Malawi’s Sir Soldier Lucius Banda has in his new song sang about two scandals namely maizegate and tractorgate.
In the new song titled “King Solomoni”, soldier has expressed worry over hardships that Malawians are facing at a time when ruling elites are stealing public resources citing the two scandals.

According to Banda, it is bad for the politicians to be playing with Malawians when the ordinary citizens are lacking basic needs such as medicine and water.
He further alleges that some of the leaders are not Malawian citizens that is why they don’t care about problems that the citizens are going through.
According to soldier, the ruling elites know they are not Malawians and will go to where they came from when things get worse.
Banda, a well-known music icon in Malawi, was born on 17 August 1970 in in Balaka District of Southern Malawi.
His music legacy dates way back in 1983 when he was thirteen years old when he started singing with his brother Paul Banda and leader of Alleluya Band. He first appeared on stage in 1985 with his brother’s led Alleluya Band.
Banda started his music career while in elementary school (Primary) at Mponda Full Primary School which lies near the catholic parish in Balaka. To further his music career Lucius Banda decided to go to music school in South Africa. This dream was fulfilled in 1993 when he joined Dorkey house in Johannesburg, where he spent one full year studying music.
His first album titled ‘Son of a Poor Man’ became popular because of hits like Mabala, Get up stand up, Linda and Life on Earth. From there he launched his long career of music.
Ngati mwapysa mtima ipysani mtima zeni zeni
ofcourse amatha kuimba komabe naeso paja anaba cerficate ya fomu 4 pa bilira DEC
Angofuna kuti atamidwe awa. Umbuli unawapweteka kwambiri, ndichifukwa chake amangokhalira kugula macertificate a fake.
Pakana kumba certificate
More fire fearless general.tatopa ndi dpp yokuba.yokupha.
Owe umafuna ayimbe zotani
Asoja nanu timakupatsan ulemu tamaimbani zoti tizivela ngati mwatopa ingopitilizani ndalezo
Bola unthenga uli munyimbowo wakufikilani agalu wopanda pake inu. Muzayamika liti?!
Komano tiuzanepo chilungamo soldier sangafanane ndi wina aliyense kumtundu kwanu onyozanu kwa anthu amene akumudziwa soldier ngati ine atha kuchitira umboni kuti ndi kholo komanso mphungu waanthu wamba akadakhala bingu alipo akadachitira umboni mwangozolowera kumvera nyimbo zotukwana komaso ndinu anthu osayamika Munangozolowera kudandaula mutangokhala panyumba ngati mulibe pakamwa Soldier is fighting for you son of poor zinthu zoti inuyo banja lanu simungalipangire iye akupanga funso nkumati kodi ndiangati akukondwa??
I don’t trust Banda since he was found guilty with the case of having a stolen msce certificate. After he lost the case, he do hate DPP update. Therefore, don’t fool yourself.
Abwana munatha Ndale zinakusasulani. Ndipo sinunso Lucius amene ife timamudziwa kale lathu. Anayimba kale nzanu amene wathanso naye ngati makatani uyu timati NKASA yu ndi nyimbo yake yoti NDALE ndikanyama kowopsa
Is this album out already cant wait
The only truth that had happened in Malawi,keep it on .more fire
Mwaitha madala
Soldier ndi soldier basi. burn
This guy is mad
He speaks the truth
Minister of the poor
Tisalodzane Dzala Kukhala Tsogoleli Ndi Phatso Yapadela
Amalawi Mumalimbana Ndi Zithu Zopanda Tchito M’malo Momalimbana Ndi Chitukuko Tizakhala Otsalila Mpaka Kalekale Amalawi Kodi Iyeyu Atamupatsa Mwai Olalamulila Angakwanitse
Madalaso awa nawo akadali kuyimbabe White hair show what to him?Maybe he thinks that akubadwanso.Zisileni anyamata
achitsiru amenewa kuimba akulowesa ndale
Nawonso akula zikuwavuta pa nkhani yamaimbidwe momwe adayambira kaletu, mzimu wa gadama , Sell 51 , lero akuti maize gate azathera pa locally pompo
Did he Lucius told you that he want international songs he sing for the poor
If your family is the one who get tractors shame on you one day you will pay
Thank you mr banda for that always i ppliciate you as you a solder i salute u.. Anthu kanyimbo kameneka mwina kazizambidwa munthawi yakampeni chifukwatu paja amalawi sachedwa kuiwala big up mr banda yasala nyimbo ya kuzima kwamagetsi
chatopa kuimba ichi iya! ndimakonda bk ine
*#Ulemu wanu abwana mutiyimilira, soldier never sleep indeed…………. Ukumazationjeza nawoso ASCOM tiyenawo#.
