…five people feared dead
Heavy rains in Malawi are fast becoming a threat to people’s lives and property with the latest incident in Mwanza which has seen a bridge being swept away and the road cut.
Facebook posts say that a small part of the road remains intact and is being dangerously used by small vehicles.
Meanwhile up to five people are said to have been swept away by the flooding water withothers saying they could be dead.

Recently, Department of of Disaster Management Affairs (Dodma) made revlations that Up to 3159 families have been affected by heavy rains and storm that have struck Malawi this rainy season.
Meanwhile, Dodma has has expressed concern over the delay by the country’s district councils to assess the number of victims after disasters occur.
The department says it is falling to fulfil its responsibilities due the delay of such reports.
Things are bad but is a natural thing is bad when People are dying like fish not good god May have merci on that
Mmmmmmmh gyz things a bad
So sad God protect as emen
Boza bridge sinapite ndimadzi koma kuti madziwo anazaza kwa Mbiri ndisefukira pamwamba pabridge poti unali usiku 9pm wa tax maziwo anakokola tax yo tikuna pano tax yo sikupezeka pomozi ndi drive yo
Lord have mercy
Mukolola cbhimanga chambiri
Very sad news. God have mercy on us!!
Zamitengo izo yayi..tonse tikuyembeza kufa.RIP
Malawi has allowed so many evil “sin” so God is not with you Jeremiah 18:7-9 people must repent
Very bud news bt RIP
Oooh GOD protect us amen
de soldiers were forsighted i tink coz anthu akanapanda kudula mitengo sitikanamava nkhani zovesa chisoni ngt zimenezi…am sorry to de deceised ones
Eish mmmm so bad
So sd
Oh God have mercy
just rember tachimwa tacimwa kopambana,maize gate,albino killing, abortion issue,same sex marriages so many to metion.Do u think god can be our side,tiyeni amalawi tilape.
It’s mwanza bridge before border. But please the crack was for long ago and it has just increased and trucks are crossing. Is a strong bridge made by kamuzu. Sure five or more are missing. Two cars and the third one was stuck in the trees. I work here and I would be the victim if I would delay abit thank you
Ooh my God.
oh! pepani kwambiri!
No proper drainage systems, wanton cutting down of trees, building everywhere as long as you can, etc are the main causes of these floods. We either change and the change will come or we continue being adamant and perish. The ball is in our hands.
Mvula yake iti?Ikusowa kunoyi.
Ndekuti uli kumphanga….
Mmmmmmm very bad.Timphephe Mulungu kuti atichepeseleko mavuto amenewa.
So sad ..
Update us a quickly as possible before being swept by water
you can’t blame rains its your stupidity Malawians……innocent souls are loosing there life because of leader’s foolishness
leaders foolishness and heavy rains zikugwilizani bwanji apa?
you dont know…shut up
Mwanza is my home pati?let mi know guys coz am not there
Mwanza river bridge as we go ku boarder
Thanks fraah to let mi know
Let’s be careful and avoid crossing rivers.To those who are or just built their houses along the river pliz pliz move to the highlands.We don’t want to loose you coz of rain water
Thats the effects of coruption. Bridge anamanga nd mchenga okha siment anagulitsa mmati ileke upta? Guyz maiko aanzathu zikolathuli ndimsinje kma sitinavepo kuno kwakula ndkuzbera tokha
Comment yakoyi sikumveka bwino, tayetsani kulembatso kuti anthu amve chomwe mukutanthauza.
Ooo!! It’s tood bad]] my condolences to the deacesed Family. Koma bridgelo linali lamatabwa????
Eish! Thats So Sad
It’s everywhere in Africa , we need to pray about this issue otherwise it will cause more harm than good
Ukunama……kd aeliza simunasiyebe boza…..