Nkasa ndi Bushiri aimba nyimbo imodzi: yotamanda DPP ndi a Mutharika

Shepherd Bushiri

Amwela chikho chimodzi tsopano pa uwiri wawo, oyimba Phungu Joseph Nkasa ndi munthu wa Mulungu Shepherd Bushiri.

Pamene oyimba Joseph Nkasa watulutsa nyimbo yotonza chipani chotsutsa cha Kongeresi uku akutamandila chipani cholamula cha DPP, naye munthu wa Mulungu Bushiri watsimikiza kuti iye padakali pano ndi nganganga pambuyo pa a Mutharika ndi DPP.


Joseph Nkasa

A Nkasa atulutsa nyimbo yawo imene mwa zina akudzudzula chipani cha Kongeresi kuti ndi cha nkhanza zothelatu.

A Nkasa amene anena kuti chipani cha Kongeresi chitha kufanizidwa ndi zinthu zopopa magazi, anena kuti chipani cha DPP motsogoleledwa ndi a Peter Mutharika ndicho chapeleka ufulu kwa a Malawi.

Iyi ndi nyimbo yachiwiri yomwe a Nkasa atulutsa ulendo uno yoyamikila DPP, poyamba anayimba ina yonena kuti a Mutharika ndi Yoswa.

Ku mbali inayi, abusa a Bushiri amene amaziti ndi mneneri alengeza kuti iwo akukondwa ndi utsogoleri wa a Peter Mutharika.

“Chisankho chitachitika lero, ine voti yanga ndipatsa Bambo Peter Mutharika ndi chipani chawo cha DPP,” anatelo a Bushiri.

Iwo anati a Mutharika ayesetsa kuchita zazikulu ku mbali yawo pofuna kutukula dziko la Malawi ngakhale kuti mavuto alipo mwina ndi mwina.

A Bushiri anatsindika kuti chitukuko cha miseu chimene a Mutharika alimbikitsa ndicho chawagwila mtima.

Ngakhale zili motele, a Bushiri anatsindika kuti Magetsi ndiwo ali vuto ku Malawi kuno.

Iwo anazipopa kuti atha kuthana ndi vutoli mu masiku awiri zimene anthu akayika kuti ndi zotheka.




  1. Kod amalawi makamaka mukufuna ndani bcz abwele uyu mukuti ayi uyunso mmmhhu mwaonjeza mwina mukufuna ine.koma ngat nchotidwe wake uli umnewu palibe chingacthe chifukwa muyembekezenso MCP ikalowa ena azizapanga zomwe enanu mukupanga NDE choncho dziko clingatukuke ayi.

  2. Amalawi mudankhara bwanji? Mbewu yanji ya athu? Tiyeni tizikamba zithu zachulungamo, musiyeni bushiri, ungozolowera kuyipitsa mbiri muthu ndi ufiti zomwe mudziwa akadzidzinu

  3. Ndakhala Ndikutsatira Momwe Zikuyendera Ndale Dzamzikomuno Kuchokera 1994 Koma Ndaona Kv Palibe Msongoleri Yemwe Adzayendetse Dzikoli Popanda Manong’onong’o

  4. MUNANGOZOLOWERA MABODZA , AMALAWI NDIPO SIMUZASINTHA, NDIYE POTI MABOZA NDI OYAMWIRA PALIBE CHOMWE CHINGAKULAKENI , KOMA KWA OMWE TINAPITA KU CRUSADE YA MALAWI FORUM KUNO KU RUSTENBURG South Africa, ZONSE ZOMWE ANAKAMBA PROPHET BUSHIRI sananyoze chipani chilichonse or Ku nenena zoti ndi was DPP koma chomwe ndipo zoti kunali nkasa pasikulo tungomva kwa inu owonera patali pamene I’ve tinali naye pafupi sitinamuone nkasa tikuziwa za SAIMON KAMLAGA NDIYEMWE NAMUONA NDIYEEE EEEE AYINDITHU Malawians you need deliverance yaikulu mpaka otherwise MPAKA YESU AZACHITA KUYENDA NDI MYENDO KUMALAWI MPAMENE MABOZA AZATHA

  5. Umbuli procurement procedures sakuwadziwa u dont just ask the govt to give u business adzakumangani mtsogolomu this is a competitive world adzakumanga nonse Bwana Chakwera

  6. Zachabe Chabe Zinthu Zonsezi,atero Mulungu.Tisazitsatire Poti Izi Ndi Zongosautsa Mtima Ndipo Ndi Zothera Padziko Pano.