amene alinao andigaireko 0888151713
Mmmmmmm Pple
eeee apa comment yalakwa pamalawi mpaka kumatukwana,eeee mbola.
Alinayo andigaile pa WhatsApp # and iyi 0991433057 chonde do this
pano ndiye akusowa zoimba,kodi tizingokhalira zandale ngat timadya nawo chosecho amamwera limodzi
well done Lucius for remind us others they forget already about maizegate that’s problem we have we forget so quick and if someone by next year make comedy about K5000 I think we will complain again our Malawi is getting rotten let’s ponder that and do something
Chezgani mwakuti machero tizakachezgeso
Once a Chameleon is always a Chameleon
lusiyasi vomelezan kut nthawi yanu idatha koma choti mudziwe mungaimbe chotan malwi cannot not acknowlege u as a freedom fighter taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa u a far wat u know z critisizing u never come wit solutions mmm shame on u ,,,,, anthu omenyera ufulu adakwana nde uzingoimba pot studio ili muklhodekomaso ana amakuperesa pa nyimbo heavy tiyeni tisiyre ena
Wakalamba wafouna soldier ndakuona
The true soja
Some of you commenting here clearly show that your nothing but idiots. Just full of hate. Lucius stands for the poor. Where government can not act like in the case of maize-gate and tractor-gate, Lucius comes in to remind us what type of government we have. So if you think Lucius is not important to you, he is very important to some of us. He speaks on our behalf. So you better know that we stand with those who really represent us. Keep it up Lucius!
zooonadi wosauka wake iweyo
Zako izo. Mwalemera chani inu? Just shut your stinky mouth. More fire Lucius! Cadet zamupweteka uyu!! Watsegula mmimba. Simunati mutseguladi.
Iwe wayankhula bwino
i like this man he is always bold bravo soldier
Kudakakhala Anthu Wozindikira Kun Ku Mw Panopa Tidakakhala Titatukuka Kale Zopusa Bas
Apapa nde mwabwerera chikale man musadande nd okunyozan chomw ndimaziwa nd choti ku malawi kuli anthu ophunzira odzaza nd uchitsiru komans anthu osaphunzira koma okhal nd nzeru monga malemba anenera kuti Nzeru ya dziko lapans Mulungu anaipusisa nde Mr Soldier imban zomw mwaziona
Cease fire, take over, yahwe,, not easy…….,freedom ndikamanvera nyimbo zochokera kuma albums awa mumtima ndimamva tseke tseke. Kma zalerozi mmmmmmmmm nzovuzedi wawa, poti zangolowa chipwilikiti basi.
He has run short of ideas and he is cordially empty! We no longer trust his music!
Kod amene mukumunyoza soldernu kut amangoimba zandale kod simudziwakuti lucias ndi freedomfaghtor?Ngat simudziwa mufunsekaye musanapange ma coment anuwo.
Mulungu azikudalitsa.Umayimilira ambiri.
Solder ndiwewekha mwana opanda mamtha wachidwi padziko lake.ukaimba amachitakomanyazi mkuyamba kukomza zolakwikazo.Moti usaleke mpaka matractor onse atuluke.Abingu siopusa pokawagula ayi adaonakut alimi atopandikulimira makasu.Sikut zinali zachipan koma zadziko.Ena ochenjera mopusa anazitengangati zafamilly.
