Musician Rihanna will donate bikes to Malawian girls to use when going to school.
According to BBC, this is the new part of partnership between the singer’s Clara Lionel Foundation and Chinese bike-sharing company called Ofo.

Rihanna will bankroll a campaign called 1km Action in form of providing scholarships to help hundreds of girls attend secondary school in Malawi and those who will qualify for a scholarship will receive bikes to get to school.
According to Rihanna’s Clara Lionel Foundation, there are approximately 4.6 million students across Malawi but only 8 percent of the students complete secondary school and one of such reasons is poor transport communication.
“I am so happy about the Clara Lionel Foundation’s new partnership with Ofo because it will help so many young people around the world receive a quality education.
“And also help the young girls of Malawi get to school safely, cutting down the very long walks they make to and from school all alone,” said Rihanna.
Is only #God knows.
Malawi chenjera, ndipo dziwa ichi, when the satan comes he comes as if he anglel of light yet he is of darkness, remenber these are one of the engents of satan and what ever they will do is to destroy, remember they are saving devil and his demons, and his acts is to still, destroy and to kill, believe you me these people are meeting with our readers of our country descusing very serious issues but when they comes out they say we want to help, whom are they folling? we know it all
Ho 4:6
Anthu anga adzawonongedwa chifukwa sakundidziwa. Popeza iwo akana kundidziwa, inenso ndidzawakana kuti azinditumikira ngati wansembe wanga. Popeza iwo aiwala lamulo la ine Mulungu wawo, inenso ndidzaiwala ana awo.
Kubeleka ana koma othandiza ena, zitsiru! mwina ngati ali amasiyetu
have many
can benefit from donation?
Thank u Rihana, its a great initietive God bless u.
Bora Isakhare Tit For Tat,njnga 60 Ngoz 120
Wat ever pple cn say Riri is givng a bike, anthu osewa amathandiza ku malawi kunowa if that is the case kawatengeni ana amene alindi Madona aja muzilera… satanic~yo inayamba lero lets liv this in the hands of lord osamayankhura ngat simukuziwa evn all the presdent they all involve into illuminate nde muzikana zithandizo amaperekazo… Big up Riri
Umbuliiiiiiii anthu …wake up….malawi thats y we r failling to make it because of …kusaganiza bwino and jealous…
Y ppo u always try to find a fault on a good thing someone did…plz lets not be discouragers rather be in the forefront of incouraging the ppo..to do good…
Which good…everyone knows that rihana is an illuminant member…za ziii
Kodi Marcus mulungu ndi mphawi? The reason am asking this is once someone struggles all his life people they don’t say anything but once his life starts to improve many stories (negatives) starts so does it mean in God there’s no better life? Only struggles,? And it shows that Satan only waits for people to do fine then he gets the Glory and my last question is where was Satan when a person struggles?
i tottally decline RiRi s help
Good move
Good move, but do not involve politicians, can be propaganda to win majority.
We want live show.
Ndi swap deal basi bike-blood hahaha
#dzuka malawi
Another Disaster! Evil At Permises. Tikakwela Mamotoka Tizingo Pemphela Kuliso Masadaka Chaka Chino.
eeee koma nonsenu mukususa wat have u done 4 these gals.. muli ndidyera ndrama zanu simugayila anthu..ok munakati inu mathandiza bwezi achina rihanna wo akubwera…u shld jst say tank u u little ho’s
Not important…She is not a gud example to Malawians.
How true is this
Malawian people bwanji? Kodi kusauka nkwabwino? Kodi ufiti sisatanic?
Thanks Rihanna for ur help
Njinga ili ndi ntchito yanji amwene deal ndi madonna
Thanks to the golden girl of music
Palibe cha phindu pa zimenezo bola atatimangila church cha Satanic tikhonza kupindula.
Palibe cha phindu pa zimenezo bola atatimangila church cha Satanic tikhonza kupindula.
is this true???
wats wrong with boys???
Malawi ndi odala amzathu amaiko ena akusowa idzi
thits satanic girl she want blood in our country. malawi wakeup thits is dangerous game Rihanna she is satanic queen in there group watch out thoes girls becareful with thoes type of donation
How did you know that she is a satanic? Meaning you’re too sham on you.