  7. Why this buy he likes to prish for rich people only about poor people in the village … if he can go to change live in poor people the world will change too .. meaning he prish for Money only fake

  8. Bushiri simunthu opemphera.Abusa ndi maprophet anzake akupempherera dziko lino kut mavto alpo achepe.koma iye wapatuka ndikumapembedza pharao.zoona zake, (SATANIC)monga adamunena kale aDPPwo pamodzi ndimafumu akum’mwela.

  9. mmmmmm koma anthu inu chifukwa zoti akusapota dpp mumafuna azisapota ndiye mtima wanuwo mbeeeeeeeee ndiye mwaupondatu a mcp mukhaula iwo.aionela patali kuti dpp ndichipani chomwe chingawine ndipo ndimaganizo awo wina aliyese ali ndi zokonda zake even ine ndizavotela dpp osati kubesa voti ukuziwa kuti mcp singawine olo ena mukumalemba kuti 5 in 1 chomwe mungaziwe ndachakuti chisankho cha president ndi cha mp ndizithu ziwili zosiyana muziziwa zimenezo come 2019 muzaimbanso nyimbo yanu ija yoti atibela atibela kuchokela 1994 mpaka lelo kkkkkkkkkkkk

  10. kkkk kodi mmafuna ayimbe yotamanda chakwela? koma a Malawi nawonso ali ndichisankho chawo inunso ngati muli ndiluso pitani ku studio muka jambule yanu yotamanda chakwelayo

  11. munthu wa mulungu sangaimbe nyimbo yotamanda munthu kusiya Mulungu izi ndiye Zina zikungoonetselatu kuti Ufumu umene akutumikila munthu wa mulungu si wakumwamba koma za pansi pompano

  12. Dziko lathu tinataya mwayi tokha mulungu anatipasa tsongoleli bingu wa muthalika koma amalawi umbuli ndi phuma lelo ndi izi ndeye sitinati tiziona kuzingwila komwe

  13. Koma guyz Malawi afera dyera inu mukuonangati chani azimayi oyebekezera komanso azimayi omwe ari ndiana ag’ono akumarandira ufa wasoya +mafuta ophikira mukuona ngati ndi mahara poti kupopa magaziko akubweza soya +mafuta mukudyawo

  14. Bushiri wakuba iwe sakudziwandani za iwe ukufuna uyambe kuba Ku ndale opusa ndi amene amaku tsatilawo zidza ululoka mulungu si james

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  17. Bushiri is playing a beautiful game with the sleeping DDP ! U have bn for while castigating him for no apparent reason . But am afraid to tell u that the prophets seeks just a smooth path to doing his prophetic missions in Malawi , Mutharika has bn so ignorant on Bushiri , for Nkasa, slavery is still reigning in Africa , Nkasa is smartly used for political beneficiary but surprisingly once he has never achieved his game he sings against that particular boss, mental slavery

  18. Kd alekelanji kumwemwetela abwana ataima pachulu kunena kt kulibe OPOPA MAGAZI? Inde vinani lulutilani poti mutipopadi opanda cheucheu tsoka ine wakumudxine ndi makolo angawa omwe tikugona panja kumimba kukulila wezulo km mavuto onsewa mkumayakhula mbwererazo? Ayi tigwileni ntchito poti nthwawi njanu iyi tidzakumana pamtengo wakachere 2019 ndiy padzathere zonse.

  19. Inenso ndili nazo zifukwa zokondela DPP
    (1)kuyakaya kwMagetsi
    (2)5000 yogwilana
    (3)boma la DPP ziwembu kwambiri
    (4)nkhani ya chitetzo
    Izi ndizifukwa zochepa zokha zimene zingandipangitse kukanyika m’madzi vote yanga povotera chipani chosankhikachi 5________1

  20. Nonsense!,We(Malawians)we are suffering badly coz of planned,and man made troubles,how could someone be praised while his people are living without Electricity for almost 25 hours?,Famers are crying because of the ban on selling of Maize outside Malawi,these people have been buying the commodity,corruptly from famers,and now, they have accomplished the ban to enable themselves,to export the Maize to other countries,for them to get huge benefits,while the local famer hasn’t benefited for his own sweat,How crazy you are???

  21. A Bushiri basi ayiwala kuti kuli Mulungu pano ayamba kutamanda munthu wochokera ku fumbi. I listened to one of your preachings which you told us a human being is not worthy to be praised but God. And here you are: Okey!

  22. kkkkkkkkkk koma adha… ku Malawi everyone is a comedian. kuyambira ma media house, politics paka ku church…. osayiwalapo azanthu ocommenta khani zonduka muntu ngati ine,paka BP ndikukwela…… mcp!!! dpp!!! udf!!!…. pano ndabwera kuzaseka “hahahahahaha’

  23. Kkkkkk.. Days of our lives…. Bushiri has brought alot of fun in our social media…kkkkk.. With blackouts, we have advanced our desires all together on FB or any source of fun…on our electronic media… I think its Gods time no matter what!! This is Gods own time indeed…kkkkk. Bushiri, Major 1 is twisting every angle into any questionable sceptical dice… Nkasa/Bushiri song is deadly connotation if taken seriously.. Remember the biblical story of Moses and Egyptians.. Nkasa do it and see the other world… Be born again..and Holy Holy to the Lord…and this can only be possible with Major 1. Repent Nkasa.. You sung for the Devil, but still you’re empty.. But sing one Holy hymn and get satisfied for the rest of your life..kkkkk.

