Former Malawi President Joyce Banda has urged African leaders to include girls and women in policy making positions for them to participate actively in Africa’s social economic development.
Banda made the remarks in Lagos, Nigeria when she was presenting a keynote address at the 2016 “women’s Power Lunch” where Former Nigeria President General Olesugun Obasanjo was in attendance.

In her speech under the theme “Women in Solidarity: A new Paradigm for inclusion” Banda told the gathering that women across Africa have limited access to means of production such as land, financing, and technologies so they are discriminated against at workplaces and in public life in general.
“Women in Africa are underrepresented in policy making circles and as women leaders, it rests upon us to take a leading role in ensuring formulation of deliberate policies and programmes that benefit women,” Banda emphasized.
The former president also called upon African heads of state, governments, the clergy, civil society, and the media to step up efforts to ensure the protection and development of the girl child in the context of the recently adopted United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
“I personally believe that governments and nations must strive to achieve full implementation of SDGs if the war against poverty, inequality, injustice and adverse effects of climate change are to be addressed,” Banda said.
She further said that African countries must formulate policies and programmes that must equip the women and girls with necessary entrepreneurial and management skills that can give them access to marketing and financing.
“I am calling upon women leaders to abolish all harmful cultural practices, beliefs, traditions, customs against girls and women,” she said.
This year’s event was organised by Murtala Muhammed Foundation which is chaired by former Nigerian President Olesugun Obasanjo.
Kkkkkkkk koma people
joyc ndi dilu kusiyana nd anuwa mbala zikuluzikul kmaso opand mavto tikuziwoner limoz tiye nazo nanji mchewa ulibe polima
A Flightliner trailer will never lead or drive a horse of a whole truck from Chitipa to Blantyre so z a woman
me miss u mama with ur move yotsiphina
koma iwe ndimfiti yamunthu tayelekeza ubwele uzafikile muzingwe uone galu iwe
Koma zimenezo ndithu zikuchokera mkamwa mwake koma????
Malawi mpaka pano adakabvutikabe chifukwa cha mkazi ameneyi, aliyense amadziwa bwino kuti sikuti ndalama zonse anaba yekha ayi. Koma nkhani ndiyoti amuna omwe anamudzungulira ndi omwe amamulakwisa kupanga ndikumamvera zilizonse monga mkazi basi. Mkazi ndi munthu ofoka mmaganizo.
Ndiye zomwe akulankhulazo palibe angamve zimenezo.
What kind of leadership to women u talking about? U messed this our beautiful malawi, changing it into banana republic, where everyone was doing what ever he/she wanted,u sweept every government treasury accounts into u and ur hand clappers who surrounded u,this was a hot clapp to every Malawian, and malawi will take so longtime to cover up those ditches u dug up,let those women who fears god to say that not u.we still have that hope in another one but not like u
What kind of leadership to women u talking about? U messed this our beautiful malawi, changing it into banana republic, where everyone was doing what ever he/she wanted,u sweept every government treasury accounts into u and ur hand clappers who surrounded u,this was a hot clapp to every Malawian, and malawi will take so longtime to cover up those ditches u dug up,let those women who fears god to say that not u.we still have that hope in another one but not like u
shame my poor malawians…..the did her best and for to be there its not as easy as we all think,great people with high positions in africa were there listening to her speech,its so pathetic that we as malawians can’t see how important and what role did mai banda did,as for the leadership,maiwa anapanga bwino koposa chifukwa dziko linali paumphawi ndimavuto ambiri pamene amkalowa pa upulezidenti,now she is out of government enawa akupanga zotani zokomera amalawi?i
shame my poor malawians…..the did her best and for to be there its not as easy as we all think,great people with high positions in africa were there listening to her speech,its so pathetic that we as malawians can’t see how important and what role did mai banda did,as for the leadership,maiwa anapanga bwino koposa chifukwa dziko linali paumphawi ndimavuto ambiri pamene amkalowa pa upulezidenti,now she is out of government enawa akupanga zotani zokomera amalawi?i
#JOICE Banda why she run awy frm malawi?
