An 18-year-old man is in deep pain at Kamuzu Central Hospital after a group of assailants severely assaulted him before chopping off his genitals on Tuesday.

Nkhunga Police Station Public Relations Officer Laban Makalani said the incident occurred on Tuesday evening at Illovo Sugar Estates in Nkhotakota District.
He added that the thugs wanted to sell the private parts which the police have so far recovered after arresting one of the assailants.
According to Makalani, the victim is a bicycle taxi operator at Dwangwa Trading Centre and was found lying in deep agony in a bush.
“He sustained heavy cuts in the head and limbs including a broken jaw beside the genital mutilation,” said Makalani.
Members of the general public with the help of Nkhotakota Security Officers who operates within the sugar estate rushed the man to Matiki Health Centre (located within the estate) where he was referred to Nkhotakota district hospital before being further referred to Kamuzu Central Hospital where he is currently receiving treatment.

Meanwhile, the police have arrested one of the assailants, 41 year-old Rangerson Mashikudu.
According to Makalani, Mashikudu and his fellow assailants approached a certain fisherman within the area and offered to sell him fresh male private parts.
But the fisherman mobilized members of the community and they managed to apprehend Mashikudu. They also recovered the genitals.
However, medical personnel have failed to fix the man’s genitals.
Mashikudu will appear in court soon to answer the charge of attempted murder under section 223 of the penal code. He hails from Nkhono village in the area of Traditional Authority Tengani in Nsanje district
This is what God promised to happen in these last days
pic ndyamunthu amene wadula mnzake 41yrs wodulidwa nde 18yrs
Chimunthu choyipa kodi atadulidwa iwo angave bwanji kuyipa ngati matuzi
Chinthunzi a 18 amenewa?
Ni no no .u said Muluzi was choping the parts.and where is he now.dont cry
ambuye akanangobwela aweluze dzikoli,
Lord help!!
Sad story ovulalayo achire mwasanga inshaallah
Ine mesa Ochapo
Oh! Shame
Mmmmmm mwanyanya paka kuchosa thanga
Zaboza izi #kennedy mtwela… Muyang’anisise mdalayo angakhale wa 18 ameneyo
Is that picture of a Teen???..
achikulirewa anakuwuzani kuti ali ndi zaka zingati?
Is this a teen? Oh sorry, may he well soon
Ziko lapita
Mulungu alowelelepo atimenyere khondo
Mmmmm xinazi
Kodi ma lipsyata amakagulitsa ku msika?
Iiiiiiiiiiii koma nde anthu alusa ananufwafwaza chonchi? Shaaah
Too bad for poor Malawians sure. Gone are days for such malpractices. Yemwe agwidwe tiyendera diso kulipa diso.
koma pic mwaikayi, yaodula kapena odulidwa?ndi wa mma 40 ameneyu
No matter how old is he bt pain is the same , sorry bro
Akufuna nzawo asamaswile ngakhale wanama zaka.gogo ngati uyu
eeesh kma abale apeza polekera
Nyasland wationjeza
Chiri maso tuzu kumpanilira myamata wa18yrs kudula mesa iyeyu zake zokalambazo nde zikanakwana nsanga ma kgs anthu oipa chiri maso tuzu kuyang:anitsitsa camera chi mfiti
Chimenechi amachisiilanji osachipha koma akanaba mizimbe ndiye kunali kupha? Choyenela kungozimisa mesa ndichimenechi
ndiye mkumanga anthu opha azao chifukwa chowagwira ndimkazi wamwini koma inu mukulephera kumanga anthu odura ziwalowa koma inu aboma pakholo panu ndithu
Heartless people, if it is hot business why can’t remove your own genitals?. Once those people are caught should be torched alive
when these assailants caught they deserve to be burnt osati kupha oba mzimbe nkumasiya zigawenga ngati izi
Is this an 18 yr old man?
Satanists, they deserve life imprisonment in hell.
What do you want you hunted albinos then ife adazi now private parts but you are still poor as a Church mouse leave people alone these are just myths
neva mind about years guys it might be a hand mistake either atakhala wa 50 yrs or 10 yrs ululu ndi umodzi
So sad
Paja inu kuposta zabodza. 18yrz m’dala ngat iyi?
