Chikhwawa District Council employees on Wednesday sealed the council offices demanding their three months unpaid salaries and the immediate transfer of the Chief Accountant and the Director of Finance (DoF).
The members sealed the entrance that leads to the offices of the Chief Accountant Ellen Mwale, the Director of Finance Frank Saidi and the Integrated Financial Management Information System (IFMIS) office.

According to one concerned employee (name withheld), the staff members are angry because their salaries have not been revised since 2013, they have not been paid for three months, and they are ill-treated by the accountant and director.
“We have reached to this extent because we need an immediate transfer of the said officers because they are making our lives unbearable. We don’t know anything about leave grants because no one has received such. At the same time, we are tired of negotiating with these people whenever we want to get our monthly salaries,” said one officer.
She added that the officers turned down every financial request the workers made yet the district has enough money to give them.
“The offices will remain closed until the revised salaries are ready. We don’t want to see anyone working here and we will not entertain it,” added another employee.
According to an inside source, Chikhwawa District Council’s 75 direct employees get a gross pay ranging from MK44,000 to MK69, 000 a month and after deductions they go home with salaries ranging from MK37,000 to MK55,000.
Commenting on the matter, Chikhwawa District Commissioner (DC), Bester Mandere said he has invited the Council Chairperson to discuss and iron out the issues.
The best way is to transfer almost all officers at the council bcoz it cmz that there r many crooks apart from dos named
Nkhani yazachuma iiiii
Zofunika y increment for civil service only pamene ma department ena akuwamana
Koma kuli kanthu ku chikwawa.
aa Mavuto osaneneka
they #sealed?