JB is the worst example of how horrible women can be in high possitions.
Galu wakupha uyu anamutumizako ndani kumeneku, panya pako iwe kumupha ndi Grace anakulakwira chiyani maso akhunguwo galu.
Sitingaonongeso mistake yabwinobwino… Iyaaaaa ufiti eit, bingu anakakhala moyo unakalamulila iwe? Mxwii ukhale konko usazabweleso kuno you are a disgrace to womanhood , nzimayi wanji wakuba
kupusa joyce ndie kuti chani wokuba wakhanza waliuma ndani iyo
dolo wamadolo kuyakhula moputsa kumeneko kkkkkkk mai joyce wanuo mukhale pasi muganize chazeru ndichani wachita mmm zophanazo zinayamba lero mesa athu amachotsedwa maso mitu kuthawana anali ndani amalamulira eeee kukwera kwazithu bukhu loyera munawerengapo matsiku otsiliza wogula azalira wogulitsa azakwiya ndizimenezi mukufuna muyakhule kuti chani inuo amai anuo apanga chani chazeru tamayamikilani zinazi jerous yanuo muzasalanao mwava mmmm miseu makwalalamu ,nsewu wakuthekerani ulikati agogo anu anadya ndalama zathu wogwira boma malipiro awo kuchedwa sanayambe lero bale olo ku away ena sanalandile komwe ku africa engrand,swidern,kungonenapo wochepa chabe kugwa kwacha amanuo ndiamene anapangitsa sipeter ai ine peter ,chilima ndimapatsa ulemu sine wa dpp ai koma ndimayamika kwamene akulamulira panopa a pp zawo zoofoka zinalimo musakasusa cash gate inja anakupatsani eti eee musatisokose apa woips atthawa ekha wolunga amavomereza ndithu joyce,akagwere uko akazawina muzandifutse ndizakupatsani galimoto imodzi mwava
Amayi angobeala tizasova.
mun2 ameneyu akufunika hvy kuno she z most wanted if founf bring her 2 me dead o alive,,,,,,,,atam’bwereseyo azalandila xicheche 2mba kuxaxa
Please let change our mind set as our vice-president is saying and work hard to develop Malawi.
Ah okay yes I get you. Let women be part of leadership and when they have committed a crime they should run away from the country and live in exile like what you have done. What a great lesson for empowering women to be leaders
Azimayi azitani? unawaipisira mbiri plz sitikufunaso zimenezo.
Kod munthu walakwisa chan ?,aaaaaaa amalawi
Kkkkkk koma guys,guess who is talking…..
she ia my hero
Wachilungamo ndi Mulungu yekha don’t trust a human being onsewa ndi akuba no body is clean
That’s true Madam Joyce Banda
Hule uyu angoziyalusa demet
peter mthalika wagwidwa ndizigawega za bokohalam , zigawenga zat zikufuna $5 billion kut aomboledwe chonde guys tiyen tisonkhane ndalama tiombolele President wathu
Let women be part of Leadership………Thanks JB
Mbavayi ilipo kkkkkk inasowa bwanji mubwere ana amasiye anthu okalamba ndi ovutikisitsa akuti mubwere mudzabwezeko ndalama munaba zija……..
ha ha ha it cant work!
Ine zangazinayela thawiyamayi amayi oye
Akuopa chani kubwera kwawo kuno
Pali zotukwanira pamenepo? Osangodya nsima ndikugona bwanji
ine ndidzalolela kunyozedwa chifukwa chachilungamo mayi joice banda was good than peter mutharika
Mmmmmmm, pali ndi akazi ake,, osati a myima ngati wa iyeyowo (Joyce-yo) ayi. Mbava ya cashgate
kkkk pipipipipipippippippipp odi uko bwerani mayi we miss you
Mayi Uyu Anari Opanda Nzeru Hahaha…..
