A mad man managed to make his way into the Kamuzu Palace in Lilongwe even though the house has several checkpoints, Malawi24 can report.
According to reports, the mentally ill man was found sleeping in a waiting room within the palace before officers on duty managed to detain him.
The man has since been taken to Kawale police for questioning but is expected to be sent to Zomba mental hospital soon.
The incident follows another one involving a large python that was found at the Kamuzu Palace over some months ago.
During late Bingu wa Mutharika’s era, the palace was reported to have been stormed by ghosts.
Amafuna kukacheza ndi wamisala mzake
Anthu inu simukuziwa chilichonse ndi Ana inu peter ndi wakulu sangakhale alibe kenakake inu state house wamisala alibe mpata olowa iye ndi zomwe peter amasunga nyumba mmo ndiye watha mphamvu zake zomwe amasungila bola kuthaya akhale ngati wamisala ukafunsa monva kuti ndi mulomwe wa kuThyolo pa 6 miles
Kkkkkkkkk kodi state jouse ndiyimeneyo mmmmm bola ndata
Kikikikikiki aaaaaa palibe vuto poti ndi wamisala basi saziwa komwe akupita
Mmm ndondocha za a pulesident
only to warn ceaser to be aware of ardes of match
koma abale nkhanu yolemba inasowa eti
kkkkkkk achitetezo aku malawi
Its a new year for sure guards were’ sleeping after heavy drinking.
Malawi24 yayamba boza amasowa cholemba ndianthu opusa amenewa kodi ndindani amawauza kuti azilemba nkhani zonama pa fb
Kikikikikikikikikikiikkikikikik chitetezooooiikoma bomaloli ndi chipsyinjo chaA the ndithu aaaaaaa
So who cares
Amakapereka uthenga wa njala ameneyo kwa big man.
That’s impossible unless he is one of the guards or wina mwamupengesa from inside
Spirit of death ija amati muwapemphelere ndiyimeneyo kkkk
Pay back time
Yes.ndizoonadi moti anabwela ku ward yanthu ya psy achibale ake.za security ndie tiyeni tifunse migwanya.
He was tryna send a message….and it was successful
zikolilommadzi chitetezo palibe ndikunyumba ya malamulo yomwe!!!!!!,eeesh!!!!!!!!,akanamupha peter n’kada wathu eee!!!
Who said that mad man can’t go state house?
What kind of mad man are u talking about, bwinotu milandu yanu mpakana mulowe nayo chaka chatsopano kkkkkkkk
Happy new year
Ngati munthu adakwanitsa kuwadutsa ma Swiss guarsds ku UK ndikukalowa ku bedrum kwa Queen ka state house ndikachaninso
eeesh! how did he managed to to reach there since the house has several checkpoints?were the guard drunk?oooo!! maybe he booked an apointment with mr presdent acoding to new year kkkkk
eeesh! how did he managed to to reach there since the house has several checkpoints?were the guard drunk?oooo!! maybe he booked an apointment with mr presdent acoding to new year kkkkk
If the whole state house can be like that no security indeed for ordinary citizens anyway God is the one who protects us
Koma kelvin,ooh zako izo
thanx guy’s
Appoint him minister of national security
Malawi24 mumapindulanji mukanena bodza?
Secret of God, he want to replace pita with a mad person mayb he can perfom beta to help poor malawians.
Very strange. Where were the security personnel? Please they need to be transferred from the State House. This is unusual
Zinthumwa zake za Satanic zimenezo mtsogoleri wanthuyo
Anatumidwa ndi Chakwera
happy nu year
Ndiye mbolatu
That’s a great achievements to us mad people. I hope my fellow had a petition to express to the man there. Don’t blame the guards. May be he followe good and all strategies to see our good first citizen. In the bible remember the parable of the invitation to the banquet (feast) he might be also invited by professor to give farewell to 2016. congratulation the mad man!!.
