A group of 20 Malawians are among 28 illegal foreigners stuck in a Harare female prison in Zimbabwe.
Local media in Zimbabwe reported on Saturday that a group of twenty eight illegal immigrants from some of African countries are being kept in the female prison in Harare.
The media reported that the Zimbabwean Government is failing to deport the group due to financial problem.

According to the report, Terrence Mukupe a Parliamentarian in Zimbabwe for Harare east has since volunteered to assist the Zimbabwe Government in deporting all 20 Malawians.
Mukupe said that it is very sad to hear someone running from his own country because of economic challenges and being locked up in jail in a foreign country.
“It is sad situation where you have people running from their country because of economic situations and are made prisoners here, I will see what I can do to help our government to deport Malawian,” Mukupe was quoted in the media
The Malawians arrested in Zimbabwe are said to have been on transit to South Africa.
My father is from malawi and my mum from Zimbabwe i was born in Zimbabwe, Zimbabwean people are nice we lived happly in Zimbabwe with no problem..Zimbabwean people regards Malawians, Zambians and Mozambicans and as one big family..The only problem is Mugabe and his clowns..He treats even Zimbabweans so badly.. Mugabe ndimunthu woyipa kwambiri, ndipo alibe amzake..chofunika ndikumuchotsa basi..watopetsa.
If it is like that then Zim has no where to go in Africa, just look, how many Zim guys are in foreign African countries looking for the green pasture? This is sad men, May Mugabe help us kkkkkkkk.
Anthu aku Zimbabwewo kaye kukakamilira za eni m’maiko a wenimu, ati anaphunzira za ziiiiii
Malawians abroad amati kwa eni kulibe nkuwo chonde kumudzi kuno kuli njala tsono kunja mukhalako ngati mulibe zokuyenerazani chokakoni boma silingati lione za ife kuno, liyanganeso za inu uko pavutatu pamenepa,ndalama kumudzi kuno ziliko chabe zimafuna kuchita kusaka ngati mbewa koma kumakhala mothawathawa mdziko la eni ake sibwino,tsonotu si inu nokha mwamangidwa ku zimbabweko,ku tanzania amangaso ena ku joniso amangaso ena, ndizovuta kumati boma silikuthandiza kumudzi kuno kulibetu magetsi ndiye ndalama zokakutengeranizo bola kupangira za madzi kuno,besides enanu kukakutengani lero mawa mubwereraso
Some malawians are travelling without proper documents.nothing wrong here let them face the music.
Worry not with God they will be out soon
3 milion zimbabweans are illegal in south africa.
Guys u are missing something here. It might be that these people committed a crime one way or the other, so don’t conclude that Malawians are mistreated in Zim. A lot of Malawians are working in mines farms city councils and govt. With intermarriages they r now Zimbabweans. Singers lyl Macheso is of Malawian origin. Culturally there’s Gure.j Visit Zim and see. Bwelani muzawone
Even most of Zimbabwe football national team players are Malawian like khama Billiat, ndoro, nkhata you name them.
am e Malawian by origin and Zimbabwean by birth, ndiye muti chani ????
Edward peace tell your parents and half of the Zimbabwe national team players including khama ndoro, khata that it’s about time pack your bags and come back home it’s about time to represent their country
ife tili bize kusamala ma forena kuno pamene azanthu akuzuzika shaaame
Akulu akulu tatiyeni tingo wadandaulila abale wo south africa ndi ziko likutukula malawi takawoneni kumuz pano andu amagona pabwino kufunda sabwino kumanga ma nyumba chifukwa cha joz zitingasiye kupita
Not good we are all Africans
Zimbabwean prisons are some of the worse prisons in the world, there are a lot of diseases in their prisons, I hope these guys will be fine and get realised soon.
Mugabe is the one who rebuked their fellow South African for fighting their fellow African so why he allowing these to happen I think he is too bias but yet here in Malawi we have so many zimbambwean working in our country our government are not arresting them
Ineyo ndinaziona masabata awiri ndili muzimbabwe pamene ndimafika ku RSA nditaonda.Mulungu akhalenawo azathuwa munthawwi
guys there one thing idont understand!!! sindinaveko kapena kuwerenga paper iliyonse ikunenapo kuti dziko lathu likutumiza kapena kuti anthu ali kundende chifukwa cholowa muno opanda chilolezo!! chonsecho paliponse mmakwalalamu tikukumana nawo,, ena akupanga biznez zogulitsa mandazi,, kodi tinene kuti chilolerezo alinacho? komaso kuno ine sindinavepo munthhu akuti wachoka dziko lina kufuna ganyu wochapa,, kuphika etc mmadera mwathumu..kodi tinene kuti amenewa kwawo kulibe mavuto? Amalawi vuto lathu ndichani? timachoka kuno kumakakolopa muzimbudzi…kukhala movutikaso…chonsecho ndalama zomwe muthu amawononga kuti apite kumeneko ndi zambilimbili zoti zikhoza kukhala mpamba kuyambila chinachake…passport,,,transport and yapathumba yokayambila…ndalama zosezo!!