Akuti chapaphewa ndi chimene chimasunga ndalama..
Women! i am highly concerned with u simply becoz JB adatsinira afulufute kuuna.
Abiti cashgate
Enanu mukunena ngati simukubeleka fees mukuyiona kumene ikupita mlimi waku mudzi ngati ine ndingakwanise azingo phunzira ana amabwana basi tizilipira msokho a gogo wathu uyu si president wa anthu koma wa dzina la Malawi osati anthu fokofu…..
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Never hear that #whore!
ķodi ñdie ndalama źomwe unaba ubwenza liti?
ķodi ñdie ndalama źomwe unaba ubwenza liti?
I just love this woman,wateva u say am alwaz behind her
Kupanda nzeruko ndiye kumeneko
Tumpale am with u…..alwyz support the truth
For sure
The comments Mwaswela Ntombie Violet Mbekeani
This jezbell must be the last person in the world to talk about women leadership
Akuti Jezbel anasiya mpingo wa ccap kulowa wa Tb joswa lero walowanso wina wa bushiri kufuna chuma.
Amen!!!!!That woman is devil.
if you were here bwenzi nditalandila salary yanga masten coz mumaziwa mavuto athu
Akanapanda kusolola maiwa 2019 bwenzi akadatenga boma! Koma anangoiphonya pokhapo
She is no a good example let her come back home and solt out the mess and then start talking about women empowerment
Mama come back & save malawi,,,, now Malawi is passing in had time because Malawi have got broken leader ship under Peter the punisher mtharika
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk akayesa tiwafunabe etii! hi
Mayi banda was better than Peter. Tangoganizan mene amachoka mayi shugga anali bwanji? Nde onani lero kuphedwa kwa malobino kusowa chitetezo cha boma athu kugwira tchito yo panda malilipiro owatsutsa kuphedwa kulimbana ndi bushiri njala, 7 ministers in cash gate nde mukunyoza mayi? Azimayi ena nda zeru kuposa am unable ena
Ulibwino ukusapota mbava komanso kunyoza mbava ina pamene ife kwathu mkulira kuti sazapezekanso mose walero.
Za bingu a can agree with u
kkkkkkkk koma iwe #dolo unamva kuti #Petter ndi dirrector wa illovo kuti akasise price ya sugar komentani molingalira dziko ndi lathu ili
Nde kuti mulibe zeru chuma chaziko chikamagwa zithu zimakwera sizifunika kuti president azigwira tchito Ku ilovo tavomera kuti zanu zada munapusisika ndi u professor osaziwa kuti mbola kkkkkkk
wandibera ndi mbina mkaz ameneyu!
Vuto ndi loti mzungu zomwe akuchita ndi dziko lapansi sukuzisata ayi.
Ziko lapasi liti ? Mwakanika pano kuchita kuposedwa ndi Zambia Zoona? U can’t compare mayi ndi pita mayi was better than Peter. Kukacha daily kumakhala scandal.
And chilichose musamangoti zungu mayiko ena akuchita bwino zungu Ali pa Ziko pompano lazy people always give an ex……..
Zot mzungu amafuna atsogoleri opepera ngat JB sukuziwabe?
Sono u see wat is happening to Malawi opanda azungu opepera ndan, ? Coz amat ngat ukufuna kuchita bwino uzicheza ndi athu azeru. Inu a dpp mungalimbane nda azungu nde muone mene ilili Zimbabwe pano nde muone komwe ikupita malawi Ku dzenje. Koma koma ndimaona azungu ndi dpp ndi khan yoti dpp inaba nawo ndalama za cash gate thawi ya bingu nkani azungu anakwiya kkkkkk
kkkkkk komaso anthu mumaganizira mbotolo eti mpaka joyce kkkkkk kungobwera akuti 150 vs Dollar kufika 450 kuchoka ili 500 hands fro 150 in two years can u calculate inflation? moti achievement kumati ndatenga azungu azitithandiza kkkkkkk ndiye kuwaona a malawi ake mpaka kukamuponya pa number 3 kkkkkkkk koma chipongwe kenako waisova ndithawe pavuta..koma mw singapange mistake kuvotera mzimai more esp calibre ngati joyce
Mzimayi lero?jb anatikhumudwitsa mmmmm.
my country were we going all commodities princes z verry high Wy shame
We have tested you mama and u have failed.will never made such mistake again for giving positions to womens you have wrecked our rainbow nation Malawi.