If he was the terminator what would have happen?Security guards be on your watch.More are to happen soon.
Kkk ameneyo ndi katakwe next time azapite ku reserve bank.
Mdf son
Pamenepa wamisala ndi ndani?
koma ndizoonadi zimenezi?
Zikuonetsa kuti abwana alibe security mmmmm
Siwamisala ameneyo anyanya anthu amenewa kuipa ntima aweluzidwa aona
i have heard from Dairy Times News Paper Of 20 December 2016 page2 that the guards at state house have not been paid their allowances for 6months now,just imagen!!!! can they perform well? someone is fooling someone here,, lets not just blame guards here,blame the bigman himself&his peter mkhitho for not mobelising there guardmen.. zikuwoneka zophweka apapa but imagen akanakhala criminal? things are not ok here.
Mwati mumalize chakachi ndibodza limeneli, social network zapa Malawi kuyamba chaka ndibodza ndikudzamalizaso ndibodza. Zaku Statehouse palibe amanena zoona, kumbukani zija mumkaika masamba Ku statehouse kuti APM wafa, abodza anthu oipa inu, naa zaku statehouse sindingakukhulupilileniso
He wanted to have lunch with a first citizen kkkkkkkkkk
even a mad person thinks reasonable enough n knws who has failed malawians. While bootlickers aka cadets thnk all these blackouts n the stinkn ministry of agriculture z devlopment.
Chikwakwa wayankhula za nzeru I can’t comment anymore
This is a best joke for the year from Malawi 24news
U better believe it its true
its a true story.
Anachita kuuluka
amafuna kukatola nyenyeswa za mbc innovation awards ndiponso kukamuhaga mapwiya muwulupare mwana wa a THOM
Sizachilendo amisala amadziwana komwe nzake akukhala.. Amakaona wamisala nzake{ndatchula dzina?
That’s the end of 2016 for u
Nde atakumana ndiwamisala nzake apanga fundo yotani yotithandiza ife amphawi
Ngtv ngtv iz pstv nde kut ndekut dis mad man ndnzake wobonta yo dey can make a gud ting,kkkkk
Anangowa gwira ndi ka k200, yawo IJA, hahahaaa..
AKUTI WAMISALA? Akanapanga chinachake akanati watumidwa ndiotsutsa boma…..Anatirodzayo ndi fitidi……
what kind of state house some countrys awe mwee” i wil come n marry a malawian girl
Akufuna kukatenflga taxi take Ku state house
Kkkk comment loading
Paja wamisala nthawi zina amatha kupanga zinthu zosokonekela like kugenda, kuswa zinthu, ndiye tiyelekeze apapa akanati waotcha moto kumeneko kapena wawagenda a president pamphumi ndikuwavulaza tikadamati ndi chani? this completely shows that even security is there but anything can still happen, which means God is the only solution interms of security, these bodyguards can fail us
akanapha pitala
Akadaphatu? kkk mwaona
Ndiye inali watch out ndithu, haaa! wamisalayo?
No surprise! this mad man knows that there is a big mad man ku state house so he wanted to chat with his friend
Good guy
Amakacheza eti kkkkkkkkkk
He wanted to see bwampini
Amalondola mzake amakhala konko uja.akuyendetsa dziko mopenga, akufuna kumunthandiza
I happen to like all comments except one, .
ameneyo siwamisala ayi wachoka kumudzi wakadzionetsa kwapresint kuti akuvutika mudzi misonkho yao sikuoneka chochita mdziko muno kuteroko amakasuma kwa pitala asamangodya okha kupalace kkkkkkk azikhala komweko ikhala nduna yachitetezo basi
nkhani yabodza ngati zili zoona nkhaniyi ndiyoopsa
Kkkkkkkk Kkkkkkkk Kkkkkkkk
Lacky salary 2 his guards
kkkkkkkk koma Zoona Zimenezi?Ku state Ungapite Mwa Chisawawa Ma Camera Oseaja Ndekuti Samagwila Ntchito Kuti Amuone Opengayo?kkkk Komatu Inu A 24 Muzinena chilungamo.