Backward thinking..
coz udont follow madea boy do reasech about satanic group shes leader of that group
maybe unaver watch the movie which calld free masson do reasech boy you allways claping hands for the devil
I wish I can delete your comment
Delete your comment did I force you to read my comment ? mind your business boy this is media you got no right to tell me what to say
iam warning you stop following me
Rsfick ur so parthetic
mind your on business
why yall hatin on riri?? the government can hardly provide free sanitary pad for our poor sisters and yall throwin shade at the bad girl riri?? grow up fools these bikes are gonna help the girl child of MW!
Malawi shld drop that ignorant rank
Akufuna kusintha nd magaz uyu
If u have tried to open account in southafrica but u failed, and u still want to have bank account don’t worry, am here to help u just call/WhatsApp on 0604945171. No need Work permit. No need Proof of address. All we need is your Passport and Address.
Ku Malawi kwasanduka kosewera phada masatanist aku America tsopano
Mau a Yehova akuyenera kukwanirisidwa ndichifukwa chake ngakhale tikakamize kuti zithu zisithe sizitheka matsiku omaliza awa kale ndi Kale a lihana zoti sukulu kwathu kuno zili kutali mwaziwa lero?umphawi watibwerensera mavuto akulu dziko lathu titha sure!!!
Mau akuyenera kukwanilitsidwa inde koma sananene zoti inu mukhale okwanitsa mau wo,ngati mungakwanitse mau wo muli ndi tsoka chifukwa ndikawerenga bwino Bible likuti pa LUKA 17v 1>
Ndipo anati kwa ophunzira ache,sikutheka kuti zolakwitsa
zisadze, koma tsoka iye amene
adza nazo.# Komanso monga ndanenera sikuti inu mukhale akukwanitsa mau koma pililanibe chifukwa Mulungu amayang’ana m’moyo wamunthu osati zakunja kwake,ntchito zanthu ndizomwe zikadziwike komanso pali mau pa
MLALIKI 8 V14> pali chinthu
chachebe chimachitidwa pansi
pano,chakuti alipo olungama
amene aona zomwe ziyenera ntchito za oipa, ndipo alipo oipa amene aona zomwe ziyenera ntchito za olungama.# Tisayanjane naye Satana iye akufuna tonse tikhale amtima wakuda okonda za dziko ili osati zokondweretsa Mulungu,mukhale ana akuwunika ndipo iye adzakhala mwa inu,ntchito zanthu zikhale zoyera nthawi zonse. Pomaliza ndati timveko mau awa akuchokera pa 1 YOHANE 2v3,4,5,6 and v18> Ndipo umo tizindikira kuti tamdzindikira Iye,
ngati tisunga malamulo ache.Iye
wakunena kuti,ndimdziwa Iye,koma wosasunga malamulo ache,ali wabodza,ndipo mwa iye mulibe choonadi.Koma iye amene akasunga mau ache,mwa iyeyu zedi chikondi cha Mulungu chathedwa,M’menemo tizindikira kuti tiri mwa Iye. Iye wakunena kuti akhala mwa Iye, ayeneranso
mwini wache kuyenda monga anayendera Iyeyo(Yesu) and v18>
Ana inu,ndi nthawi yotsiriza Iyi;
ndipo monga mudamva kuti wokana Kristu akudza,ngakhale
tsopano alipo okana Kristu ambiri,
mwa ichi tizindikira kuti ndi nthawi Yotsiliza iyi## ndakamba kapena kupereka mamvesi awa chifukwa alipo ambiri onama nkumati akupanga za Kristu koma ali ankhandwe monga mau akunene ku Mateyu 7v21> Si yense wakunena kwa Ine,Ambuye, Ambuye,adzalowa mu Ufumu wakumwamba,koma
wakuchitayo chifuniro cha Atate
wanga wakumwamba and YESAYA akunena pa 29 v13>Ndipo Ambuye anati,popeza anthu awa ayandikana ndi ine ndi mkamwa mwao,nandilemekeza ndi milomo yao, koma mtima wawo uli kutali
ndi ine,ndi mantha ao akundipa ine….