One ndimadabwatu kuti zikuvuta pati wakulu
that’s good start soldier
Awa nzeru za Music zidawathera, nzeru zatsala ndi zandale, manyaka eni eni…
Whatever guys,u Malawians mulibe pabwino,soldier akayimba nyimbo yoti mudziwe choona mukuyankhula mbwelera,Bushiri athandizeko mwati satanic,uyo wakubayo akaba mumangolira,lero magetsi ndi awa Malawi yangokhala ngati Ku manda tsopano,wake up guys,iyeyu simunthu wamba ngakhale mukuti sanaphunzire koma Ali ndi zonse zosowa pa moyo wake Chifukwa cha Khama lake,enanu mpaka Ku chanco lero panopa chamba ndi mowa basi, ndi uyu osaphunzirayu bwaaah shame on u Malawians.
mdima umadana ndi kuunika ndipo chilungamo chimapweteka mchifukwa ena akudananayo nyimboyo.Tiyenazo solder umatiimilila olo akunyoze.
I love this stupid man.
Wasowa choimba. Akanangoimba za kusintha kwa nyengo.kkkk
I think he is not after international competitions, he is after Malawian music….!
more fire soldier
why others blame this song,,,,,nyimbo imaphuzisa,kuchenjeza,kusangalasa ndie osamatokota zopanda pake,,,,,,,think first before you point finger on someone
Munthu wamkulu kwambiri mumatiyimilira u was born to sing awuze
akalandila zokoma amakhala chete,ndalira Yesu m’bale samakhumudwitsa.
Wakalamba mzeru zinatha masiku ano sakuimba zolongosoka
Eti eti osakamba za marijuana? Timadya politics ife?
wayitha alipafupi kufa! wina uja 1song death warrant!
M’malo moti muzizisaka maluzi aziphya ntima muli busy kutokota za certificate ndi diploma ya soja,it’s none of ur business nzanu akupha makobidi
Kkkkkkkkk! Vuto la a Malawi msanje to much kulimbana ndi oti zake zidayera kale
Lucius Banda amatimenyela ufulu wayitha
It’s better to sing blood sucker
Next time tell him to sing about solutions. Parliament yayamba kpma omwewa sitiamvako ata. Bize kiyimba nyimbo zopanda solution.
Soldier, uyimbenso nyimboyo uwonjezere kuti nduna ina inakabisa tractor yakubayo ku Ntcheu cha ku Kasinje uko. Ukafuna dzina la ndunayo ndikuuza. Panopa tractor’yo ili komweko.
Self saving musician.za cash gate anadya nawo.
ndipodisolako mwanawe limangoona zolakwa zabwinoayiiiiii anaimba nyimbo imeneyi anaganiza kkkkkkk
Soldier wa amphawi wakwiya ndi nfiti
iweyo , Mlaka , Mkasa, Billy munali oyimba kale pano nonse ndi mphale ……….. Mbudzi!!!!
Ndiwe wachikulire Banda, asiye azibwebweta choncho, mukukamba za Chanel 0 I’ve Ku Malawi tili ndi Chanel 0? Umbuli basi, amend alinayo anditumizireko kuwhatsapp pa number iyi: +27791649206
kkkkkkkkk ndafa
Kod a Soldier ndi imvi kapena golden hair chabe kumutuko coz 5yrs ago amaoneka mnyamata ndithu
Kkkkkk ineso ndikudabwa nazo
Ndati ndifunse its now 2nd time papost ya m24 akuoneka choncho
Mukamva kuti wamkulu akuthaaa!!! Zimatelo
how about cashgate and munyenyembegate
Chamba chimampweka uyu
Kuba kwambiri adpp anaba ndalama.zaa magenset
Koma kalibhooooo
Bola aimba basi or munene motani peza aimba kale nsien
Akumbutseni Manyasawa Ankolo Soja
Kutha ndikumeneko a Lucius kusowa zoimba basi mwati muyimbe zimenezo ?