Very sad and painful .
keep on
Lets pray for them, inoder to have a better life while they are stil inside the prison. Otherwise zimbabweans they dont take care wel abt the prisoners. They can even kill them.
we dont kill people in Zimbabwe hey how many of you Malawians are now citizens in Zimbabwe ….
Bt you have bad hearts you guys, idont mean to kill as such. Bt they can even stay there without food for them to starving, as the results they can die. I have been watching tv, isaw them the way they treat prisoners,@God knows
Bad hearts indeed I know them
But r poor like us y zimbabwe..pretend like SA shame on zimbabwe
lf you say we Zimbabweans we have bad hearts then you are lost.what we know is we take Malawians or Zambians as brothers and Sisters.lf you once stayed in zimbabwe thern you agree wth me.
I dont mean all of you, bt most of them they have bad hearts. Shame on you zimbabweans, you dont think what you are doing. We are the same all poor. Bt bsy arrest your nebours. Ever God cant bless you, long time mukuphula njerwa zamoto.muzakhala osauka mpaka kalekale. Bola ife penapake chauta amatidalitsa coz we have good hearts for sure.
Godknows Mugogo and how many zimbabweans are living and getting jobs in our Motherland Malawi
Cathy don’t take it hard ,zimbabweans a so lovely ,if these ppl want to stay here they should follow legal prosidures and thy cn live happily. Trust me.
Adye Kaye Za Mgabe. Sangabvutike Mgabe Ndi Brother Wathu. Ndende Yokhala Ndi Azungu
Still more coming…l don’t blame u but there is trouble here,come nd c.SA is not what u hear about.Ths is jst another country in Africa! Am not being jelousy here bt l thnk MW is better,as of me am looking for transportation coming back home.
Nzungu ali yekha in a Zimbabwe prison. Zomvesa chisoni
Amathawa kulima akumana nazo!
yoh rubbish Zimbabwean police, they for get that we are brothers shit.
zawo ayisova, akamapita mwano thoooo, koma zikavuta tithandizeni, aboma ndalamazo gulirani chimanga mukapatse magogo ku mudzi
Mwano Wako Chisiru Ulibe Nzeru,
zako izo, ine ndalankhula maganizo anga
anthu ake tu 5 basi kungofa amenewo malawi azakoma 1Henery musa 2 Gen kslilani 3 Patricia Kaliati 4 Kondwani Nakhumwa 5 Josephy mwanamveka anyhu nonse mukuvutika ku zimbabwe anthu ndi amenewa
Thamyo shatamia ngimba uswe mafolena mchisuchitu ichi nabamo? Inongwa yafiki bakutinyoza ulu
Ena Inu Musalankhule Choncho,mukadzayenda Mudzapereka Umboni .
Nyasaland mavuto alipo. Tz, RSA ndi Zim akutithamangitsa
baaaaaaaaad kkkkkkkkkkkk
Very sad Rip alive guys I know jail is the hell place not even one would love to stay inn.
lonely uzilankhula bwino uzikhala ngati uli ndi mzimu wanva?mesa boma ndiudindo wake kuthandiza anthu ovutika kapena pitala ndichibwenzi chako eti?shupit kulankhula mwathamo tatopa nako dpp sidzamva ndipo sidzaleka kunzuza anthu
Ndasilira ine
Anzathu kundende kwao kukupezeka ngakhale azungu.
Kwathuko kumadabwitsa kuti anthu enawa samalakwa?
Fufuzani nkhani yake, m’Malawi wa police, m’Malawi wa MRA, m’Malawi wa judiciary, m’Malawi wa MBS ndi ena otero dyera ndi ndalama.
Mulungu atikhululukire Komanso alowelerepo ndithu.