Uyoyo ngodula ziwalozo n the patient is 18 yrs indeed admitted at kch male surgical ward
Hello my name is john I want to give a testimony about my HIV virus that was cured by a great spell caster. Since last 4years I have being a HIV AID patient. I never think I will live long again and am so grateful to Dr sule who help me cured my HIV AIDS last 3 weeks. I was in a great pain so I told one of my best friends; he told me that there is a great spell caster that can cure my VIRUS. I asked him if he had his contact, he gave me his contactl, I contacted him he talked to me and he perform the necessary things and sent it to me through corrier delivery company and deliverd to me at my place and he told me that after two weeks I should go for a test. Which I did, when the doctor told me that am now a HIV negative I couldn’t believe myself I went to see another doctor the result was still the same, I was human on planet earth, so I emailed him and thanked him. Please if you are having a similar problem please visit him/contact him via whatsapp +2348162447651
So sad.
Tidzingowayatsapo bac tikawagwilamo
Koma amenewo ali ndi 18 years? Z dis not a grandparent
Shame on us
Very bad
Tatopa tidzingowotcha baxi akapezeka cz sunganchotse machende mzako bwaj osadzichotsa iwe mwini ngat ukufuna dolla
Nayetso anumudula ma genitals part akewo a feel kuti dzake akuva bwanji ululuwake
DPP boma iloooo
Kupeza munthu ndiziwalo zamunthu kumangopheratu osamadikila apite ku police, shalliah law basi. Zafikapa osamanyengererananso malawi waonjeza ndi zichitochizoyipa. Diso kwa diso tsopano.
Maineeeee Malawi wanga okondedwa ndakulira
Eeeeeh !!! ngati likupweteka Bala la Mdulidwe nanga kuli bwanji kuzuliratu Gear Box yonse ?
kkkk ndısake ngatı zabwıno. zazaka ndıye akunama. ayenela kukhala mma 35.
osadula zake bwanji ukagulitsa, holly ghost fire!!
Fuck Dem ass broke damn bitches and Niggaz
Hmmmm ndalama yatenga malo ku Malawi, mtendere unapita ni kamuzu tele nichayani ichi munthu odwala kale mumuchotseso katundu mudzikhala ndi chisoni ndinu a Malawi amtundu wanji osavela anzanu chifundo
Machende ake ndi adala akunama zakayo akufa madona azantenge.
social media eishhhh mwati 18?
UKoma Agalu Inu Basi Maso Anu Amangokhala Pa Ziwalo Za Anzanu Eeeeee!!!!! Pezani Chochita China
Is this a teenager?
Welengani mofasa b4 commenting plzzz
Muluzi wayambiranso
Abale ku Malawi! Komabe sindikudabwa kanthu apa adanena kale ambuye wathu. Masiku osiriza anthu adzakhala ozikonda okha, okonda ndalama……
#Thank u kuti ukukhala nkudziwa, ndipo wat i can ask u is that, “pamene waimapo usachoke.” Vuto lakula Masiku ano ndi loti mmalo motsata zomwe Mau a mwini Yehova adanena ku Chivumbulutso tikutsata #Moyo wa #Dziko womangoti wolakwa koma wakuti.
Age cheating mpakana ndi apa pomwe, End times
Mmmmm “end times”zomwezi,inuyo nde amene muli end times 4 failing to open the link!!…. Nkuluyo nde amene adononga mwanayo
Galleta here i mean the malpractice itself not that of age cheating.
Akuoneka ngati ndi teen ameneyu?
I dont trust that u can get rich through selling human bn parts this is just heartless and pipo like these ones they must face a serious charges
Muzisegura kaye link musanakomente
they is of buying iron pants and locks
Ngati mwayambiraso nafeso tiyamba kuotcha ovuladza amzawowa tikawapedza palibeso zofutsana
Boma dwilani banthu aba
Ohhh ! God have mercy on us.
18 18 wat? Machende anu nose AP muthu. He is in pain u r focusing za zaka ?? Remember tomorrow comes after the dark mawa muzakhala inu kapena. Aabale anu
Kkkkk amenei 18yearz
18yrs adha awa? Paja kuMalawi timabisa zaka
Si iyeyu uyu Ndimunthu yomwe anadula machende. A 18 yrs old
Guys nkhalamba imeneyi 18 years, ine ndiye ndili ndili ndi zaka 8 tu….
Wadula ndi iyeyu mdalayu osati wadulidwa ndiyeyui
umphawi wanyanya kumalawi
Even though Nga , solution sikudulana ziwalo abale!
yap i know.. bt nzelu zimezi zumabwela cz amakhala athedwa..bt anyway tingoika Ziko lathu mapemphelo
Chineke meeee
Ooh 18?
akuwatuma ndani? nanga akumatani nazo?
Koma a Sena wawonjeza. Nokha kulowa kufa, Kusasa fumbi, Fisi mpaka bizinesi ya ziwalo Shaaa. Its too much.