Police in Karonga district are keeping in custody a 27 year-old Malawi Defence Force (MDF) soldier based at Cobbe Barracks in Zomba for obtaining money from secondary school students by lying that he would get jobs for them in the military.
Karonga Police Deputy Spokesperson George Mulewa said they had been receiving reports that since 2016 a certain man from one of the Malawian military formations has been moving around the district more especially in rural areas collecting money from youth who are holding Malawi School Certificate of Education (MSCE).
According to Mulewa, the soldier Loti Mwakisulu was telling the young people that he wanted to assist those who have interest to join the military.
“He has been demanding people to pay K80,000 each to qualify among the requirements,” said Mulewa.
On February 1, police received a tip from a well-wisher that the suspect was conducting his exercise in Mwakaboko village in the same district. Police rushed to the scene where they managed to arrest him.
“So far five complainants have already lodged complaints against him for the same,” Mulewa said.
The soldier hails from Mwakisulu village in the area of Traditional Authority Kilupula in Karonga district.
Meanwhile Police in the district have hailed the community members for their efforts to make sure that Karonga is free from crime and have also advised them to report to police any suspicious people.
No comment chifukwa mnyamatayu analowa usilikali chifukwa cha mpira ndiye ayisova yekha
Yeah azimangidwa kumene lamulo lizigwira nchito nobody is above the law moreover sinchito yabwino tawokani Red sea muzane amayamba kukamenya kaye nkhondo later traning its nothing kuyamba Keli mawa kufa
Wanyozetsa ntito yanga
Kkkkkkk use money to make money
koma nde wadyela fans yambiri kuno.amachita kuyendela panjale akamalemba anthu mayina. muno muzimwathu analemba anthu okwana 20. ose amapeleka 80000 each.
ngati kuri mbava muno ndi a police kms mdf,u knw wht malamulo ndi a anthu osauka ife omagwidwa masana ati vagabond km ku Malawi eeeeh pano mwayamba kumalemba ntchito inu osatIi boma ayi km tiziona kwathu ndi kokuno
Mutayeni a police bwanji Osamanga amene anaba ndalama zawo za peace keeping Ku United nations. Mpaka pano sanalandilebe ndalama. Ena ndi awo ma billion a maize gate Ku Zambia.
Ku Malawiku bwanji wina anabetsa Mfuti ya boma wina ndi uyu akunamiza mafana kt munditchule inayake kt mu ufile.kkkkkkkkkkkk amatelo choncho, ingomusiyani, mulimbane ndi George Chaponda.
Ndi Zomwe Ayamba Kphunzla Ku Training Yawo Dont Worry…..Ndalama Za M’boma Zatha Kubedwa Nde Pano Aziba Chan?Bas Angopeza Plan B Yobela Anthu Physically.Aiwala Kut Zovala Zawo Zija Imagula Nd Misonkho Yathu Yomwe Akubayo.So Sad,,,,,,,,,,yes Bwana Chaponda Zkuenda?Mtokoto Wanga Wachiwili Uli Pa Inu Nd Dausi.Kkkkkkk
Pomwe akukhala nkhawa zili biii kuti e-e-e ndapezeka , ndi kubatu kumeneko.
Soldiers are trained to protect their country and its citizens not to steal chocolate in Supermarkets. Lock him up and throw keys in Lake Malawi because He is disgace to our beautiful land.
zilibwino bola kukhaulitsa
what kind of nonsense?kumeneko ndiye kupusako.
Muli Mbava M’bomamu Why Mulimbana Ndi Munthu Oti Amachita Kumupatsa?
Muli Mbava M’bomamu Why Mulimbana Ndi Munthu Oti Amachita Kumupatsa?
Ndikulamula lelo lomwelino atuleke mukamange chaponda
Pali Chimene Analakwisa.
Inu mumati akadye ku Queens Hospital? Tiye nazo Soldier
Nothing new.
Shit.za.anthu.msilikali.wanji.omwa.kachasu.kukhalira kulamda.xovala.xa.kamofoleji.basi
Malawi basi sazathekaso kkkk
fisi ndi fisi oro atasintha thengo! muzionesesa polemba asilikali,mukusiya ana aphe mmuzimu ndikulemba abale anu okubaso ngati amenewo!