Welcome vistors
Nanga chonchi
bolanso nde alonda a G4S
he was supposed to poke that fucken idiot moron Pitala. Everybody is tired of him.
Akadagona kuchipinda kwao, kuti adziwe kuti zinthu zabvuta.
kkkk mene amavutila ma guard aja walowako bwwanji
ndipomwe mwadziwira kut mulungu simunthu komaso simwana, mulungu sanakhalepo wamisala kapena robot lomaseweredwa tsiku ndi tsiku, ukulu wake waonetsera kut utsogoleri ulipowu mulungu sanakondwere nawo komaso sakukondwa nawo paka kale kale,sangalore kut dairy aziwona ana ake akuzuzika ndi kulira chifukwa cha munthu imodz yomwe akusokoneza ndi ku zunza mizimu ya anthu osalakwa , uku akumuonetsa kuti mulungu ndiwakulu atembenuke mtima ndi kumvera zofuna mulungu
hahahaha! a malawi24 amandisangalatsa ndi nthabwala zawozi.pitilizani!!
Anali Ndi Appointment Nkani Analowa
Kkkkk ku malawi.
Total lie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Find something to joke about
Mmm inu chitetezo mulibe muno tikukhalira ambuye basi aaaaah mukamba za state house mma border umu
Mmmmm ngati ku state house kulibe chitetedzo what about ordinary citizens
Wait…whaaaat??.. Uh my poor peter,his guardsmen doesn’t seem to give a hek about his life..
Am sure its the same guy who slept in a plane at kamuzu international airport lol
kkkkk thinking the same…..
Hahaha Phiri Priscilla the guy may not be mad, am sure he is up to something
kkklk insane person z like us, so z no wrangle at all to visit Mr president. He Cary de message
That is that and expect more mad men in there, because with this financial straits will make us all go mad.
Security guards were all drunk at the time this guy breakthrough…lets be honestly this mad was tired of searching food from the empty bins bcz there is no food in the country
You are right #pempho, and this is the also a straight forward sign of security lapse in malawi and therefore security personnels at the state house must face chop with immediate effect. “otherwise if the man is mad indeed, why quetioning a mad person”??? those who are questioning him i believe they are also mad more than him!!!!
For real Mr Kawinga well said
eish people they can think so fast eish ur funny
eish people they can think so fast eish ur funny
Do we have security details at the SH, l doubt
That man suppose to deal with Peter since he had a chance to face him..he suppose to do something in favor of the majority I mean elimination
mwakumanapo achamba nokhanokha.Peter inuyo ndi wamisala yemwe
Kkkk wamisala sanayelezepo kuponda khomo langa a president nde adala bwanj?
Ambuye mulowelerepo
Amakanena za blackout
this is totally fiction
Hahahahaha very funny
amafuna amulangize APM kapena amafuna akamuvinile paja ngosadulidwa mlomweyu
izozo nde zofuni zoona president wathu kumachita kupanga booking kt tikamuone asali pa udindo umenewo timangopita ife kuden kwake no vuto
Kuipa kolembera tchito ndale komaso ubale ndikumeneko! They are not professional presdential guards. Ngat wauwisi ukuyaka chonchi nanga ouma utani? Miyoyo yathu ili pa chiwopsezo ndithu
Magetsi anali atathima ndiye ma alarm sanalile kkk
Umangodziwilatu kuti security yavutapo sure pa Malawi
He iz mad
That’s the devaluation of the Kwacha.
Shame on you guard commander! These guards are good for nothing; worse than dogs. Chosano ose basi
its indeed a shame, i also heard from Dairy Times News Paper of 20 December 2016 that these guards have not been paid for 5months now, can they perform??? something is wrong somewhere..
