..what’s gone wrong for the striker?
…he is struggling to find his goal scoring form…
Twelve months ago Innocent Bokosi was writing his name into TNM Super League folklore by scoring 14 goals for Red Lions but he has just managed to score five goals in the ongoing season.

He was the joint top goal scorer last season alongside Chiukepo Msowoya of Nyasa Big Bullets but his rhythm in front of goals this season has not been what his team expected from him.
The last time he got into the score sheet was when the Zomba based Soldiers defeated Moyale Barracks 2-0. The man who stunned local football followers-and not just those obsessed with football-with his metamorphosis is suddenly struggling.
Even if you can have time to ask him as to how many goals has he scored in the ongoing season, Bokosi would simply shake his head in disbelief, an indication that he is even finding it very difficult to understand the reason why he is no longer a thorn in the flesh to Super League defenders.
His goal scoring record of five goals in 26 games this season looks more like what you would expect from a striker who was deadly in front of goals last season.
Currently, the hottest striker in the local scene is Mafco FC’ Richard Mbulu with 19 goals so far as the season is edging closer to the finishing line.
Mpira muli zovuta zambili ma player amatha kuchesulana kuti mzawo asamaone pagolo ukhoza kukhala player wabwino koma pagolo osamapaona komangochinya amodzmodz zimachitika kubisilana magolo ngati pali striker wa team inayake mu tnm anathoka ekha kuti ngunda yake amati akangogona tsiku loti game ili mawa ndikupezeka kuti wakodza pogona zofuna zanyowa amakhala achinya yekha zigoli mawa lake amakhala akuti wakodzera game ndiye pa radio tsiku limenero mumangovadi dzina lake goal..ooooooo wagoletsaso iiiu anthu ndiokwiya osamasewera nawo.
Ban yomqw anampasa anamusokoneza
Amatero malembo ubwera kamozi mwawi
Wina ndiye akuti wagoletsa za ma penalties zokwana 12 plus zina za offside. Nde mpira wa ku Malawi umenewo
Pajatu ma player akumalawi amatchuka season imodzi basi…. Dn’t 4 get that….
Koma magame asalawa achinya zambiri kuposa Mbulu.
Mufuseni sulumba kuti wachinya zingati season ino??? Kwatethana season ino kulibe zachibwana zija???
Yeah wy pple say no one iz perfect all the tym and soccer iz short career
Mpira ndimpikisano mmafuna kuti azingokhala ekha ngati kulibe ma player ena??.
Anali Pa Injury Ndiye Zigolizo Akachinya Bwanji
ask the headmaster!!!
Kutha kwa ma player aku malawi ndichoncha.
Sikutha ayi…look at Vardy ku Leicester.there are reasons
Thx 4 coming up with such idea.but if u look at messi & ronaldo just mentioning afew their performance simasitha choncho.kwathu kuno zimawonjeza boss.
Dats Football