Thanks solder but we need one song about Electricity.
Nane ndiyomwe ndikudikira
kakakaka kenako ya k5000
l dnt like this coward man! komaso too much kufuna kukhala ozindikila koma ali mbuli yachabechabe if you have nkhani timapita kucourt! Nyimbo zimafuna kusangalasa anthu osati milandu mbweee!!!! zimenezo zakale kake lomwe lija dziko lili ndi mazoba like you!!! kumachita kukuposa Gwaladi yemwe kuganiza!! iweyo ndi nkhasa mbuzi zokhazokha!!
Mwangomumva kuwawa soldier bwana…ife tinamvako za tractorgate baba,sitimadziwa kut bomali silinabe chimanga chokha komanso linasowetsa mathalakitala..hehehehehe…ulemu kwa Soldier basi
Mam Munabanawo Kodi? Kwaife Zili Boo, Ndiliti Dziko Saimba Zandale? Osamanyoza Anzanu Timangopenya Basi
Lucius mwana wa nabanda okana bambo ake ngati amapangidwa ndi mayi ekha,omangisa mchemwali wake,olephela kuthandiza Mchimwene wake Join?,Group la atcheya?,angathandize ndani pa malawi awa,ineyo ndikadawonela oyimba amene atukuka ali ku zembani ie mlaka,nsaku, billy,b4 asanayime pa okha,odzuzula nzake ayambe wadziweluza kaye b4 acusing ena mMalawi
Mwamva naye kuwawa soldier ndithu..hehehehehe
Sodier akuyabwa kwambilu
let him be the way he is coz nyimbo xakexo alipoxo amene amaxikonda nde wina akanena kut samamuikila pa chanel O kwaife zilibe kanthu nanga chanel 0yo ndiyakuno ngat
Anayamba kutha fasho chifukwa cha dyera awa
How ever you criticize Lucius Chiccio Banda shows you are nothing . Did he mention your name in his songs? He was there in music industry before you born and still there. Do you know the means of what you are saying? Why don’t you go in parliament if you have an original certificate. Wakeup My country. Don’t forget “SAYENDA ADABALA MWANA OYENDA” He can fight freedom for you educated people . Mark my words Nsanje kaduka lekani . Iye ali ndi mwai otilankhulira ife anzeru fe. Kupanda apo aaaa kaya. Tizingolira kuutsibe Chomcho. Big up Soldier Lucius Chiccio Banda. Patsogoro ndi ndi Chilungamo. Osafooka munayambira kutali kulimbana ndi Kamuzu . Be civilized Malawians truth pains. Be Blessed Lucius Banda
Awasotu ndiye afika popusa nadzo akhalira yomweyo yotsutsayo
Ndiye inu olamulanu mnyumba mwanu mukuyaka magetsi????
Ameneyi amadalila ife kuti mamankonda nyimbo zake koma wationjeza man
Koma akunama ngati man?
Kkkkkkkk sakunama man Chaponda uja nde anaswadi khola man
Eee man Chaponda simunthu omuchitila zibwana man iye amasolola ndikuotcha offece iii aja ndi madolo
Ngati anakwanitsa kudzudzu mkango nanga kulibwanji mbuzi kkkk
Wasiya zake za certficate yachinyengo akuimba zawena, kkkkkk poti chala sichloza mwini! shame on u
Musaiwale Awa Amafunaiwo Ndi Upresident
Music is a form of advocacy activism, just as do the Civil Society.
