s ndale za ku Malawi
Nyawu kutukwana
ndiokuba uyu waba zopeleka kuthawa kubwela ku ndale chenjelani ndi anthu oooneka matupi ngati ankhosa koma nkati mwawo ili mimbulu yolusa
Mbuli ndinu abambo, akuba simumawawona ku dppko?
Wakuba ndi amene akuzengedwa mulandu ku khoti 6-0
Tatiuze iwe ukuwaona, ife sitikuwaona tawatchule.
Wakuba suli kuwaona chitsilu ichi
mbuzi yamunthu chimene adaba chakwera nichani upusa nidpp yakoyo
Chakwera ndi mbavaso tafufuzanh kuchipani kwao akuwuzani zenizeni. Khalani ofufuza mudzadziwa zenizeni kuti chakwera naye ndi akatundu pakuba.
Munthu Wakhala Pa U Mp 3 Years Koma Wamanga Chi Massion Cha 90 Million Mukuganiza Kuti Ndalama Watenga Kuti!!! Nanga Atalowa M’boma Angabemo Ndalama Zingati???
Ana awa saziwa koma kutukwana basi kuzolowela kuvala nyawu and let me tell you something Mcp sizatengaso boma
Amalawi mvuto ndi chiyani? Dziko lidayamba kulamulidwa ndi azungu mudawathamangitsa mwati adali ankhaza, panabwela kamuzu mudamuthamangitsa mwati adali wakupha, bakili adabwela mudamunena kuti ndi wakatangale, bingu amatimphwanyila ufulu, joice banda cash gate. Lero pitala mwati sakuyendetsa bwino dziko. Gwelo lazosezi sicha ayi koma ndikusawuka kwadziko lathuli. Pando uwu waupulezidetiwu ndimpando onana padziko lose lapasi. Munthu akaukhalira sangalephele kuwubela. Chifukwa ndi mpando wachuma. Nde musataye nthawi ndikumangokangana zazi ayi amene ukumuganizila iweyo kuti akhale pampando umewu zizakhalaso chimodzimodzi.
Bwana arnod yolam mwachepesa ndi 1 million USD,kwathuko ndi k720 million nyumba yokha kkkkkk
Sakuziwa kuti anaiwelenga patali kuti mboma umashava zambiri mwachangu kkk
Iyaa chakwera ndi moooo!!!!
Chakwera akuona ngati wawina kale mpando adikile ali ndi phiuma owina ali phe atidula makositu ticenjere
Which church has he stolen the money? Name it and mention how much I can pay for him unlikevcashgate .maizegate .escomgate and 2014 election gates .
Munazilowera atsogoleri opembeza mafano osadziwa Mulungu okuba okupha But time has come and now is the time that change has started working in the minds of malawiana
AdmaD Isaac, thats naked true my bru, problem ndi yoti Nyasa ndi yotukuka pa Ndale…Nonses, palibe mtsogoleri angafike pa 70% ubwn wake bcz, Ndale zatenga malo..everybody wants to be a President. Shame on you, perekani mpata Inconomic freedom ifike- mwina anthu mkumanva zina.
Kodi mbava imafunikaso kuipasa ulemu. Munthu akakhala wakhumba dzina lake lachiwiri ndi mbava basi. Peter mutharika chifukwa choonelera anthu akuba chuma cha boma osachitapo kanthu nde kuti iyenso ndi mbava.
mķuluyu zoti adalidi m’busa ndimakaika mwina adali m’busa waku dambwe lazinyau
Kkkkk kkkkk kkkkkkk?????????
ma chapter ndi ma verse abaibulo anawaila kalekale ……….
Joke of the day
Translation kkkkk
Malawi 24, is this what the speaker said?
Chakwera iyi ndinthawino yopereka nzeru ku Paliamenti, pamene boma likulephera ndikumaliuza kuti pakufunika kuchita izi kuti zinthu ziyambe kuyenda bwino. Anthu azakukonda kwambiri ngati, utamapereka maganizo ako ku nyumba ya malamulo. Kaya boma liwaderera, koma anthu akhala atadziwa kuti Chakwera analithandiza boma koma bomalo silinazigwiritse ntchito. Ndiye uzaona ulendo wina anthu akukuvotera, koma ukakhalira kunyanyala ndiye uwonanso wekha. Sikuti ukanthandiza boma nzeru zakozo, ndiye kuti anthu anena kuti walowa m’boma ayi sakuiwalonso koma tsiku lovota azakuvotera kwambiri.
Is that really a story worthy to publish?
Is It Really A Story For U To Read And Comment On
Julius tipatse khani yofunikirayo ticomment
Your president is an awesome man who cannot see where Malawian economy is hiding.. Thanks
Truth will always be painful to liars. Dpp a set of pathological liars… hehehehe
Chakwera more fire…i got your back come 2019
Chakwela anangonena chilungamo ndipo a dpp sakutsutsa koma akumva kuwawa, paja chilungamo chimawawa.
