Police in Blantyre have arrested a 19 year-old young man suspected to have sexually abused a 14 year-old girl in the commercial city.
The young man Denis Chiume is reported to have forced the girl to spend a night at his residence on August 7 this year.
Confirming to Malawi24, Blantyre police assistant spokesperson Andrew Mayawo said the girl was reported to be missing on the day she slept at Chiume’s house but the next day she went back to her parents’ house.
When asked where she was, the child said Chiume forced her to sleep at his house where he sexually assaulted her.
The matter was then reported to Ndirande police station and medical reports from Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital (QECH) revealed that the young girl was sexually abused.
According to Mayawo, the suspect was on the run until 14 September when the law enforcers finally arrested him.
The suspect is yet to appear in court to answer charges of defilement contrary to section 138 subsection 1 of the Malawi’s penal code.
Chiume hails from Mphande village, Traditional Authority (TA) M’bwana in Nkhatabay district.
14 to 19 i dont see any difference here
A police anamatu apa ma age abho heavy 14 and 19
Bwanji Samakuwa Kut Anthu Amupulumutse Usiku Onsewo?
masize aleken adyane
Kma cnalowe?
Ndi saize yake mamuna ndi kazi amasiyana za 5 or 10 NDE muziti abuse athu opusa inu
Nkhani ya chiwerewere kuthamangila ku manga koma yakupha ndi umbava tifufuzekaye zisilu izi
Ndi chibwezi icho muzifufuza musanammange munthu
Inu Apolice MUTAYENI mwana ndi osalakwa
Zangovuta zomanganazo koma Chigololo chimakoma heavy.
wowowooo thats Malawi, the man should face a law coz its too much nowdays
Tamufusen mtsikanayo kut anadziwa bwanji kut akumukwata??ngat atanene kut anandilowetsa gadafi ndet palibe chifukwa choti mnyamatayo amangidwe chifukwa ndekuti aliyense amava kukoma ngati palakwika musamutse mmodzi apite ku S.A .Ndie mukumakonderat mupite ku Lilongwe ku Chigwiri ngati mukukana mchitidwe wokwati atsikana azaka 14 kumeneko mukawapeza okwata anao azaka 70 ku kwata wazaka 12 nawoso dzawatengen,akakhale pamodzi ndi mnyamata osalakwayo…
Chitidwe uwuwu ukupita pasogolo kukubwelaku uzakhala mu fusion
Mmmmmm!!!!zogwirizana izi taasiyeni ana aziphunzitsana.Wamkaziyo 14 wamwamuna 19 diff 5yrd.Inu ndi akazi anu mwasiyana zaka zingati?
Both are within the teens no need to arrest ayoung man
Sizomangana apa amangofunika kulangizidwa onse ndi sixe imodzi,kma tiatsikana mmene tatuzukila masiku ano 14yrs olo bambo akhoza kumuderera ndiye kumanga mwaganixa bwanji release him pliz
Alo amagwidwe wadyabe Katundu basi insaaaa
aaa zopusa basi
which means girl,s parents are rich n a boyz parents are poor so dad want his swt garl to b with some 1 who got cash shupit
19 and 14 hahahaha
ndi size yake imeneyo
Bravo! to the cops…mwaitha….Those are what are called ”strict liability offences” …. It doesn’t matter wether they agreed or not, wether they were datin or not.. The primary factor is that the man slept with an under aged.. The penal code describes a girl as any female below 16 moti maximum sentence is life imprisonment…. It was set just to protect our young ones from sexual abuses n stuff..
Talembani khani zini
kkkkkkk nene sadusepo apa ndinenepo…usiku watunthu nde aziti anakakamizidwa,abuse yamutundu wanji imeneyi…anapangapo chani tsikanayo mean kodi anakuwa kufuna thandizo,nanga makolo utsiku wosewo kugona tulo kuyembekezela kuti abwela.koma majudge nde eeetu apita xul yabonza.basi ananena kale kuti tsoka likalimba umakuotcha nkuti wazana.
ulimi otaya madzi
that is injustice, nowadays judges have gone alittle bit crazy when dealing with such cases.they should looking @ all angles before sentencing someone.may be they agreed to do so look at their ages wow wow sorry.
Ndi size yake imeneyo
Kkkkkk apolice akumalawi aaaaa bodza osakamanga Mfumu kyungu yakukalonga inakwatila tsikana kkkkk asiyeni onse ndi ma teen age
amulakwira kummanga 19yrs vs 14yrs ndi size yake, chinali chibwezi abwindana ammasule sanalakwise inuyo simukwata wina akakwata amangidwe, ammasuleeee
Kunena Zoona Apa, Kugwilila Sikumeneku. Vuto Ndimakolo/Achibale Ake Amsikanayo Sakumufuna Mamunayo Nde Angoganiza Zongomumangisa Mamunayo. Kunena Zenizeni Anthuwa Ali Pa Chibwezi. U Can See There Z 5yrs Different. Akanakhala Kuti Ndiwazaka 8 Mkaziyo Tikanatidi Anagwililila. Koma 14 Yrs! Mubwele Kwa MGONA Ku Lilongwe Muzawone Kuti Ana Achisikanawa Akuthandiza Bwanji Azibambo Otisafana Ndi Msikhu Wawo Simuzalembaso Nkhani Ngati Imeneyi. 10yrs Girl Akumagonana Ndi 30yrs Man.
aaaa zopusa eet pali be chifukwa chomumangila nyamatayo coz ndizaka zabwino zimenezo n distic ndiye zomangana palibe mwava eeet
Mmesa nchibwezi kodi?
apolisi aku malawi amasowa chochita kupusa
Apo nd 50/50 zogwirizana zimenezo
zonsezi ndi mdulidwe
Ineso ndikuwo chonco sipakhomze kumanga alive vut but maiwo
Onse ndi Ana pamenepo pali choti win angamangidwepo
Can u plz come again I didn’t here u well mukuti nyamata 19 mtsikana14 so nw he is arrested, palibe chomumangila ngakhale kukwatilana atha kukwatilana chifukwa ndi ndi dzaka dzofanana difference of 5 police release him plz kungowalangiza basi apolisi mwalandila kangachepe kuchokera kwa makolo a mtsikanayo
Ngati chiwalo chako cikuchimwitsa cidule nkwabwino kukalowa ufumu wa Mulungu opanda ciwalo cina
akufanana mimsikhu palibe za abuse APA!!!
angomulakwira kummanga mnyamatayo,zinali zogwirizana ndi kumvetsetsana kti msungwanayo akagone kunyumba yanjondayo.After all ndi chibwenzi..
Ndisayiz akukulaso ndi mkaziyo apolice mwachita wrong
They are both children, they both have strong sexual feelings and he was not supposed to be arrested but cancelling him and guide him properly.
They are both children,…… They both have strong sexual feelings! Think before you post
So you have thought it then tell us your views. Are just saying because you jumped from infant to adult or you just want to mugabe-rise issues here brotherman.
A 5-year age difference, not bad!
yaaa its not bad but looking at the number of age the girl she is below 18 that is y pali mlandu .yes ofusira olo kukwatira mwana has to face the law.coz mwana sadziwa kanthu
Jamie ukati kudziwa kanthu what u mean? Mtsikana amakula pa zaka zingati? Mind u maiko ambiri anaika zaka zokwatilira za mkazi from 16 to 22
mwina anamuonetsapo dara nde zachitika kaa
Kkkkkkk nyasaland ya nyasadi zopusa zokhazokha zimene zikumapangidwa update,,whats wrong wth malaw now