MAI INE!!!!!!! I don’t know where am going konse konse ziwanda zikundisaka kalanga ine!!!! Mulungu thandizeni ine mwana wanu
Uzimangilire iwe ukuona ngati anthu akuzipha okhawa akuthawa chani p?kkkkk
kd oimba aku U.S.A bwaj amakondela atsikana nanga ifeyo bwaj?
makolo ayambe kabaza,zobanduka kkkkkkk
What happens when the bikes get faulty? Awapatsa ndalama zokonzera atsikanawo njingazo zikaonongeka ?
Nice story!
Thats great idea it will really help the girls to go to school easy
Good gesture!
AMALAWI ASOGOLELI ATHU AKULANDILA ZITHANDIZO ZANDALAMA ZAMBILI KOMA AKUKANIKA KUSITHA ZITHU tisathe mawu ayi chifukwa olo enanu mulindindalama mukulephela kulipilila ana achemwali anu tiyambe Tokha kusamalana enawa.azasowa kudusila
Nde Bushir mumamukaniziranj kuthandiza dziko lake lomwe
she must just come to help but not with their system coz Malawi is already in fire
Chithandizo nchoyenera komano anthuwa sakudziwa zomwe akulora m’moyo wawo,chifukwa mai Rihanna wo momwe mbiri yawo iliri ndinso zochitika zawo ine ndikuwona kuti kalipo kalipo ndithu, pena pake anthufe kuyiwala kwambiri, Malemu Eveison Matafale for example,anayimba nyimbo kuti” Malawi Ufulu Sinsimatu ayi,ndati posaka Malawii~nyama ithah ku
kukhala nyambo” munthawiyi che Bakili anali atalolera chili chonse kulowa muno Mdziko end results yake kunabadwa ma church,ma pastor mbweeeeee,and kenaka Satanic church kumapeto ake Anthu anataya miyoyo kudulidwa dziwalo mdziko lonse and anapeza pophweka ku Chiladzulo anthu ataya miyoyo kamba kosadziwa, amene akudziwayo amakhala munthu modzi kapena atatu,mutafufuza kodi ku America ko kulibe anthu osauka chifukwa musamangomva nawonso ali nawo anthu osauka nanga chemwali Rihanna wa apangako zotani pakuvutika kwa abale awo amdziko lawo lomwe iwo akukhala/akuchokera and why My Malawi?? Josephy Nkasa anayimba nyimbo from KAPOLO SAKWIYA ALBUM(2005)= “tithokoze ma bungwe poti mwchulukira~mwatenga maudindo kutukula dzikoli,komatu zachilendo ndikuti
kusa… Mitu ndikutitayitsa chikhalidwe chanthu,monga mwachitsanzo pankhani za ufulu~ufulu mubweretse bola zisayipe, tikwatilana bwanji amuna okha okha~amai okhaokha kodi uku nkusavuka”# so mu nthawiyi nkuti mabungwe akuchulukitsa zochita mdzikoli koma palibe yemwe ankadziwa zofuna zawo lero ndi izi anabwera nkumati tilore gay marriage(sp) kupusa kwa ife wanthu tsono apanso mai wa zolinga zawo palibe ngakhale m’modzi akudziwa except kwa iwo amene alora izi zichitike. Akumipando dyera la ndalama lidzawapha akudziwa kuti ana awo sali muno ambiriwo komano amphawi amene sakudziwa kanthu bii ndiomwe akulangidwa,mukulora ana a Satana kubwera kudzapanga izi mudzi mwanu inu nkumavomereza I think muwerengenso Bible zomwe anawachitira ana Aisrayeli atatha kuwapulumutsa ku Aigupto.atalowa mdziko anawalumbiliraro anakopekanso ndi zina zosephan ndi Mulungu and mulungu anawalanga,Musamale Amalawi pazochita
she come up with her evil system just wait and see
Chomwe ndili komanso chomwe ndikutathauza nchoti anthu awa Rihanna,Or Madonna mbiri zawo nzachabe komano chifukwa cha umphawi anthu ambiri akodwa munsampha wamakobidi sakudziwa kuti izi nzolinga zawo, anthuwa ndi amodzi and nditha kukuwuzani kuti anthu ambiri oyimba ku America ndi a Satanic and mai Rihanna mbiri yawo ya Satanic mufufuze bwino and analowa kumeneko ali achichepere,Beyonce ndi yemwe anawatengela kumeneko poti iwo mai Rihanna wo Beyonce ndi Idol wawo,mufufuze bwino za mai wa musakhale oupusa pazambiri. Ndikawerenga mbiri ya ana Aisrayeli m’mayendedwe awo kudznso nkukhala kwawo ndimavomereza kuti