Come and tell women here also mai
Asalankhule Zambiri Bcz Kwake Kunatha!
come home Mama.House is never home without you. We call Malawi America where jobless are getting pay every month.where people with their busnesses pays less tax.where mbewa ndi zitete ndi all over.. . no more poverty.tiku’mva kukoma Moyo kuno mama bweran……..
cn someone remind me plz who is Joyce Banda?
She was a vice president some yrs ago kkkkkkk
kkkkkkk a bigest thief in the world history of malawi
she was awizard,,,adiablos ,,adevil who knows how to celeblate death,
Wakuba owopsa koma Osaba ndimfuti, kukhala mfiti ndi wizard.
takusowani Amayi,nanga muli kuti?
Kodi ABITI litaka paphewa akadalipo?
Malawi sitidzaikanso mzima kukhala mtsogoleri ayi coz taziona kale
Zoona nganga,mpheto mwa njobvu sapitamo kawiri.
Kkkkkkkkkk ma comment amalawi koma!!
Tiyeni tilankhule za Peter ubwino wake , komaso zitukoko ndiziti ndiziti?
Basi malawi akamanga JB ndiye kuti zitukuko ziyenda? nanga fees isika ? kukwera mtengo kwakatundu kusika?
Nanga ndindani akamumanga munamvapo kuti abweza ndalama zija?
kumachangamuka poganiza mmmm amalawi tiri ndi vuto .
Wanena bwino kuti tili ndi vuto kusonyeza kuti iwenso uli mgulu lavutolo. Coz akaba mkumangidwa amangofuna kuti asadzapangenso, osati kuti angabweze ayi. Koma kunena zoona mmai ameneyi ndioiiiiiiiiiiiiipa kooooooopsa.
Things will never change until Jesus come…koma Mayi uyu ngwakuba mopanda mantha…she has a party here why akuthawa..???? She was a vice president that was good….osati UPresident…..nkazi ndi wothangatila not wolamula….
Alekeni akufa aiyike akufa awo,ngakhalenso Baraba anali ndimasapota ake popeza zawo ndizimozi.
Kkkk tiyeni tizidwa mbewa ndi ziwala zomwezi nanga nkutani
chokani nanu a #Brave ndiye ziyani nanu
khokhokhokhokhokho #Evance
Zitetete umadziziwa iwe? #Omex
Muli ndivuto a Malawi, munthu wabwino simukudziwa! koma mumafuna mutamaba inu ndiye kukhosiko mbeee,, anzanu asadye yooo
Eti inu ife bola Mbewa zikumapezeka basi zathu zikumayenda zomadandaula mpaka liti Ziwalazi zitisunga sataya wake.
Koma tamakambani zowoona mai ameneyu Anaba kuposa bakili muluzi kkkkkk mai ooiiiiipa ngati bala lakukhwapa
Kkkkkkkkk Vuto munawononga Nokha mwai ndie munapatsidwa Mai Joyce Banda chisanzo choipa
Mwina muziauza maiko akunja komweko amene asakudziwa kuti wachita kuthawa kwanu utaononga chuma. unapanga zijatu unaipitsa mbiri ya amai anzako ndipo usayembekedzereso kut wina angapangeso mistake anapanga Bingu yoika satana wa mkazi pa udindo ngati umeneuja. Munthu osayamika iwe.
Yaikadzi sikoka ngolo.
