…hits hard on backroom staff…
Renowned football analysts have laughed off sentiments made by Football Association of Malawi (FAM) Vice President James Mwenda that Flames Head Coach Ronny Van Geneugden needs patience from Malawians as he is rebuilding a depleted national team.
Mwenda, who heads the FA’s sub-technical committee, told Malawi state broadcaster MBC that the coming in of the Belgium tactician has helped Malawi to improve especially when playing away from home as the team is now able to score goals.

But reacting to the claims, Paul Kamanga, Chisomo Ngulube and Steve Liwewe Banda trashed Mwenda saying RVG has nothing new to offer to the team as he lacks experience.
The panelists, before questioning the criteria used in appointing Van Geneugden as the team’s Head Coach, demanded for the firing of the former Belgium midfielder and the entire backroom staff.
“The coach has nothing new to offer to the team and it’s very unfortunate that the whole FAM Vice President is pleading with Malawians to give him more time. More time for what? RVG and his backroom staff must go.
How can Mwenda ask for more time for a coach who is failing to beat Lesotho? These guys are not serious,” said Ngulube in a very emotional tone.
Kamanga then advised RVG to stop fooling himself into thinking that he is building a team around a youthful side claiming that the majority of his players are “Madalas” who are not revealing their real ages.
“He is being fooled to believe that he is building a national team around a very youthful side but truth be told here, he is being cheated because the majority of his players are adults who are very good when it comes to age cheating,” he said.
On his part, Liwewe Banda said he was very surprised with the sentiments saying you build a team using under 17, 20 and 23 but not the senior national team.
“You don’t use a senior team to build a national team, you use junior teams. Senior national team is about results and nothing else,” he explained.
He also questioned the FA’s decision to employ Gerald Phiri, Deklerk Msakakuona and Peter Mponda as RVG’s deputies despite the trio not achieving anything at their previous clubs.
“Look at RVG’s deputies. They have achieved nothing and you expect them to deliver at the national team? It was absurd for FAM to employ these guys because they are failures too and expect nothing from them as long as the team is concerned,” he concluded.
Under RVG, the Flames have played 1054 minutes (thus 11 games plus added time), scoring five goals, losing four times, winning twice and drawing five times.
On Saturday, Malawi played to a 1-all draw against Lesotho in readiness for the 2019 Africa Cup of Nations (AFCON) qualifier against Morocco in March.
Makochi akumalawi ndiye iiiiiiii bola mzungu yemweyi. Kungoti national team sifunika tiyana tosakhwima pamchombo. Experienced players ndi ofunika koma timayamba kuwafuna zikayamba kuthina.
Nothing To Benefit From This Coach,bola Kinah
De problem is not for coach bt players bcoz they just wnt to receive the mony not win the game
De problem is not for coach bt players bcoz they just wnt to receive the mony not win the game
This morol is incompetent…unskilled n doesn’t know what to do with the players… Even gheto coaches r better than this plumber…suck him before its too late.
I salute Steve Liwewe Banda for your observation. Malawi needs under 20 and under 23 national teams as nurseries to the senior national team. FAM leaders are not visionary leaders hence bringing failed Malawian coaches to be among the coaching panel. This just waisting tax payer’s money. They must all go immediately before we play Cameroun.
ndxaname this is fool indeed ndpo akundnyaxa mose muja oxamuchotsa bwanj …. ma coach ena aja amangochotsedwa mamawa omwe uyu akumusungilanj??? zachbwana bac zausilu
Can Ron be given a chance to select his own back room staff, otherwise the ones imposed on him are not helping him at all.
Our under 20 and 17 during the recent matches have proved to have deadly strikers who are not included in the senior team. Re cycled players are destroying the team, the coach is ok, but our club coaches are the ones failing Malawi football. Those who want Kinna back are people without vision, Kinna has been sacked at free state, mbeya united why?
Asa musiyeni munthu apa! If you are as impatient as you claim to be bwenzi mutalanda kale boma la APM ndi upandu mmene apangila a Ku Zim! Nanga APM ndi mzungu ameneyu akuchitako bwino NDA???
Given a chance, I’d sack this idiot- totally clueless!!! What has he done to our strikers? FAM, you were looking for mzungu – see the kind of invertebrate you brought us!!!