  24. Man sindikuipezatu ine nyimbo imeneyi ku net nde guess tithandizeni tingaipeze bwanji sound imeneyi cos enafe timadana ndikunamizidwa Lol

  25. Muli ndi umboni wanji woti Bushiri wapatsidwa magazi?? Koma amalawi vuto ndi chiyani kodi? Inu kumangonena zinthu zopanda umboni bwanji. Sibwino choncho mudziganizile ndinthu. Muchedwa ndi zomwezo zomunena munthu iyeyo akupita pa tsogolo

  26. Kod Bushiri Amupatsa Magazi Ochuluka Eti.One Vote Mpaka Kusautsa Anthu Miyandamiyanda Mmmmmm Palibe Zoona Apa.Wina Wagulitsa Magazi Abale Ake Kwa Bushiri Asaaaa!

  27. Kod Bushiri Amupatsa Magazi Ochuluka Eti.One Vote Mpaka Kusautsa Anthu Miyandamiyanda Mmmmmm Palibe Zoona Apa.Wina Wagulitsa Magazi Abale Ake Kwa Bushiri Asaaaa!

  28. lembani nkhani zoti anthu tiziva onse dpp who z dpp for all kodi mulibe nkhani zolemba tangosiya kupanga post zinthu zauchisulu pano mwamva khamba za azibale athu omwe anamwalira pa ngozi asilikali kt mutithandiza moti

  29. Malawi 24 is pro- DPP and that’s the fact. So many artists sung against DPP like Lucius Banda, why don’t write about him? Don’t worry 2019 is when you will know the truth and be royal to your masters,but it will be over!

  30. So what do Bushiri wants to talk to us akunyengelera chani nanga nkasa akufunasa galimoto eet very sorry malawi now by and by turns into desert.

  31. The veri simple reason why i hate this page Is that they like twisting their news B4 gathering information they just write the newz.yestarday He was smart today he has sang a song of praise to Dpp lack of reasoning mr 24

  32. Hiiii bushili waononga chipani Chija BASI chatha ANTHU ambili samukhulupilia bushili ndiye DPP ikuona ikuwina ndi bushili mmmm yalakwa game

  33. DPP leadership has done a good job for introducing 5000 mk bank not… By 2019 we will have 10000 mk bank note. And I wonder is the one praising Peter stays in Malawi.

    1. I am aware. That’s what I am saying because your Bushiri and Nkasa are saying the DPP has done lot of good job. I wonder they are talking about this new bank note. Its bad for economic but the 2 guys still praise Dhi-phi-phi

    2. Wolakwa ndiuja anagwesa ndalamayo ponena kut azungu andiuza kut ndigwese kwacha nanga azunguo osanena kut ikwele bwanji pogwesa ndipomwe imaphweka eti.

    3. They are so many reasons that make our currency loose value eg we are not exporting too much but importing. Tourism is getting down. We don’t have natural mineral resources like gold,platinum, nickel etc. We rely on donors of which if they donate less and population grows that makes impact on economy. For a good start we need investor from all over the world to boost. But because of lack of electricity power investors are not attracted. Even the one we have now are scrambling to keep business going. At the end this will cause loss of jobs and unemployment will go up. We also need road infrastructures to transport good. All this is causing investors to make less money and paying small taxes. We need a leader with vision and attractive to investors

    4. Haulles Alexis Simbeye its obviously that when they is a accident we first investigate the driver. Because he is the one controlling the vehicle and have decisions to brake,overtake,accelerate or stop. So in this case its obvious the government was elected to be responsible to control everything. If things are done good we praise the government and the same way if they take bad decisions. People of Malawi are hard workers the world knows. As you know DPP is ruling party that’s what makes them blamed for ruling bad decisions

    5. Its not that we hate our president no. But its a matter of pumping investors, tax collection, and provide a good environment for business to roll on. Even if he can be elected he must focus on investors not donor. Donor just donate anything with conditions. While investors do business. Local people will buy share like 40% share must be owned by Malawians. Same time young people get employment. Same with Zambia all whites from Zimbabwe are investing with Zambian government that’s why they have food mpweche mpweche. Mines running also. So for us he must focus to much in that channel. Not going around asking donations. With mapopa magazi madness tourist are scared to come to Malawi for their safety. They us a lot need to be done than kunyozana ndi opposition. Nothing will come out from kunyozana but hear others what they are saying then implement those ideas into action. When he went missing he promise that he was hunting for investors until now no sign of change

    6. Sangwani Kakoko Kaluba how can God help Malawi when we are lazy thinking. The country is going down to ground and you laugh God help Malawi. Think of your children

    7. Mkandawire u got a point but u pretend to say the truth who is the cause of inflation.If the whole class fails exams,a teacher has to be blamed.Let the ones who shall vote for him do so.But.. . We have to wake up and make the right choice of a leader.