Yes they can but not corrupt ones
Jb zake zinayela kale and sitidzamukwanitsa,,,,,,tiyeni tizingolila ndi m”mene yikutiphwisila dpp
Zinayela ndi kuba pano alibe mtendere mumtima
Koma bwanji sakumangidwa kufikila pano coz onse Ali involved mu cashgate tikuwawona akumangidwa
Ayakhe Fuso
7 ministers
iwe #omega paja ndi hule linzako eeti?
Inu a omex pa fb ndipochezela osati kutukwana ….kumakhala anthu ozindikila osachita manyazi kuti akutukwana ndani……..bvuto lama savage obweleka ma itel phone obweleka kuti alogeko
Paja nanunso2 musayiwale muli momo mu cashgate kkkkkk
Bingu mbali yake anayesa koma chaaaaa mzimayi oyipa uyo Kungogawanapo chuma chosala amvekele ofufuzayo tizamuuza kuti anaba chonse malemu chabwino tavomera anabadi bwerakoni kwa eniko
Mavuto onsewa analowa chifukwa chamayi ameneyi,lero wathawa akuyankhulira kudziko laweni.mbava yachabechabe.
eeti eeti inu,iye ndiosalakwa bwanji sakubwerera kumudzi kuno
Choona chake ndi chakuti sipadzapedzekanso nsogoleli okoma ntima ngati bakili muluzi,kunena za bingu nayenso anali galu wachabechabe,hule ujanso ndiye chisimu,peter ndiye wangozatiphelatu,kulibwino tibwelele ku u d f,posafuna kutaya nthawi yathu pachabe,
#James analakwanji #Bingu munthu okoma mtima ngati amene uja sazapezekansoo munthu ofunira dziko lake zabwino,kma a Malawi dyera munthu akukonza inu muli iyayi bola azungu,anthu ozolowera kupempha simuzatheka agalu ngati jemuse kkkkkkkkkkki
Akupatse mwayi komweko makape anzakowo
If the Dead Peoples Party has got case against JB, why not to send interpol to arrest her a broad?
I don’t see anything inside her.
They (DPP) really knows that if they attach JB, she will open cans of worms, she would already be arrested, they know something wrong in their defence.
I feel shame to those mouthed peasants of Matchona claiming JB as a thief.
Sakukamba zakuba kwa dpp
JB ngatiti Ababa nao ndalamazo bwanji osamtumira Interpol Police Ku South Africa kuti adzamuimbe mlandu?
Pano ndi 2yrs full, mbava akuiona.
Amumange, akuopa kuti iwonsi s Pitala ndi anzao akaunjikawo aonekera ng’amba.
don’t get scared mommy, u r nt the fist one 2 do such thing. even this leader there r doin the same thing bt only that there r nt cout mom. come home u r better than them am tellin u
crazzy mum mum chani apa amako ndi jb iwe?
hahahahaha once beaten twice shy, Malawi wil never trust a female leader. Kuba plus kuyendayenda too much!!!
Usandikumbuse timatukwanidwa ife akuti amayenda pakhomo paamako chonsecho akugwilisira ndalama yasonkho wanga.wandiliza ine mai ameneyi.
Wat abt 7 ministers are der p p ?
@ Madolo, lets wait for the report, boma sitimayendera ma speculations
Iwe ndiye wayakhula zowoona once beaten twice shy
Never again in this land to be rulled by woman. Ndipo ulibe manyazi!!
Musatinyansepo apa,mulawulawira utsogoleri chifukwa cha imfa ya Bingu.osadabwa mukuthawabe mpaka lero iyaaaaa
Malawi already tried and failed
Malawi has already done that and the results were regretable.
…But JB is not a fugitive.
Missy missy mommy
Bweran kunyumba kae
mamie tabwerani kaye
Aaaa JB welcom
Ndizoona akaz akutsalila tiwapatse mwayi
Makutu kumva zonsamva shit
kod nae uja ali kuti? akuopa chani? afera ku dzko la eni mpaka2.
Abwere azanene ekha tione
lol i miss her… she has to comeback from diaspora and face the truth