Tikuziwa kuti madala zili bwino ndipo timakudalirani pa malawi po zuzula mulibe mbali keep it up Banda
Amdala Tiye Nazo Mbava Za Dpp Izi Osazisia Ai Mwina Zingasinthe
Keep it up munthu wamkulu
Asiyire ana kuyimba agogowa
Awa sazapuma kunyoza boma chomwe chili muntima mwawo ntchachikulu kwambili kuyambila pa Kamuzu Banda iiiiiiii
His songs are not competetive internationally. His songs are for malawian politicians and some of their followers. His music can not be played on puopular tv stations like channel o. He forged a Malawi certificate inorder to become a Member of Parliament we have not forgotten.
let the past b the past he wrote exams again he passed he even got adploma .idiot
Which diploma? For which coarse?
And he is currently studying towards a degree with the University of Israel.
You guys why are you not mentioning the current diploma that he is holding? Where did he get the diploma? Which coarse did he study inorder for him to be awarded the diploma?
That fake Soldier!
koma inu mwasowa nthano eti. Mukutha ma data ndi nkhani zopanda pake bwanji. Shame
We use free internet man titha kutokota 72 hours koma sibwino kumawauza anthu nkhani zaboza zopanda umboni.
bola amatha kusiyanitsa course ndi coarse @ maxton manyembe
Maxton Manyambe he dont know even how to spell course n he is busy pointing finger Lb about education lol
Mukulimbana ndi munthu wolemera amphawi inu
Kulimbana ndi munthu oti sungamufike ndi 5, 1 yeniyeni
Roxeyn we say ,”he does not know” , “they do not know”.
Sitikulimbana naye man uyu kuzuzula kwawo nkosathandiza ayambe wadziweluza yekha mu music industry anatukula ndani ie nsaku,mlaka,billy,
The guy is talented and you you know it leave him alone he made a mistake and admitted him so why crucify him?are you perfect yourself?
Let us continue to correct mistakes here.I have seen that most you malawians you waste your time correcting spellings as if you are English Teachers from England.English is your second language. I have been reading stories from malaw24,nyasatimes,malawi voice with wrong spellings but you people because of ignorance you always waste your time correcting new reporters instead of commenting or keeping chete. Anthu opusa mulipo ambiridi ndaona tsopano.
iwe kuoneka pa chanel O si udolo ayi koma udolo ndikuziwika kudziko lako….Dolo ukumunenayo ndi tate wamayimbidwe ndani amaoneka pa ma tv oziwikawo wamuno mumalawi anakhalapo tate wamayimbidwe??unyoze ena olo kuwakumba uyo yekhayo sungamake olo mutabwela nonse ndinyimbo zanu zopanda tanthauzo.ikuchedwa ndyimveleee.
kkkkk puopular yea ney
course not coarse mr educated
Situkulimbana ndi munthuyu koma pali mau oti chotsa chisoso pa diso lako kaye kenako uchotse chisoso cha mzako
zaziiiii osaimba zot anthu agule bwanj???? everytym politics thats Y MW sakutukuka
Bankha waku Thyolo uyu
Mbava yokuba certificate iyi chabe kuti samaona patali ndi chipani cholowa
Ife tigula CD yake unya ndi millionaire pano Luscious ndipo amatha kuyimba Nzomwe anatchukila sanayambe lero,,remember mabala nthawi ya MCP nde lero ayipe coz wanena zoyipa za DPP? Panya pako!
Soldier omenyela nkhondo anthu osauka ndipo ndiwe Mkulu olimba mtima mwana wakwathu go ahead we r behind youuu
Edward Songini i think you are dumb and dull ,un educated fool. Your mouth is dirt, you dont wash it i can see from a far. What benefit do you get from some one who stole a certificate.?
Iwe Delgado usalowelere nkhani za ku malawi. Iwe ndi mkilimani wa mozambique udazolowera kukhala mtchire ndi malume wako Alfonso wokonda nkhondo.
mukhalila zomwezo anzanu akutukuka muzochita like it or not he is well recognised musician and timamukonda
kuzolowera kunyamula mitu ya anthu mmisonkhano azanu akupanga ndarama zao uchutsiru ife tigula ndipo ikuchedwa kufika kuni
Munthu ukakhala mphawi umangovomereze chilichonse chomwe olemela wanena. Oyimba wina adati osauka alibe mau..
kkkkkkkk koma abale!