Salandila ndalama yokwana ndiye ya ndiwo inkavuta.boma iganizepo
Arrest those who steal millions .maize gate
Osamakalondela Chikangawa chija bwanji kkkkk
Eddie nkhaniyi zikugwirizana bwanji ndiuchewa? ndipo amene amalandidwa ndalamawo wamva kuti ndachewa? mmmm sibho choncho tangokambani mmene nkhani ilili osati kumalozana zala yapa so bwino
kumulonjeza munthu kuti umupezera ntchito ndichimodzmodz kupha kutengera pomwe wafika malawi ndiulova
Kkkkkkkk Mwati amumanga coz amanamiza mafana kuti akapeza Job ku Yaustikali kkkkkk okay koma Umburi sizinthu, kuteloko iyeyo kumavala zovala za KAMUZUZI ukuona ngati wafikapo? mphavu yaumburitu imeneyo munthu ungamanyadile ntchito imeneyo aaaaah kkkkk zako zimenezo usolver uncle ako adakulowetsawo akupezelanso ku G4s chifukwa uku nde yatha basi zaumburi basi
ma usilikali olowela ubale ndichoncho no fear of the law!
Iiii asova amafupa chinyawu chisanavine? Hahaha
Anapereka yekha opusa
Kkkk corruption Malawi sizatha
Osammanga chaponda bwanji
Akadatani Munthu Adalandira,notch Osati Salary Mapeto Ake Ndi Amenewa
Mmalo mokalanda nyanja ku Tanzania
Azichenjera,ameneo ndi mfana wapa Zomba
Kumachangamuka anatero Amuluzi
Do not blame the soldier man guys opusa ndimastudent
OK dats good development but why failing to arrest minister dats sad development
Well done soldier
ochewa kugona tulo no wonder that’s y mpaka lero mungoti”kwacha!kwacha!mukadali ntulobe ochewa inu
Muwelenge Bwinobwino Nkhaniyo Mumve Kuti Ndi Boma Lanji
mwana wa njoka iwe zikugwirizana bwanji ndi achewa
iweyo mwana wa mamba@mickson
iweyo mwana wa mamba@mickson
Ngati ukufuna kudyera kanyere,otherwise i can HUNT U DOWN,bcareful when commenting”chewa is my tribe,all we can’t b 1 tribe,
galu iwe sindimaopa zinyau u sons of the devil.bwera ndimakhala pa zomba chinamwali udzandipeza
anthu ogona kumanda inu
za umbuli basi osamangolanda makalawo bwanji ma idiot
Corruption will never end, look now!
The Government must give them a decent salary. What do you expect from a soldier who has no tv in 2017 because he cannot afford to buy it? They deserve kudya bwino, but I condemn stealing .
Adakuuzani kuti amalandira zingati?
mmalo moti adzikamanga chaponda .. kulimbana ndi soldier
Zafika povuta
Asatulukeameneyo kkkj
zopanda umboni…..musiyeni apite sojah akagwire tchito…
Kkkkkkk,koma yaaaah! Run away soldier!!!! Kudyera Anyani akhungu pa town. Mwana wa mamuna apanga bwanji munthu akulandira ndalama zonyenyekaaaa!
Izi ndiye ayi. Why denting the image of our MDF? Asatuluke ameneyu
Kkkkkkkkkkkkk boma ndi boma lamangitsana. Chifukwa chake timanena kuti katangale akuyambira kumabomako mkumatsikira kwa anthu wamba. Si izi nanga.
Mbuzi Timazichangamutsa
weldone soldier!!!!
mwna watsegula xul yake yamillitary
Kkkkkkkk koma boss kkkk
Mbuzi za mmidzi nazo,kuwapusitsa chonsecho Ali ndi msce, Maputo alipo
ana oputsa azichangamuka well done soldier
Palibe Zoputa Military Inzake Ngati Ali Wakuba Lamulo Ligwire Ntchito Awope Military?Police Gwirani Ntchito Ninyengo Yinu Namwe
Kkkk pavuta pa malawi econm guys
kuiputa military izake kumeneko
apolice panya panu mtulutseni
akulakwira chani apolisi kuti uwatukwane asiye agwire ntchito yawo zisawawe poti ndi wa defence apolisiso mumawatengetsa nayeni ameneyo timve zothaitha!!!
mupweteketsa apolice2
palibeeee!!!! asakuphwekere waba ameneyo amangidwe basi
opeleka ndalamawo ndi mbuzi za anthu iyeyo amalemba anthu ntchito
apolice ammangawo awapsinya machende akangomutulutsa sakalitsa ameneyo …kuli military police ndiimene iti itane nazo
Mbuli iwe ukudziwa chani khala chete ungotukwana coz ndiwe bulutu
Millitary Police yakoyo ingakapite pa khoti ungotukwana koma ndiwe savage
Wachinyengo ndiopereka ndalamayo. Tisadane ndiotolera kamba sanalowetse dzanja lake mthumba lamumthu.
opusa ndi omwe ammapatsa ndalama
Amamuopa, soldier ndimitunda ina2. kkkkkkkk
mmmh kma guys mpaka pamenepo zovuta zmenez mukanangomenya mumucoxe chmbenene