20 Malawians drilled on green energy advocacy


Renew’N’Able Malawi (RENAMA) is training twenty people in every region of the country on green energy in a bid to promote the use of clean energy in Malawi.

Malawi is among the countries facing hitches on the use of green and clean energy due to lack of effective advocacy.

Against that background that has a lot of negative effects on the livelihood of many Malawians, RENAMA through a project, Driving Top-of-Mind Awareness on Green and Inclusive Energy” (GIE) has been slated to train twenty Malawians to impart clean and green energy knowledge to citizens in communities of Malawi.

Energy advocators at the training follow the proceedings.

RENAMA advocacy and communication officer Wonderful Mkhutche applauded the training currently in Blantyre arguing it will help in resolving “energy crisis” challenges in Malawi.

“We have energy poverty in Malawi or I should say energy crisis in Malawi, and we want communities to use already available sources that can be explored and this conference is to empower our advocates in helping people in our communities to work on these available sources, so that at the end of the day we should have situation in energy sector reversed,” said Mkhutche in an interview with Malawi24.

Vera Mkwaila who is among the group of twenty people from the Southern Region participating in the training, hopes to share the knowledge with communities in Nsanje through her interaction with people in the district.

“This training has been an eye opener to me on how we can accommodate the use of clean and green energy in our communities we live, and I hope to help in advocacy on the use of these friendly energy forms to our environment,” said Mkwaila.

The training on Wednesday witnessed advocates getting drilled on concepts around energy, understanding the poverty of energy in Malawi and the impacts on education, health, economy, environment, and human dignity.

The training was organized and conducted by RENAMA. In partnership with other four organizations in Malawi, Community Energy Malawi (CEM), Youth Net and Counselling (YONECO), National Association of Business Women (NABW) and Malawi Health Equity Network (MHEN), the organization is on a year long Hivos International funded Green and Inclusive Energy (GIE) project.

Sixty people are targeted to be advocates from all the three regions in Malawi.