Inu mukudikila CD ine ndikungoivela ndili phee silikali waathu osaukaa
Dan tigaireni 0888151713
Ikumachita kukoma nyimbo makamaka soldier akamati ama green card awoo…hehehehehehe…muthawa bwana simunati…..Soldier zake zinayera kalekale
Charles share me the song plz 0888869325
Amene alinayo andiponyere ku inbox ndiimvereko…
his music is for Malawians not channel o viewers, get a life or make your own music.
Most People That Hate Lucious Are Poor.Need Gvmt 2 Gv U Charitable Things.
Mai Dolika ndinu aboza lankukuniza ngati Banda wanuyu komanso achinyengo.You want to tell us that those who dont like Banda’s music are poor? I can see from a far that yourself you are one of the poor people who listen to this guy’s music.Let me tell something listening to Banda’s musica can not eradicate your poverty .I feel sorry for you poor girl.
Anthu ena ndinu zitsuludi eti? kuteroku simudziwa kuti nkhani ya certificate inabwera chifukwa cha impeachment bingu atasowa chochita ndale zitamuondetsa…komanso inuyo ophunziranu tikuvutikira limodzi kusowaa tchito pamene soldier ndibwana, koma akukuyankhulira iwe oponderezedwa ulibe kalikonse kunyozaa anthu oti akhoza kukuthandiza…
Guys yemwe alinaye anditumidzire pa whatspp nambala nayi :0027736490883 chondeee teroni ndithu
Amene zikumunyasa asagule even kumvera
Next MK5000 bill, then raised fines for traffic offences..and..kenaka..mmmmm..taxing zam’mbale or chakhumi
MK5000 is merely equivalent to USD7.00
Mmm awaso aribe zeru adari kare boranso nkasa amaona yotethaa
That’s why Gosple kazako amati Lucius anasiya kale kuyimba kkkk
Umatha iweyo.eti eti kunzimva ati kusalakwa iyeyo ati
Mmm mbava ngt imeneo don’t forget about MSCE Certificategate
Wen wen big man
Amene mulinayo nyimboyo nitumizileni nifuna nivelele 0026774165893 botwana
Soldier wa andale uyu !!! Pa amphawi anachoka
even ma show ake akayamba kuyimba iyeyu fans imangokhala inanso kuyamba kutuluka pano anatha ndithu
Ndiye anthuwo amakhala kuti alowako ulere kapena ndi ndalama ndiye cholipilira nchiani chimadziwa kuti oimba wake ndi soldier.mwanenaxi doensnt make sense sir
pano akuyimba ndachina nepman komanso makweli. ndingoti akuma user achinyamata pano
Jealous a Rajab
No profit
Ayimbenso MSCE certificategate,asamakhale ngati iyeyo ndiwa clean kkkk
Wamva zomwe Peter Mutharika wanena pa za ma educational certificates a Lazarous Chakwera? APM says Chakwera’s credentials are fake.This is a political way of making Chakwera suffer public ridicule for playing his oversight role in checking excesses and ineffieciences.Do u remember the issue that touched on Bingu’s raw nerve? it was impeachment procedures for a president.Both his conviction and sentence were quashed by the appeal court.
Iweyo dawood kawuze mbuzi yako ija umati mkasa Ndiye ikayimbe
Certifocate issue is almost personal boss but kuba chimanga plus kudzasowetsa ma tractors and ndikudzamiza a Malawi on genisets its a national and has brought national debate….anthuwa aba mokwana, thanks to Soldier,tamvako za tractorgate”hehehe
Mudzilankhula bwino aDawood mwakhuta sadaka
Ndiye gerrald osamuwuza Mbwampini kuti amange Chakwerayo?
