Mzuzu council hikes city rates


In a move to improve service delivery in the city, Mzuzu City Council (MCC) has disclosed plans to hike city rates.

According to the council, residents are to face a 20 percent hike in city rates as a way of improving service delivery.

Mzuzu City Council Chief Executive Officer Macloud Kadammanja said the council plans to collect K3.7 billion during the 2017/18 financial year.

Mzuzu City Council hikes city rates. (Image credit:

“We looked at our past performance and we analyzed our successes as well as failures after that we developed an action plan that has led to the adjustment,” said Kadammanja.

He added that the council collected K1.2 billion from June to December 2016 from city rates.

Director of Church and Society in the Livingstonia Synod Moses Mkandawire has since disclosed support to the council in achieving its developmental agenda.

The city of Mzuzu was developed around the Commonwealth Development Corporation’s Tung Oil Estate in 1947 and received city status in 1985.

The name comes from a mispronunciation of the word ‘Vizuzu’ by the white settlers. Vizuzu are plants that grow along the Lunyangwa River.

These plants were spotted near the present Mzuzu Government Secondary School also known as Area 1A where the Tung planters settled.