Mbuzi a FAM pamodzi ndi nzungu wanuyo shupit idiots apumbwa inu zoti salary ya RVG mumagawani timapercentage ife timadziwa mbuzi ya RVG kuujeni kwanu nonse pa ntu…. ndu pa uzungu wanuyo inuso pa ntu…. ndu wachi FAM wanuwo mxiew ndakwiya nanu
Kodi mukati azipita atakoche team imeneyo ndindani popeza kumalawi kuno kulibe amayankhula english
Not satsfied with his choices
Please Malawians leave the coach alone. If he uses only youths you complain a lot, if he uses what you call old guns still you find some because against him. Why? Current under 20 has been designed to face zambians who feature old players. So dont make noise.
I wonder why failures like peter mponda is at nation team man
Every game squard is changing how can we build agood national team? its just a waist of government money, we were suppose to have a tangible squard whether we will be losing or not, but there could be hope that we will do better in future
Sugzo iz not the coach but our players & FAM.tasintha ma coach ambiri using the same players .
Every time only hear we are building the team building building building since ur building the team for how long the project will take.
lets blame ourselves kodi kalelo malawi akuti inkapambana kodi coach adali mzungu? all our players a china enieni amangofunako kakhobidiko not to win.Coach wa chingerezi or wa chikuda sangaphule kanthu
Mbuxi ya munthu iyi maxira ake
Who is going to finish this so called rebuilding of our national team?And when wiĺl FAM stop wasting money on useless foreign coaches ĺike RVG?But if it was the local Coach long time coud’ve shown the door no patience at all,nsanje kwambiri.And our ĺocal Coaches are better thàn those white Coaches,don’t be fooled by the coĺour of the skin.Munthu akangoyeĺa nkhungu basi muli Coach koma ameneyi,mbuzi zà anthu.
Malawi will never change even if we are to bring the special from Man-utd
Application 4 job as a Head coach
Munthuyu munangomuyika ngati chikwangwani team imeneyi akuyilamura ndi mponda ngati ya ku den kwake ndipo u believe me singachite bwino
Akuwononga mpira akulu awa
Guys we have to recall the flames before Sir RVG. Dont blame our coash. He is more than better but the players are who are poor.
Munakangaza kufupa chnyawu chosavina @kay zanu izo ine pheeeee nd BB yanga yosakhumudwisa masapota ake
Bring Kinnah Phiri back that’s all. Full stop
When Malawians understand that building national team starts with building clubs, that’s when soccer will improve in this country
Bad news
Bad news
Since the old man refused to respect him self let the soldiers show him the way, It is a pity that African leaders always being disgrace out of power i tank the army for their courage.
Wrong parking
Hahahahaha off topic i have diagnosed you with Psychosis like Wandale there is room for in a psychiatric hospital for admission kkkkkkk
makape afam wa asatinamize, they are earning something bhind RVG, tachotsa ma coach abwino mwanja Kinnah, uyu wapanga chani that we can point with our plenty of taxes he is enjoying us suffering with no acngle change.
kinnah anali wabwino?
koma wabwino azapezeka ,okanika ndifeyo phunzitsi yake ndi 10% yotsalayo ndi ya ophunzirayo tanena angati kuti olephera….?
azipita ameneyi watikwana
Don’t blame coach we must blame our players especially strikers they are failing to score goals nde tingawine bwanji or titatenga #Conter #Mourinho or #Diego #Simeone sizingasithe apa chilipo kungo kungothesa team for 2 yrs kupempha Ku #Fifa osamangophesa anthu ndi ma Bp tikawina izikhala draw basi
The problem of Malawi is we are so quick blaming coach but we forget those pipo who working with coach they have their own idea.
Kkkkkkkkk kayaa zinazi tinatopa nazo kale
Hi must go palibepo chomwe akuchita
I have been saying all along that the Malawi National Soccer team is full of Chibukhu drinkers. This article probes my point!
Mmmmmm kumalawi timangoona zolakwika zokha zokha
He is doing a good job
ma analysts a ku Malawi nd zitsiru
Hamjuwi mpila nyie pumbavu zenu