An environmental activist has urged Malawians to plant more trees near water bodies in order for water levels to rise on Lake Malawi.
In an interview with this reporter, the environmental activist Godfrey Mfiti said the low water level on Lake Malawi is due to climate change.
Mfiti said the levels can rise if we have enough rainfall and if Malawians protect the ecosystems that support Lake Malawi.

He continued saying that the mountains along the shores of Lake Malawi are very important to improve water levels in the lake.
“We need more trees to improve vegetative cover that would in turn increase water levels in the lake. Siltation results from bad agricultural practices such as use of chemical fertilizer along the river banks whose water flow into Lake Malawi,” said Mfiti.
The activist also said soil erosion must be controlled by farmers along the lakeshore areas and added that siltation can be reduced if proper agricultural techniques are followed
He also spoke against exploration saying that it is clear that oil exploration results may lead to oil drilling and this will increase the cost of purifying water for drinking.
According to Mfiti, any water board taping water from the lake will increase its cost to consumers as it will be required to deliver safe water.
thanks mfiti. your name in English means a witch but I’m glad you are not thinking like a witch kkkk
this is a very good idea from a goodwill Malawian. however what saddens me most is that there departments whose duty is to make sure that trees are planted and protected but you’ll find that they are just seating idol at their offices waiting for other people to plan for them yet its their duty to make plans on how to protect the waters of this land. I remember during kamuzu era boma litaona kuti mikota yambili siganiza zobyala mitengo, amagwiritsa ntchito kwambili ana asukulu . each school and each pupil was encouraged to plant trees and at least 2 trees/ head but by then the population was just too small. ndiye ndimmene taberekeranamu a Malawi olo titangoti ana awiri athandizane kudzala mtengo umodzi Malawi vuto ili likonza kuchepatu.
vuto ndiloti short sited leaders atatenga boma anathetsetsa ma program amenewa mkupusitsa amalawi kuti linali thangata. unfortunately mtundu mbeu INA yoganizabe chochi ikadali mma department ambiri.
kuopa kuzuzitsa the future generation let’s join hands and plant more trees now coz this is the only way to save the environment.
mitengo imathndiza zambiri .