Man stabs daughter to death before stabbing his stomach


Police in the commercial city of Blantyre, in Limbe are keeping in custody a 28 year old man who is suspected to have stabbed to death his four year old daughter.

According to information made available to this publication, the suspect, Gift Makaika committed the crime last Monday night, November 14 in Kachere township.

knife-bloodIt is reported that on this fateful night Makaika quarreled with his wife on undisclosed matters and were near exchanging blows.

The suspect later entered his house where his wife was staying and he later threw his wife outside the house.

He later locked himself in the house and it was this time when he stabbed his daughter with seven deep stabs in her body.

Upon realizing his wrong doing, Makaika later stabbed himself on his stomach as he wanted to escape charges of murder.

It is however suspected that the suspect committed the offense under the influence of alcohol.

Meanwhile, the matter has been bemoaned by the councillor of the area, Songwe Kawaye who said was not expecting that to have happened in his area.

“I was not suspecting that a father can kill his own daughter. Am shocked with the development and am speechless, it’s been bad” said Kawaye.

The suspect is now struggling for life at Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital as murder charges awaits him when he recovers.