Kodi muno mulibe mzika za maiko ena zikukhala mdziko muno popanda chilolezo,nawonso adzipita kwawo.Abale athu akuzunzika mmaikomu,tinanyanya kudekha amalawi tsiku lina tidzathamangisa mzika za maiko ena,nawonso azipita kwawo,zimandiwawa.
Izi zili choncho chifukwa cha mavuto ku Malawi palibe munthu amene amasangalala kukhala kopanda abale ake boma lichitepo kathu makamaka anthu amene timapezeka kumuzi omwenso ndiochuluka
Kkkkkkkk koma yeah
We hv started to do like other countries
Zilizonse Boma!munapitako ndi Bus ya Boma? ndiye Bomalo lithandiza athu angati? poti daily athu akupita mukakavutikakako muziti Boma lithandize .zoti kulimavuto simumaziwa eeee muyisova musiyeni peter yo amele mnofu mwava
Some few weeks ago it was Tanzania doing this, and today is zimbabwe punishing our people, can’t we revenge this?….enough now, we also deserve respect as we also respect foreigners here!
Gud!,very,very gud.Hop our stupid greedy,foreigner cowards readers must learn somthng 4rom dis matter.coz dis is not de first time we r hearing issues like dis one,malawi iz on a highly framable burning fire and pipo r travelling in abroad countries where there r lakes and rivers in order to find freedom and get there lives cul and calm.dis is de sign of pouerty,our readers must take an action in dealing with dese cases,chfkw ngat anthu akuthawa zko lawo nkumakapezeka atagwidwa ndende za wen dat minz somthng z wrong with our administration and our country.
is bad
Wrong country
I think malawi govt. Is tired with malawians travelling aboard.
zonsez zikuchitika kamb kadyera la azisogoleri amdziko mwathu amphawife mkumadzumdzika chonchi.
Ndukuuzani man ifeyo amalawi tili nditsoka atsogoli athu amakhala odzikonda okha.
Oooh painful …what’s wrong with Africa …
SA government is the best in treating illegal foreigners,they take them to Lindela(place of waiting) and provide them with food until they transport them back home as oppose to Zim where they take you to jail ,one of my lady friend was arrested in Zim but luckily she had R200,00 for bribe.
Shaaaaa Malawi again? 500 in Tanzania, 10 Kuwait, 20 Halare and xenophobia await in SA! Passport mk80,000. Zonsezi kusaka life. Mulungu atate nkhondoi mwaiziwa ndipo sitingaimalize lowelerani.
Tango auza amigrations anu asiye kumagoneka kundende anthu otawankhondo kwao,apo ayi inuso azibale anu azikumana ndizimenezo kunja kumene ali.
Ngati mumene a migrations anu amapangira ena kuno,mumaganiza ngati kulibe ma foreigners a chimalawi kunja? Kapena muzikala kwanukwoka? Aote moto anvenao kuwawa.kapena tamuza Mwachipunda akangoatenga
The best way malawi government can do is to send a bus to collect them since the Zim govt asks the inmates to buy bus tickets for themselves a thing very hard for an inmate. By the way the number might be higher than just 20
mmm zovuta kwambiri
its a crisis, today zimbabwe osh wishing gud as u r in times of pain GOD will rescue u all. Ame
Zikuchitika pa Zimbabwe pompa
whilst kuno wakunja samangidwa….
Kukhala m’MALAWI sizophweka palipose Ku hatedwa Guys!!!!!
Chotsech Ndi Chifukwa Cha Dziko Lathu,pamene Anzathu Akutukuka Ife Mpamene Tikusaukirabe,azaphule Ndani Malawi Pamoto.Malawi Unazitembelela Mwa Zina Lako Malawi Amoto,ulidi Pamoto,tikabweleke President Wa Dziko Lina Mwina Nkutithandiza
ndezitiso izi?tizingokhalila kugwidwa kuthawa kwathuko sichina,poyambila abale pamasowa olo utakhala kuti ulindima plan aphindu.utati uyambe tchito kapena ganyu mmm zomvesa chisoni kuti pamwezi kumalandila 20 thousand kwacha pomwe ku SA kuno ndi 2days imeneyo.abale athuwo kuwafunila kutuluka kwabwino.
Kodi boma silingakawatengeko kutu ndende yawo asevele kuno kwao ngati analakwa
Man musamati kuno ngati muli ku Malawi man
Kkkkkkk man musatiyaluse man
Aaaa kkkkkkkk
Kumakhala ndiulemu iiiii koma ichiii aa
Kkkkkkkk man muliratu apa
Alila ndani