Mulungu salora choyipa chigwere anthu ake atatha kudziwa zolakwa zawo nabwerera kwa iye. Kuyambira nthawi yomwe Mose anawatulutsa mpaka kufika mdziko lawo lolonjezedwalo ena mwa iwo anali ogalukira nasochera pamanso pa Mulungu ndipo Mulungu amawalanga kowopsa, tsono ngati amalanga anthu amene anali olonjezedwa ake amene kuli bwanji ife amene tili olephera mudzonse?? Chitsanzo china choti mudziwe athu awa ngambiri zedi ena anabwera ngati a Mulungu(Bushiri for example) nthawi ya njala amagawa chimanga and poyambapo kunali kusangalala kuti munthu wa Mulungu akuchitira zinthu zomwe Mulungu amakufuna komano zofuna zake mndani ankadziwa koyambako kapena mndani mwa a Busa amene anachita zongawa chimanga m’malawimo kaya mdziko liti? Now lero anthu aMulungu omwe akudzitcha ma Prophets akufuna kulamula dziko sinchoncho, Now this is my warning to you. Mufufuze mupeza kuti anthu awa a Satanic akufuna kulamula dziko ili la pansi powukira Mulungu, mufufuze illuminanti brotherhood, and world order. Oyimba ngati awa kudzanso ma Prophets ali amodzi angosiyana mabweredwe watch out.
apa ndiye ndatseguka mmaso kumbali ya chipatala wamanga madonnachi.atatsala pang’ono kutsegulira, panachitika ngozi osati masewera
Man mumadzitsata kwambiri,but i just to point out about satanic. Idabwera early 198 something bit it was secret doings. A chair asangotenga chobisika nkuyika pa mtunda. Mbali ya Matafale amanena zomwe amaona /kudziwa. He was part of it. Triangle symbol held upside down. I hope u know wat i mean. MK500. There’s a hiden triangle,u know what it means. Thank you,lets pray hard know n trust in God not in human. There are last days!
Ine mau ndilibe guys ndatsaguka mutu
the point is akuyika maziko a satanic for sure
u thnk its freely gift?…blood sucrifise ll be oferd.indefnately
Dziko lonse la pansi la MALAWI ndiloseketsa chifukwa limalora munthu ayambe business yopeza zinthu monga:magazi,ziwalo ndi kubweretsa zisudzo zoipa bola athandize MW kugwira ntchito molimbika ayi!!!! tiyenazoni kenaka muzilira mayi! wa!wa! ye!! chaka chino ngozi mayo! mayo! .
zibwere tizipanga kabaza
njingazo sagawa ai kma apatsa ana awo omweso savutika mayendedwe pomka ku sukulu
Most of the bikes will end up in most men who will definately sell them or carry charcoal with them. This is Malawi where education is less valued in contrast with fortune. More research had to be done on the needs of these girls. However for those girls whom will use the bikes effectively should stay blessed.
satanic kuno ay.akabanza akeo ukoo.to hell
Keep ur head up my MALAWI
Rihana eishiiiiiiiii
Mukalandira Ngozi ziyambeso mwaiwala kuti ndiye yemweyosu anapangitsa ngozi miyezi yapitayi mutalandira ndalama pano anthu apuma kulira lero muti akufuna kuthandiza Njinga loooo Mai kalanga ine Malawi where are u going now
Kkkk koma inu pitaninso ku school man kodi ngozi zikuchitikazi ndichifukwa cha iye? Kodi mu 1980s before iye kudalibe ngozi? Kuzani miseu yabwino kotero ngozi zichepe shame on you my friend pakuti kusadziwa ndikufa komwe
hahahahahaha anakuuza kuti kudziwa ndi kupita ku school kokha anakunamiza looooo
Kkkkkkk poor thinking capacity & believing in rubbish
You and your roten idea you better keep your comment away
Loooo I see more rubbish here
Kusaziwa ndikufa komwe chimene mungaziwe palibe chinthu chomwe mungapez chaulele osantheka ndiye mai chilipo akufuna kwanthu kuno
Loooo I see more rubbish here
Malawians are tooo blind to seee…..kuzolowera kulandila zaulero mukugulitsa miyoyo ya anzanu mosaziwa.mudAtsekuka liti mmaso.