  34. mmm inu koma kukokomeza zinthu ::ndimadabwa cholinga chanu chimalhala chani ,uku sikuchita report koma walemba nkhaniyi ngopenga afuna apengese ambiri nkhani yamzana mpaka mwezi onse talembaniko zopindula achisilu inu

  35. Fake Angels – Former
    Prophet Bushiri’s camera
    man/editor reveals how
    they ‘created angels’ to
    appear in church
    November 4, 2017November 4, 2017 4
    Spread the love
    A Zambian camera man and video editor who
    worked at Bushiri’s Prophetic Channel Television
    has come out in the open to joing Bushiri
    Survivors Network and reveal how miracles were
    edited to present moving objects on camera that
    Bushiri said were angels.
    According to the former camera man identified as
    Phedro, he is the one that edited the video and
    created the impression of moving objects that
    they related to angels.
    “There was no such a thing as Angels. That was
    a total lie. I edited the video and added the
    objects. If you watch it closely, you will see that
    people sitting close to the angels dont even
    notice everything because there was nothing for
    them to notice. I have a unedited version of the
    video and I will share with you to compare,” he
    He also said most of the things people see on the
    TV are not real as there is a team of creative
    people behind them.
    “Sometimes even Bushiri himself laughs and jokes
    about it that people love him so much and trust
    him that they would even demolish their houses
    and sleep outside if he ordered them to do,” he
    said adding: “I fee sorry for faithful people defend
    him without knowing what really happens. Only if
    they paid attention to what they see and think
    soberly, but they are too lazy and blinded to
    The camera man was fired for being suspected to
    be in a relationship with a church young girl that
    his former boss also ‘chew’ for pleasure. He is
    now back to Zambia and has started doing his
    business in Lusaka.
    You can watch the video here and see for yourself
    how Bushiri fooled people:….

  36. Nkasa amaimba kale,pano analowa ndale akaona kuti winawake zikumuyendela amayesesa kuti akhale nzake chilinga amudyele ndalama.

  37. Nditulutsa yanga yokhuza Kuzima kwa magetsi;anamapopa;Albino;imfa ya Njauju,maizegate …etc…
    Komanso osaiwala kutamanda Chakwera kkkkk

  38. So,all we will be hearing from you M24 is Bushiri Bushiri and Bushiri? For real? You mean you don’t have news to feed us? Pathetic!

    1. No, they don’t have news that YOU, would love to read, but they have news that OTHERS would love to read. Moral; news writers do not write stories that entertain only one person but multitudes. No offence boss. Thank you.

  39. Ife a Mcp tili kutekeseka nawo awa ndipo tikupempha kwa okhawo amene akulifunila zabwino dziko lino kuti nthawi yochotsa changa mmwamba yakwana tsopano kodi dziko lathuli azanga likupita kuti? Taonani akuti apanga ndalama imodzi k5000 kodi moti mkutero??


    2. Iweyo wekha sukuona kuti peter sakugona tulo ndi chakwela? Umakhala kuti iweyo? Moti ndithudi ulibe mantha ndi 5- 1 muja idathela game imene ija. Ku mwela mmati ndiko kwao kwa Dpp lero waiona bwa Mcp ku blantyre konko anthu alankhula pakugwilitsila vote yawo pakusankha Mcp. Magetsi momwe adazimila kale kale zomwe sizidachitikepo mmbili ya utsogoleri mdziko muno

    3. Mbendela, njaunju, chasowa, osewa ali kumanda kamba ka Dpp komaso pakuonjezela apo magetsi momwe adazimila kale kale, akutiso akhoza k5000 imodzi kkkkk yachani imeneyo, nanga kuba ndalama za boma. Kwa iwo anzelu sakuonapo chifukwa chokavotera Dpp ayi awa abako basi apite zipite zimenezi basi, 5- 1 amene uja peter sakugonanaye tulo atta pang’ono

    4. No one will change things in the earthly government because what the bible says about end times has to be fulfilled, nyengo zomwe zafika paziko lapansiri iwalani kuti mtsogoleri wina aliyense angazisinthe, never, nyengo zinka zikuipirabe olo mutasintha boma

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