Mr. Jokes has a problem with gospel musicians

Mr. Jokes

Stand up comedian Mr. Jokes has taken a jab at gospel artists in Malawi claiming there is just none of them doing concepts that fall in the gospel music genre.

Mr. Jokes who hit the limelight after making appearances on state owned Malawi Broadcasting Corporation (MBC) TV comedy show Phwete says he has avidly followed what is termed as gospel music but has not been impressed.

Mr. Jokes
Mr. Jokes has a problems with gospel artists.

He threw the jabs when he was on stage at the Miss Blantyre show last Friday.

Mr Jokes. real name Andrew Thonyiwa cited the songs like Ondikonda Ndili Naye by Favoured Martha, Mundisungile Kolona by the late Grace Chinga and Baraba by Evance Meleka.

‘’These songs seem that the artists have personal issues and they want to cheat people with unholy concepts of that sort. They want to force people to believe they are gospels artists. We need change seriously,’’ he said while sending the patrons into laughter.

He then performed a song that gave emphasize to the word ‘Halleluiah’ which he said was a pure reflection of a gospel song.

‘’You see what, a gospel song must preach the word of God and not hold conflict concepts like in the songs I have named here.’’ Said the comedian.

A cross section of patrons Malawi24 spoke to had argued that the comedian had a point and said the gospel music genre is seemingly going haywire and its been covered up by mediocrity.

At the event, Hanna Mhone emerged winner with Myria Khoza coming as first Princess and Chimwemwe Khembo as the third Princess.