Speaker ndi vice wa chakwera ndi MCP vice president not DPP. Umbuli a Malita ukukupwetekani
Eti pamenepa anenapo za dpp Eeeish amalawi.
the speaker is frustrated akuziwa kuti chake palibe during mcp convention next year akufuna dpp ikamugwire dzanja
Eeetu nanga sichimene amati ndi screte yotenga ndalama ku escom yabwera poyera he has hit the nail on their head adabwe wadziwa bwanji Chakwera?wellwishers of mw aulula kwa Chakwera
Lazaro waumphawi mutu siukugwira njala pa ndalama za misonkho after Chopeleka osamakwana
Abwele kumene mulungu adawatuma apenga nazo izi
Mukamvesese zimene ananena olo wina anene mchakwanu
Ndizomwe zikhoza kupangisa Malawi osatukuka moyo wanu wose chifukwa muli pambuyo pa mbava. Chakwela ananena chilungamo koma Pitala umbava anabadwa nawo ndithu, sazasintha. 2019 pa ulendo basi.
Ngakhale ana a israel saanabwerere ku igupto
kkkkkkkkkk ngakhake amakumana ndi zovuta pa ulendo wawo @ Edo
Inuyo Mwangotenga Bonaza Peter Akutenga Boma,go And Ask Pple In Kenya
Chakwera walephera kuchotsa president wolepherayu, meaning both are failures.
Zoonadi tili ndi President Ombwambwana. .
Owoo, Tathokoza
Akuyeneka kulemekeza mtsogoleri wa dziko ngakhale Chakwera yo pulezidenti wake ndi yemweyo basi.
Ndiye iyeyo azinena zake wa misala ndiye zachamba
Peter Will Never Walk Alone.Iam On Your Back
Me too.
Yestarday Winiko Told Them That In 2019 Azalilatso
Mbava kusapota Mbava inzake hahaahaha 6-0
Wina uja wakuba chimanga uja ndiye aliyekhtu kukhotiko kkkkkkkk
Me Too
6-0 Ya Bonaza Dikilani Wina Azatenga Boma
We have Another good for nothing up here …
me too
me too
Tikukuona Anyapap Inu,mumalikut Nthaw Ya 6-0 Muzayiona Ndimunthu Wanuyo,musaone Ngat Muzabelasotu Ng’oooo!
Unfortunately luhanga has one vote so is not a threat at all. Byelection yadutsai pple have spoken thats why peter is now panicking ngati nkazi ogwidwa chigololo. Akumati wapita uku mawa uku koma konseko kulibe chimene akuchitako chanzeru. Mantha amugwira 2019 sikuzakhala masewera.
Koma kuti akabelaso mchifukwa chake akukana 51 yachisankho bill imeneyi yikuwabaya
Kkk One Vote We Shall See
#SynetChawinga …. Mkazi osati nkhazi……Dekhani pofuna kulemba musapye mtima.
What I know is that Peter will proceed rulling this country till 2024,do you know the reason why,this is progressive party and no more questions on this,mcp must no how to oppose than defaming
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Pajatu chilungamo chidana ndikunena zoona.
Kkkk just made my day ‘samala ndi mlomo wako’
Eee kuli masinjiliridwetu Ku Malawi 24
Poor translation brither .Dont spice up your post.
Just imagine, kusinjilira basi
APM mbava
ufulu usakupangitseni kunyoza mtsogoleri wa dziko khalani ndi ulemu ngati mnzika ya malawi
mmalo mothandizana kutukura Malawi wathu. mwayamba mum an got how a nizam a pa zithu zopanda pake. tieni tiyangane kusogolo Malawi mxanga. osati kukokerana mmbuyo ixo ndi ndale zakare
Anthu agule samasowa amangokhala ndi mkamwa moola nthawi zonse
Chilungamo chimapweteka Boma la Peter lalephera
Samatukwana koma akumanena chilungamo
Chilungamo kutukwanako?
Even pitalayo amatukwana pa misonkhano yake
Akudziwa ndi speaker yo iwe kunalibeko, iwe panthawi imene amanenayo chimene unamvapo ndichiyani?
Pitala wakoyo amalimbana ndi chakwera,munthu wanzeru sanganene kuti Parliament is not bigger than government,that issue it seems anali kulimbana za ndale
Respect is need Mr because we will show you how to…
Respect is needed to everyone not only to the President,Peter must also respect the Parliamentelians
The truth is Chakwela goofed! He needs to know that apart from being a politician he is also measured as m’busa.
No,in Parliament mulibe zoti ndi mmbusa,ndiye kuti zikhala kuti Speaker must knw that he is a member of MCP
Choka iwe wa ma capital letters mkati mwa story
Masipa yahawu mna
Lankhula zoti anzako amve, ukulankhula chilankhulo cha eni bwanji apa? Iwe sukudziwa kuti ukutukwana, iwe ndi m’ Zulu bwanji ukutengera za eni ake Nyirenda? Tawatanthauzire, mau amenewa iweyo anthu amve.