Malawians have been urged to be reporting marital disagreements to Police before deciding to do anything unlawful.
The remarks comes as murder cases involving spouses are rising at a very alarming rate in the country.
Speaking in an interview, northern region police publicist, Peter Kalaya, revealed that in Mzuzu alone, about five people have been murdered due to marital wrangles.
“This is very worrisome. As police, we have tried to sensitise people on good ways of sorting out marital wrangles but the number of victims seem to be rising,” he said.
Kalaya suggested that it is necessary for people to be utilising services of the victim support unit rather than rushing to fighting and murdering each other.
He further bemoaned the rising cases of people who commit suicide due to marital disagreements, saying that some problems are resolvable when one seek advice from the victims support unit.
“It’s simple like that. People have to utilize on the services offered at the victims support unit. They must not rush in committing suicide,” he stressed.
police are trained to catch thieves and to still and begging in road blocks not uniting families leave our families alone. i know how to treat my wife acording to my culture pala wakanika phuma uhambe, yes azipita kwao why keeping mkazi wamwano kick her out akapeze wamwano mzake basi tavuka navya women women. are men not pple vauzereza tichalipo kuwadinya pala wanankhwesa mpaka kukhula mino kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
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Shurtup! Do’nt say that again, i think u r the one’s who are fueling that kind challenge in different families. I love my wife 100%.
Yes I agree with that because there is need to protect women from men, women must have deginity,I feel it has to be passed in parliament so that men must be punished to take full responsibility of their wives and children so that we prevent an necessary divorces, women are not animals were one can get give 5children and damp them then jump in to the other,
So that apolisi azigona nawo kucharge office. Kikik
Malawi courts favour woman. No matter the woman has been found cheating on her husband, judgement will favour a woman. Better we judge ourselves whether lawfully or unlawfully.
And thwy must tell the courts how to judge on divorce cases because most of the times the courts are againts mens thus y people they revenge in that way.imargine i have worked for ten yeaes to find what i have then when we r divorced the court says half of my properties must go to the woman do u think i can just sit and watch my things are going?
What if the culprit is a human rights lawyer??
Paja dziko LA pansi ndi lanzimayitu muxaiwale ice kwathu ndi paladaizo
Ife man ufulu tilibe
Mukamaliza mundiuze
Police jst add petrol to the burning wood, bcoz they use force to unite the divided family whic later on leads to complete separation.
Asowa zochita zachitukuko bwanji?
Akufuna tiyambe kukala mwamatha Zopusa eti?
Eti man Lungu nkhani zonse basi amuna ndi olakwa
Not a gud idea
Zoonadi Amatelo, Ndichifukwa Ambiili Ali Ndi Matenda
Apolisi Amakondela Azimayi Always Amuna Amati Ndi Olakwa, Which Is Not Good,
Amene sapemphera aziterodi,opemphera azikanena kumpingo kwawo.