Moyo kusinthanitsa ndi Njinga
chimene chimachitika anthu ochuka amalandira ndalama zochuluka ku maiko osiyana siyana.akabwera kuno amathandiza pagono zina amatenga kukhala zawo.ndipamene amadyera nawo,tago’ganizani bomanso limathandizidwa ndi world bank. Lekani kulozana zala.
chimene chimachitika anthu ochuka amalandira ndalama zochuluka ku maiko osiyana siyana.akabwera kuno amathandiza pagono zina amatenga kukhala zawo.ndipamene amadyera nawo,tago’ganizani bomanso limathandizidwa ndi world bank. Lekani kulozana zala.
Even our MK500. It got a triangle symbol. So si iye yekha koma aliyense amagwilitsa ntchito ndalamayo. No where to run! Tengani ndalamayo muyang’anitse ku dzuwa.
hahahahaha it means tinalowa kale Illuminati Amalawi tonse tisakudziwa looooo
Mmmmm ndikazalemera muzatiso ndavinidwa???
I can’t believe that someone wrote this but I understand it weekend.
from Madonna to rihanna. zoona Malawians will welcome anything.,.you don’t learn a lesson..
Madona just built youa multi billion kwacha childrens hospital that will help the malawian people you unappriciative person…
Google that multi billion kwacha thing you are talking about…if you wil find any send the photos
Mungozungulira ku Queen Elizabeth central hospital mukaone Mercy James centre for paediatric surgery if you know what i mean
Very good,keep it up
sounds like Malawians are in need seriously,what with all these donations.wake up and smell the coffee.
if it is unity en peace let it going…but nu #sweet without #sweat
All the best
Really? wldnt there be another way of effectively impacting the Malawian gal? cld she, perhaps, bn misinformed about the dire needs of our gals? I mean I appreciate her magnanimity but.. really?
Really what??? If you have hundreds of problems and someone helps you with one ….are you not supposed to be thankful. ?,??
Ife tizimupatsa chani poti ena aja ndi minyanga , ganja , ziwalo ndi zina zoterozo
Bola anawo asaike ziwanda za satana, amalawi matola tola tidzatola chitosi ndithu. malawi satana wamanga maziko akufuna kusocheletsa ambili.
Malawi Akuwonongenga bas… Zkatero kenako timva zot wapasidwa malo amangepo Kachisi wake…
Yah koma zikhale zaulele osati ayambe kulenga ngozi zopanda pochokera kufuna magazi awanthu wamva iwe Rihana uwamwe omwe utawapatse njingazo wanva fukwa amabwera chonchi kenako ngozi koma chani bwinonazotu izzi any way
Ya mulungu wathu ndiwamphamvu zachinsinsi zizawonekera ya auzeni ndizona aaaa azibwera ngati amesaya kuli kukubetsa
abwere ma bike’wo ena azizalemelelapo
Y Nt Ferari, Lamboghn Or Rolls Royce Sumtyn Lyk D@
Thus good
I personaly don’t agree with this donation
Achta Bwino Azipitira Kokakumana Ndizibwez Zao
Thanks To U Rihanna
Well come
this is a welcom development as long as there wont b bike-gate
Ndiye ugawe kwa aliyesi amene amayenda wapasi popita kusukulu bola abwanawa asayambe business yakabaza
Malawi sadzamva ndithu,ndiye choncho musadzagulitse nazo dziko kanu? idyani nawo za illuminati zo!!!
Eya kutoloko
Asiyeni, why only girls? Koma nde amalawi taphweka yyooo umphawi tizigulidwa motchipa mmmmm
ameneo chitsiru eti! osapeza china cha nzeru bwanji. #JoyceBandaMustBeArrested