They can’t perfom well friend
Alonda anali ku Facebook
Michael Mkunga Khilistina M Dombo Dombo Bornface Chitengu Lawrence Botcho Ronex Shadreck Biason Botcho Allan Mtukula Alefa Amon Banda Thomas Naison Phaless Makupulah Florence Banda Tedius Khokhokho Aloni Zakaliya Stanford Khipala Fainess L Chauwa Fales Weniweni WA Doreen Joyce Mofokeng Bishop Harry John Franciscal Dar Joel Rose George Diliro Wa Ander-son
Bola kuzikhala wa misala than bulutu uyu
Ngati ziri zoona andiposa ameneyo,Bola a khwasula
Ngati ziri zoona andiposa ameneyo,Bol aa khwasula
Ngati ziri zoona andiposa ameneyo,Bol aa khwasula
Mabodi gadi analikuti
Amakachita gwamula kwa mkazi wa bwana.
Kusowa zolemba
Mmmmm kkkkkk is that true?
kkkkkkkkk koma yaaa alibhoo ameneyoo koma amakachitako chani ameneyo mkazi wa Peter wayamba za mkazi wa Bakili wakale uja
Someone is saying that becoz the place is for mad pple. Oops
Poor Security
KKKKKKKKK How come ?
He is a citizen thats is house!
I can see someone facing dismissal there.
I think he wanted to speak to Peter munthalika face to face as things doesn’t go right here in Malawi
Ineso ndipitako mawa Kkkkkkkkkkkk
vunarabity ati it’s best!!!
Security under performance. Charge = Failure to observe site security & safety regulations.
He was looking 4 K 2000
Inu vimalonda mumatani,mbuzi inu,mukufuna presdent wathu afe?inu busy kumalimbana ndi mighty chakwera,mkusiya zitseko zosatseka,ndakwiya nanu.
Anthu anakwanitsa kugumula pentagon malo omwe ndiiotetezedwa kwambiri padziko lonse lapansi.
Ndiye chachilendo ndichani ndi state house
Ndiye mpaka wamisala?? Kkkkkkk
hahaha asilikali anamusiyadala coz amadziwa kuti naye ali ndiufulu okumana ndi mzika #1
Poor security kkkkkk
wachita bwino palibe vuto iyeso ndmunthu . Aliyese azingopitako
Amakonda kukamba bodza awA iyaa
wachita bwino palibe vuto iyeso ndmunthu . Aliyese azingopitako
Poor security….!!
Apa nde wauwisi ukuyakatu
Anapita Kukacheza Ndi Ofuntha Anzake Kmeneko
Zose ndi plan bola itheke
Sizachilendo even ku USA Munthu analowapo ku Whitehouse
porous security there
Kkkkkkkkkk hahahahah
Im sure the security men have gone to hunt BOKO HARAM in NIGERIA. kkkkkk
Waytha Ukupanga Za 2017 Sanaoneko Wayenela Kutelo.
Am just following kkkkk
kwaphweka ku palace mpaka wamisala nanenso mawa expect me kt ndikalowa
Kikiki,chitetezo kulibe ziko lino,anthu wambafe tikamadandaula amayesa ngath boza.
mmmh zinazi muzitiuza zoona….ngat nzoona wadala waona Ku palace …ndikosafikikaaas
So W@?
Walakwisa chan munthu.ndan safunako Ku palace?
2017 it will more worse than this…..2am expecting gule wamkulu kusegula dambwe ku state house
kkk kwaphweka ku state kkk
security not enough
wamisala adawona nkhondo,apa mpomwe mwambiwu wagwirako ntchito,
Oooh! Seem fake
zawo izo ,,zisatikhudze ife
Hahahaha….How Can Civilians Be Secured Then?
He want miracle money
mmmmmmm be serious
Hahahaha zanyuwani
Did he plant a bomb to kill APM??
Really! !!!!!