Zake izo timamudziwa uwu ndizilikuno.
a Lucius anatha …kungoti ufiti wake uja ndiomwe ukumutchukissa,,,,,akanakhala billy Kaunda ndikanati bola,,,,,koma osati mbuli iyi
Mmmmm! Yambani inuyo kuyimba brother si nanga LB anatha komanso pa chichewa pali mau oti pachoka mzako pali malo ndiye inuyo mulowe malo LB wo basi zatha ife okonda kumvela nyimbo tizimvela zoyimba inuyo finish
yaaaaaa mmalo mwaine aziyimba ndi nkasa kapena Billy kaunda
Kkkkkkkkkkkk koma yah
Inu abilly amayimba + nkasa bolani Mlaka
Sodier ndi dhilu anayamba kutivinisa kalekale tili achichepele fiti ndiwe waona bwanj wa mzako
big up
My foot !!!!!!!!
Birds of the same feathers,politics dirty game
Typicall of Mkasa sometimes….
I guess yu dont know the soldier we are talking about
Thats my opinion not urs sir!!!
Akuruwa Amankhara Ngati mutu wako Sumagwira ntchito Bwanj Osamankhara ngati Akuru awo aja Zipindurira chani Marawi zimenezi??
udzafa uli chitsilu martin luther
Lucias Vs Nkasa , Mcp And Dpp Respectively
courageous people like him are needed ndakunyadira kwambiri #soldier!
i dont like this he would like to go down as a freedom fighter but he is just a typical malawian politician who makes music.PRETENDER A PRETEND
Ameneyo Nde Luciour Soldier B
Nice songs but why does he not seen criticize the relevant people in parliament like how kamlepo and others does
A dog can’t bite with a bone in the mouth
Kkkkkkk ok bro
Mwaivera mochedwa
0027740214365 send please on WhatsApp
0710174921 ndi halle adha
Send me plz +2763999615
Pali yanga ndipangen add
Kkkkkkkkkk tiyenazo munthu wamkulu
nzeru zinaathera awa,pano amangodikira winawake a bulande apezepo nyimbo.
Kkkkkkkkkkk yaa amangodikira
that’s wat we call creativity!chimodzi modzi ndakatulo zambili umalemba zomwe zikuchitika
Ndiye nzeruzo
usher tawasie
Eya ka,ndipo sindikudziwa kuti anthu amaimbao akazamziwa Mulungu ndikusiya kubako naenso azakhala waluso opuma sure.
nde kuyimbako,iwe umaona kuyimba zanzeru umayimba zinthu zoti sizinachitike?chifukwa chake oyimba ambiri nyimbo zawo mulibe ukadqulo.ada amenewo ndi tate wamayimbidwe alibe zake pamalawi.
Akanakhara nkasa ndikanavomereza KT nzeru zinarha koma soldier aaaaaaaà OK ndimaganizo ako thanks
Iweyo ndamen xidakuthela xeru
I think you don’t know that nyimbo ndi expression of feelings….amadikila zobhowa,zachisoni, zopysetsa mtima zichitike ndpamene angayimbe …that’s why akuimbabe till now!
Lucius banda adayamba kuimba iweyo uli mwana kamuzu bakili bingu Joyce banda ichitso chilipochi osewa adayimbidwa nyimbo ndiye mukamakamba nkhani za Lucius banda osamafananixa ndi mbuxi xomwe xilipoxi
Nyimbo ukamayimba muthu umadikila uwone chomwe chichitik basi kungofikila kuyimba makawa kapen nkasa kapen gwaladi Lucius banda ndi Lucius banda paka iweyo zizakunyasa
Owoo kod et!
malawi sazathekaso bas
With good leaders and self-motivated ones, malawi will excel brother!!!!! Hon Banda is just putting a cry on these disgusting gates which is the same as murdering your own brother..,…,maizegate and tractorgate is witch craft ideeed.
But there s none
Wait 2019 for the wise.